Tag: wisdom

Listening for God’s direction

December 22, 2008 | 9 comments

When making a critical decision, how do you know if you’re listening to God or to blind human will? This can feel like a tough call to make at times. Last Thursday was one such occasion here on the family

Think for yourself

November 3, 2008 | No comments yet

I read in the newspaper this morning that the combined Obama/McCain campaigns are spending $8 per vote in this election campaign. Around $1 billion have been donated and spent to affect the outcome on November 4th. One billion dollars! Oh,

Elections are upon us…

October 16, 2008 | 5 comments

With elections for a president fast approaching in the United States, there is much discussion and concern about which candidate should be elected into office. McCain or Obama? And opinions fly in all directions about who is most qualified and

Retaining value

October 8, 2008 | 4 comments

People’s jaws are dropping and leaving them gasping for air as they watch their stock portfolio’s decline in value faster than a lead weight falling through the sky. These are heady times, to say the least, for those who measure

Be prepared

October 7, 2008 | 3 comments

I read a fascinating article last night titled, “The Killing Peak,” by Matthew Power, in Men’s Journal. The intro begins, “K2, the world’s second-highest summit, is the true climber’s mountain, more challenging and dangerous than Everest—as the world learned this