Tag: video

Making it easy to help others

March 17, 2016 | 20 comments

Here’s a cool short video that explains how one chap who wanted to help his neighbor in need led to hundreds of others ready and willing to do the same. “The pizza shop that pays it forward” “Then the King

Embrace the cross and lighten your load

March 3, 2016 | 17 comments

Here’s a short animated video that cleverly captures the awe-inspiring freedom that comes from understanding what it means to bow before the cross, to let the Lord take your burdens away and to be led down a path of peace.

Are you growing ever more useful?

February 23, 2016 | 9 comments

Here’s an inspiring video of a woman of advanced years who has decided to not idle years away and accept decline, but to live progressively and employ her talents to the best of her understanding. And she is an inspiration

Eliminate that rush-rush feeling

January 27, 2016 | 9 comments

Do you ever feel like you have to rush around to get things done? Here are a few thoughts from a Daily Lift I recently shared that can cure those hurry-up sensations. “Your right place”