Thanksgiving Day

November 23, 2017 | 42 comments

It is a National Holiday of Thanksgiving in the USA today, a special time to remember our blessings and express gratitude for them.
Thanks be to God, the giver of all good!
Among my long list of reasons to be grateful, I include you, a reader of this blog!
Thank you for your support, your comments, thoughts and prayers throughout the year. They bless me, and I in turn, pray to return those blessings to others.
Wishing you a gratitude-filled day.

“Always be thankful.”
~ Colossians 3:15, NLT

Psalm 100:3-5 (NLT)
3 Acknowledge that the LORD is God! He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

42 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Day”

  1. We have no official Thanksgiving Day here in the UK, but each day can be an outpouring of gratitude for blessings large and small. So today I thank you Evan for the wonderful help I have had since I started following your blogs and vlogs – and also to my fellow SV followers for all their lively comments and poems which give such joy. Thank you all xx

  2. A BIG THANK YOU to dear EVAN for daily giving us a spiritual feast of “SPIRIT VIEW”. The enlightenment through your blog is a shining light in our path, many a times addresses the very problems we face. Deeply deeply grateful.

    Also wish to thank your team at “Spirit View” for bringing new inspirations to us daily.

    All my Spirit View friends, a warm hug and thanks to all of you. HAPPY THANKSGIVING.

  3. Very grateful for all your daily inspiration Evan, and to everyone who contributes their really helpful thoughts and experiences. Happy Thanksgiving to all. 🙂

  4. I am so grateful for SpiritView, for the inspiration you share with us Evan.
    And for the comments and prayers of all who contribute, thank you too!
    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  5. Thank you for the inspiration and sense of community shared through the SpiritView blog, Evan. Your dedication and spiritual reflections are appreciated, as are the comments shared in this forum. God bless. Lovingly, Ruth

  6. On this special day in the US I wish you a Thanksgiving Day filled with love, the love you share continuously on SpiritView, you give to others, and that blesses so many and me.
    Have a joy filled day with yourfamily and your loved ones!

    Such gratitude for your blog and all your generosity in sending out your inspiration!
    Much love

  7. Thank you, Evan, and I count SpiritView among my gratitude blessings each day with thanks to God. Thanksgiving blessings (each day) all!

  8. Blessings and gratitude to you Evan for the many ideas you share. Also, to the readers who add their comments. Always so helpful. Happy Thanksgiving.

  9. Hi Evan and group. Today’s wonderful article. Very HAPPY Thanksgiving day to all, who enrich me, encourage with your comments. Even the comment in simple appearance is of a depth that only reflecting Love can be given. Thank you, thank you and blessings to all. Ah and Nergish, it’s good to see you commenting again, your opinions are very clear and totally tinged by the Spirit.

  10. Dear Evan and fellow SpiritView-ers …
    May the blessings of Thanksgiving be with you and your families!


    Thankfulness is thoughtfulness,
    and joy and hope and praise,
    acknowledgment that God is good,
    and gladness for His ways.

    Thankfulness is thoughtfulness,
    inspiration, faith, delight,
    the sunshine of eternal day
    dispelling doubt and night.

    – Thelma Brooks – from the Christian Science Sentinel, November 1, 1947.

  11. So much gratitude to you, Evan and all of you members of this wonderful family ~ of God’s Universal Family! What a joy it is to come here for such inspirational, caring, comforting, sharing thoughts. It truly is one of my greatest blessings. Thank you all and a very Happy Thanksgiving today and Everyday.

  12. I wish to thank everyone in the Spirtview family for the inspiration and Love throughout the year so many times you have given me just what I needed, Day in Day out everyone here is truly a blessing

  13. Evan, I am grateful for the outreach of useful, truth filled ideas you share each day. I frequently post your Blog on FB. Each message is like a stone in a pond of thought that reaches out with a blessing to all of us that read, share and ponder. Happy Thanks-Giving to you Evan and to every person that contributes.

  14. Many thanks Evan for your daily posts. They are so comforting and insightful. Also I feel gratitude to the many viewers that contribute. Feels like a family of friends. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  15. Thank you Evan for today`s loving SpiritView, and I am grateful for all the blessings I, too, received from you and from all dear commenters of the SV-family over the whole year! ;-)))

    Nergish, I also am glad you are back , as I missed your loving and inspiring comments, thank you! 🙂

    I celebrate in Spirit with all you US-friends the Thanksgiving in my church, as we have our thanksgiving service this evening, am looking forward to it! 🙂

  16. You, Evan, and all who contribute loving thoughts: thank you for bringing blessied thoughts into my new life—on my own for first time (as I turn 78 tomorrow) in Bend, Oregon.

    1. Dear Judith, bless your heart for moving forward in your life. A gentle reminder that you are never on your own. You have all the Love, support, power, guidance, safety, from your father-mother, companion, best friend, right there with you, always. ♡

    2. Hi dear Judith,
      Thats very true what Trista presents you so lovingly!
      And I will add something comforting more: God loves you so much, and He overwhelms you with His endless Love and Joy and lots of blessings also without end 😉

  17. Blessings world wide Spirit view family! Where two or three are gathered in My name….there is power
    from the Father!
    I surely feel all of that here today.

  18. Our Creator
    Who art Spirit
    Holy one
    Thou art infinite
    All is divine love
    Here with us
    As it is always
    Our support
    Purify our hearts
    As we share that purity with others
    To not be deceived
    To know no error
    For Thou art Spirit

  19. I am so grateful for these inspiring thoughts dear Evan and All. Much love and blessings to everyone on this day of thanks and every day.

  20. We can be supremely
    Of our most natural instinct
    and ability to be at one
    with Mind, Love and
    the presence of the Almighty….
    Therefore the deepest love and beauty will be with us as we are
    guided by reflecting God…

  21. I am simply in awe at the beauty, power, and loveliness that continues to pour forth from this SV community. Thank you Father-Mother God for expressing your greatness through Evan and all of us. Gratitude abounds!

  22. My giving thanks/ gratitude to Evan and the loving writers who contribute to Spiritview. Evan’s precious writings on this page have been sent to my grandson and have brought God and C.S. into his life. He especially loves the ones where Evan begins with…………….God is……………..God can…………..God will…………
    (A whole page sometimes of what God can do for each one of us.) These articles have helped open up a spiritual view of God’s care to my adult grandson. I am so grateful for this open door for him. It is comforting to have him tell me,( his grandmother), to “turn to God and ask him what you should do!!” Thank y ou dear Evan and all the wonderful contributors. Onward!!!!

  23. Thanksgiving greetings to you Evan,
    Although I don’t reply to your inspiring messages, I love them and thank you for them.
    My daughter alerted me to them and I’m grateful she did.
    Love to you and your family ❣️

  24. You’re the first thing I read each morning when I check my computer. Always timely, uplifting and fresh with ideas, insight and comfort. Thank you Evan.

  25. My deepest gratitude to you Evan and to our worldwide family of followers of your blogs and vlogs. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  26. I’m grateful to God for Evan and all those who share in this space. God has infinite ways to supply us with inspiration and Love, and this blog is one of them. Thanks to all.

  27. Thank you, and all the dedicated students of the word of God around the world, for the prayers that bless all, and are witnessing God’s presence and the Allness of Trusth and Love’s power!

  28. I have been unable to read your blog for a number of weeks as I have been in hospital with a broken arm and shoulder but the truths I have thought about and the loving visits made have sustained me. in my hour of need all needs have been answered and I was kept in a warm frame of mind so have plenty of gratitude thank you.

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