Tag: Truth

Be true to thyself

October 23, 2019 | 12 comments

Be True To Thyself Thou must be true thyself If thou the truth wouldst teach; Thy soul must overflow if thou Another’s soul wouldst reach. It needs the overflow of heart To give the lips full speech. Think truly, and

Eliminate blame, and focus on resolution

September 10, 2019 | 16 comments

“Blaming is pointing out there, rather than in here, into your own mind, when you find yourself in a painful or uncomfortable experience. Blame means shifting the responsibility for where you are onto someone or something else, rather than accepting

Did God make pills?

July 23, 2019 | 43 comments

It’s been often asserted by advocates of pharmaceutical remedies that God made pills for the benefit of humans. It’s an interesting scenario to consider, for when a person takes a pill and experiences relief, it’s hard to argue that something

A less labored view of time

January 16, 2019 | 20 comments

One of my favorite gifts received at Christmas this year was a clock sent to me by a couple of appreciative SpiritView readers. The face of the clock includes the phrase, “The time for thinkers has come,” which is a