Tell the whole truth

December 16, 2019 | 21 comments

“A half-truth is a whole lie.”

~ Yiddish Proverb

Tell the whole truth, and you’ll never have to cover for the half-lie.

21 thoughts on “Tell the whole truth”

  1. My Sunday School teacher taught us to “speak the truth and never fear the consequences as we have God right there as our strength and guide,”. I’ve lived by this, and yes I remember overhearing my dad telling my mum I wish she wouldn’t own up to everything… . So grateful to my Sunday School teacher and my grandparents who were the most wonderful examples of integrity and grace.

  2. Seen spiritually, Truth is all there is. SH 113:23 – “According to the Scripture, I find that God is true, “but every [mortal] man a liar.” Ret. 81:24 “This above all: To thine own self be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man.” Thank you Evan for encouraging us to plunge beneath the surface.

  3. Telling the truth makes life a lot easier and a lot happier. With truth comes joy, Without it, there can be no joy.

  4. When “working on a problem” that seems to be taking time to heal– to see its nothingness –, a thought came to me insistently: how long does it take 2+2 to equal 4? Does it do it gradually? with 3.2 being the answer?, then 3.25?, then 3.4? NO! 2+2 was never for a moment anything but 4. Everyone of those increments are not true. 4 is the only truth of the matter, and the only thing to know. I love this proverb. It’s a baptism.
    Thank you!

    1. Thank you Diane! Your comment reminds me of something I read in the We Knew Mary Baker Eddy book. Mrs. Eddy was recorded as saying something like “If you stand before a mirror, how long does it take your reflection to become full size like the original? No time. The reflection is instantly the same as the original.” I’m paraphrasing, but the gist is exactly what you wrote about addition. The truth doesn’t take time to go from a quarter truth to a half truth and then eventually to a full truth.

        1. I know what you are saying Peter. I’ve had some instantaneous healings where I went from extreme pain to complete painlessness, and I’ve had healings that took longer. While praying about the longer ones, I learned and grew spiritward in my thinking so much. I continue to be blessed by all healings–whether quick or longer. They are in my spiritual storehouse, and I refer to them often, especially if I find myself doubting. Much love to you.

    2. Wow, Diane this is powerful!
      Something I can see so clearly.
      Thank you for this!! God speaks to us all differently but always in a way we can understand!!
      Thank you to Evan and all for helping us think deeper!!
      God is so good!!
      Blessings to all!!

  5. diane w.a.. your comment was eye opening for me, It made me see things as they really are Thank you it was just what I needed this morning

  6. Whose Truth? Truth has many facets as our individual experiences, cultures, and unique ways of processing information. Truth is not nailed down to anyone’s concept of it.. I figured out why there is so much controversy even in Christian Science about Truth and what Mrs. Eddy said. Because Truth as an absolute is out of our reach here. At best we only have very feeble glimpses of it.. In Science I learned to stop in any given situation and ask, “Love what would you have me do here and now in this situation?” Dabbling around with what Truth is will get us in more controversy and confusion than any one needs.

    1. God is Truth! That’s the only Truth there is. Just like you ask “Love, what would you have me do here and now in this situation?” You can ask: “Truth (God), what is true here and now in this situation?”

      Truth is our very being. We live in Truth, Truth is spiritual reality perceived with our spiritual senses. There isn’t one absolute universe of Truth and one material universe separate with many feeble truths. Truth, Spirit, God, Principle, Love, Soul, Mind, is the absolute Truth. The absolute is reality, but, we are each on our own individual journeys with God to a full realization and understanding of this absolute Truth. We are already there, just growing into an understanding that we are already there.

      One of my favorite Christian Science podcasts ends with: “healing doesn’t take time, it takes Truth and you have it [right here and now!]”

  7. Sometimes when I am seeking to understand Truth more fully, I think of mathematics, that
    2 + 2 = 4. That is an absolute fact; has been and always will be throughout eternity. It is a universal timeless truth or principle for every culture, every place in the universe, every individual; every race, every time. It is not open to opinion or interpretation. It is not dependent on intellect, ethnicity, political party, or religious doctrine to be understood and practiced. It is available to all to understand and practice without controversy or conflict. It is never out of reach but always present in consciousness. The 2 + 2= 4 unfolds in its infinite manner, according to the principle of mathematics, as individuals accept it; practice it; allow it to grow in thought. This is how I like to think of Truth, God! Thank you, Evan, for sharing.

  8. Great comments (as always)!

    As you know, I love analogies. (Thank you, Christ Jesus, for always teaching with Parables!)
    So I naturally appreciate this one: 2+2=4…and does not gradually become 4!! Haha

    As we are learning, human thought is yielding to what IS: TRUTH!
    This seems to be Truth Appearing, but it is the yielding that reveals What IS!
    And this yielding is Global! We students of the Science of Truth are blessed
    by this study, as we all know. But Truth is impartial, like the Sunshine!

    Love you, Family!

  9. Truth is God and, therefore, spiritual. There is nothing material nor circumstantial in Truth. When circumstances seem to be claiming something other than Good-that which God eternally is-we can refuse to entertain those thoughts and hold to God, Divine Mind, as the only Source, the source of only good, and in absolute control. Then we can relax, pray, listen and follow with assurance that our action is guided by Truth and can only lead to perfect harmony.

  10. Great comments! I love the 2+2 =4 analogy and have used it so many times! Even if everyone around us is saying 2+2=5 , it doesn’t change the actual truth thar2+2=4. Nor can the false statement harm us or effect us if we are clear about the truth. This has helped me when praying during what appears to be a contagion. I think one of the things that has held up my healings is that after I have declared the truth that I continue to take notice of the material symptoms- worrying or watching or basically making something out of them. When I have been been consistent in directing my thought to the truth moment by moment the symptoms do yield. The healing occurs when we are no longer impressed or interested in their lies! The truth is very simple. Even a child can understand it. God would never hide it from us. But the worldly mind doesn’t see it. That’s why it’s so readily available to the innocent, pure and trusting thought of a child. We need to be more like that.

  11. Thank you Evan. The whole day yesterday I had no idea what to coment.
    Am grateful for all the comments here. Simple but wonderfully true what Josef says, thank you! 🙂
    An incident I had vehemently to correct last night let’s me be very thankful for Truth, the Truth that God is, unwavering. And it shows me to be first true to myself as God’s child. Then I can be true to my neighbor as well.

  12. Truth is that which IS: “The anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye abide in him.”
    (1 John:2:27 )

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