Tag: wisdom

One race

July 15, 2020 | 29 comments

“Love hath one race, one realm, one power.” ~ Mary Baker Eddy, from her poem, “The New Century,” Poems, p. 22

Blame less and love more

July 9, 2020 | 22 comments

Do you spend more time blaming others for problems you see in them, or loving others for the good you see in them? Hopefully, the latter! The world could use a lot less blame these days and a lot more

Don’t be bullied by disease

July 8, 2020 | 42 comments

If suggestions of disease ever come your way and want to bully your thought into submission, don’t submit! The apostle Paul was adamant when he decreed, “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7). This rule applies

Bless the world’s turmoil with peace

June 30, 2020 | 34 comments

There’s a lot of mental turmoil in the world today. With thousands of protestors taking to the streets protesting racism. Rioting at times. Anger and hatred being thrown around on the airwaves with abandon. It might be tempting to start

Are you what you see in the mirror?

June 12, 2020 | 19 comments

Have you ever looked in a mirror and said to yourself, “That’s me?” If so, you were mistaken. You are so much more than a physical body. For instance, if you were to send a snapshot of your physical image