The benefits of love over anger

June 25, 2024 | 22 comments

If you want to stay healthy, don’t stay angry, is a message from this article published in the Wall Street Journal, “Anger does a lot more damage to your body than you realize,” on May 22, 2024.

The author, Sumathi Reddy, reports on different studies that show the bad effect anger has on the health of the body.  She offers some human mind techniques for coping with anger, rather than succumbing to it.

There’s an even better answer, though.  A spiritual one; getting to know God as infinite Love.

A God of infinite Love has a solution to any problem we face.  

When treated unfairly, rudely, or in a way that kindles anger, rather than letting anger take over, we can appeal to the Mind of Love for a perspective that brings calm, dominion, and peace to the situation.  We don’t have to react.  We can respond—we can respond with intelligent Love that produces a good effect for us and those around us.

Chronic anger is not necessary.  Living a spiritually inspired life dominated by Love brings far better results.

22 thoughts on “The benefits of love over anger”

    1. Thanks for sharing the poem. It is one of my favorites and it was very helpful when I need inspiration years ago, Nice to be reminded of the support from our periodicals and those who share their inspiration in them.

    2. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem. Truth comes to us in such sweet and unexpected ways.

  1. SO true Evan…not only that but extreme anger can actually make you feel ill…. I learnt that the hard way! (even though we know God is the only cause)…but hmmm it certainly doesn’t help to let negative emotions take over.

  2. “A God of infinite Love has a solution to any problem we face”. I love that, Evan!
    Thanks. Sometimes the qualms of mortal mind upset us so, we seem to get caught
    up in the angst of anger … and peace seems fleeting in those moments. Lies … or
    at least – perceived – lies, can seem to trigger thought into a tizzy, especially ones
    that have Seemed to hurt so much in the past, but realizing there is no past, really
    – helps calm those lies of deception – that there is anything beside divine Love.
    “a spiritually inspired life dominated by Love” helps to keep the outbursts of mortal
    errors out of thought and what a blessing that is, when all sorts of humanly lies
    tend to want to creep into our thinking, and anger, mistrust, inharmony Try to take
    over. The challenge is not to let them.

    1. As always, thank you so much for your comments Angel. As you state, it’s so important to realize that there is no mortal past/history of human relationships – no present or future either – just the nowness of our identity as God’s beloved children.

  3. Beautiful reminder how important it is to conquer feelings of anger. And, how easy it is when we turn to God, divine Love for assistance!

    1. Very true Melissa. Last week my husband and I were working hard to prepare the house for our daughter who was coming to visit from across the country, and we seemed to be running out of time to get everything done. We were both getting very short tempered with each other and the anger was really escalating. Suddenly I thought, NO error, you can’t come into my home and cause inharmony. Only God is here, only Harmony is present, only divine Love is here. There is no force or power that can come in and disrupt my home and our Peace. I just kept declaring this way silently and went on with my cleaning and preparations. After a while I noticed that all was peaceful and we even laughed about how we had been behaving.

      It’s good to know our right to declare Truth and be freed from anger or other negative emotions.

  4. Quite a number of years ago I had had a seeming dispute with someone I love, and I
    was feeling angry. I sat down at the kitchen table to pray, because I hated the way I was
    feeling, and wanted to be rid of this awful feeling. I don’t remember what I prayed as
    it is a long time ago, but I will never forget it because I suddenly found myself laughing.
    as It all suddenly seemed petty and ridiculous. The laughter was just spontaneous and
    I couldn’t help it, it just happened. Divine Love restored peace to us and the anger
    just evaporated.

    Materiality would have us in turmoils if we let it, so, as Evan
    says in his last paragraph, “Chronic anger is not necessary. Living a spiritually inspired life dominated by Love brings far better results” I love the thought that it is not necessary
    to be angry – it doesn’t bring about the harmony we desire, but blocks it..We do much better
    without it

    Thank you all for your inspiring comments as ever.

  5. It is not that we condone every act, but that we don’t ingest our response to dishonor our relationship to God, others and ourselves.

  6. The article “Chronic anger-Healed “ Name Withheld in the May 2009 Christian Science Journal really helped me.

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