Tag: thought

What is error?

January 19, 2021 | 26 comments

Error is a term used in Christian Science to describe anything and everything that would deny God’s power and presence. It’s a mistake, a wrong point of view. If you want to see what error is, look on page 498,

Stand guard with Truth

December 20, 2020 | 28 comments

If you want to stay healthy, stand mental guard with Truth and fend off any attempts of fear to influence your thought away from health. In the same way that you guard the front door of your house from outside

The best point of view

December 9, 2020 | 23 comments

Could you use a better point of view to get you moving down the path of progress quicker? If so, seek the highest point of view. It will reveal the options before you to most quickly realize the best results.

Pay attention to Truth and stay healthy

December 8, 2020 | 25 comments

With the media constantly parading images of disease and suffering before the public consciousness, it’s critical for the preservation of health to keep those images out of thought. It’s wiser to pay attention to the spiritual truth about man, rather