Tag: wisdom

The perfect son and the perfect daughter

April 22, 2019 | 27 comments

If you are a parent, it’s helpful to remember that your children were created by God long before you knew about them. Each of us have a perfect individuality in Spirit, at-one with God, that lives eternal Life. It existed

How are you seeing others?

April 17, 2019 | 34 comments

Here’s a short video with a clear moral that builds healthy relationships. “Do not judge people too quickly” Are you judging others with a clear spiritual view? As Jesus Christ taught, “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right

Defend your innocence

March 7, 2019 | 26 comments

Have you ever felt guilty when you were not guilty? It’s a tricky way mortal mind works sometimes, to twist around the facts to make an innocent person feel guilty when they haven’t doing anything wrong. It’s like the abuser

How God heals you

March 5, 2019 | 32 comments

Some people fret over how God is going to heal them if God doesn’t know anything about evil. Fret no more!! God heals us of suffering like the sun removes darkness. The sun knows nothing of darkness, for it is