Tag: protection

Master the wintry blasts of earth

January 6, 2020 | 20 comments

Have you faced any “wintry blasts of earth,” recently? Mary Baker Eddy wrote about such events and how blessing can result. She stated, “The wintry blasts of earth may uproot the flowers of affection, and scatter them to the winds;

Prayer and the weather

January 2, 2020 | 15 comments

Recently, I watched news report of raging bushfires ripping through large swaths of Australia and heard Australians express helplessness about how to stop them. As I prayed to support my fellowman in that part of the world, I was reminded

How to find more peace

December 13, 2019 | 16 comments

Would you like to find more peace in your life? It’s possible. Let me tell you how I found peace that sticks. I recorded this video while Kathy and I were on our road trip to Alaska last September. It’s

What about getting a physical diagnosis?

October 22, 2019 | 43 comments

Sometimes people praying for spiritual healing are tempted to believe that they need a physical diagnosis to determine “What their problem is.” While it is helpful to understand what suffering stems from, either fear, ignorance or sin, experience proves that

A Travel Prayer

September 26, 2019 | 23 comments

Do you ever travel? I’ve traveled extensively over the decades and have learned from experience that travel goes much better when started with a prayer. Here’s a “travel prayer,” vlog I’d like to share with you that came out of