The best immunity

April 8, 2021 | 32 comments

Many people believe they need a vaccine to develop immunity to the coronavirus. Even by medical expectations, these vaccines are not full proof. Sometimes they work. Sometimes they don’t. It appears that booster shots may be needed perhaps far into the future as the virus mutates and requires modified treatments. The effect of a shot is temporal, and it is accompanied by a lingering fear that exposure could still be fatal.

There’s a better way!

God gave man spiritual immunity to disease. Each of us, as a child of God, has built-in spiritual immunity to disease. Spiritual mindedness is the surest defense against any disease.

Why? Because disease is transmitted mentally. It’s conscious and unconscious fear of disease that spreads it physically. When consciousness is fortressed with fearless Truth, it becomes immune to the mental spread of disease, and thus brings physical protection as well.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote, “A calm, Christian state of mind is a better preventive of contagion than a drug, or than any other possible sanative method; and the ‘perfect Love’ that “casteth out fear” is a sure defense” (Misc. Writings, p. 229).

Even if one gets a vaccine shot, it’s wise to understand and demonstrate spiritual immunity, for where the vaccine comes up short, one’s demonstration of spiritual immunity will offer the certain protection that keeps one healthy and strong.

The best protection will always be found in spiritual protection.

God created man spiritual. Each of us have a spiritual individuality made in the likeness of God that is immune to disease. An understanding of this truth protects the physical body from disease by keeping the thought governing that body in a healthy spiritual place.

If you want to stay healthy, go for the best treatment. Seek Truth treatment! Seek an understanding of your immunity in Spirit. It will offer the best protection, and bring you profound peace of mind too.

Spiritual immunity is the best immunity.

32 thoughts on “The best immunity”

  1. Your inspiration today is absolutely brilliant, Evan. Thank you very much. One’s protection is assured!

    1. George Cook Shaw back in ’38 and your previous submission from’30 are “The old has become the new”. Even thousands of years ago David’s 91st Psalm exhibits truthful reassurances of the protection of Truth cleansing consciousness from false beliefs. The Plague entering the gates in the allegory is a caution to “Be not afraid,”
      Thank you once again this morning for your research.

      Thank you Evan for bearing us us up to a higher standard of Truth’s protection. Error comes along to claim the victory. As before, but mot for evermore. The battle is already won, by Truth. Spirit is unchanged. Not by inoculations from fearful beliefs. Our true selfhood rests far above all of the beliefs contained in mortality. Confidently we will walk where we must, wrapped around with the armor of protecting Truth. “Clad in a panoply of Love”.

  2. So reassuring to understand that we are created as sturdy and lasting as God is,

    No susceptibility to unknown agents.

    We are safe and pure and healthy.

    Thank you Evan for stirring up the Truth within.

  3. Wonderful strong reassuring ideas, Evan. And thank you, Linda, your words resonated with me. Love the idea of no susceptibility to unknown agents. We are safe and pure and healthy. Amen!

  4. Thank you, Evan and Spirit Viewer commenters and thinkers of the Truth and Martine for that helpful article. It is interesting that even back in 1938 it was mentioned, “Unfortunately the press, the screen and the radio are being increasingly used to convey horrific pictures of disaster and crime”. So much more so today, does modern technology try to sway our fears and opinions. These experimental so-called ‘vaccines’ are promoted on the false premise of what the intention of a vaccine is, keeping from giving or getting an ailment, but I have heard they were designed to lessen symptoms and no where will they admit that they are 100% effective as a ‘vaccine’. Our best immunity really is the Truth.

  5. Great blog and comments this morning. All very helpful. Thank you,Evan, and each who added thoughts. Appreciate the perspective for handling immunity by understanding our built-in spiritual immunity from God.

  6. Evan,
    I really liked what you said here;

    “Because disease is transmitted mentally. It’s conscious and unconscious fear of disease that spreads it physically. When consciousness is fortressed with fearless Truth, it becomes immune to the mental spread of disease, and thus brings physical protection as well.”

    Martine, thank you for sharing that wonderful article! So relevant!

    I also like;
    “Beloved Christian Scientists, keep your minds so filled with Truth and Love, that sin, disease, and death cannot enter them. It is plain that nothing can be added to the mind already full. There is no door through which evil can enter, and no space for evil to fill in a mind filled with goodness. Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited.” The First Church of Christ,
    Scientist, and Miscellany, p. 210

  7. Evan, I really appreciate that you often revisit this topic. It helps me deal thoughtfully with each new wave of fear or concern that is raised by others and brings a higher view to my thinking. In instances where it seems I would now be cut off from participating in social activities because I have chosen not to be vaccinated and reply on God for my protection; Love is filling the void in ways I could not have thought possible from a human perspective. Only God can bring us gladness, only God can give us peace. As always, “you’re da best”.

  8. Thanks Evan and everyone for your comments. I agree with Jackie that it’s nice for Evan to periodically revisit this topic. The media and friends constantly revisit it from a fearful, out of control, perspective, so it’s nice to revisit it from a Truth perspective.

    I really loved this line:

    Each of us have a spiritual individuality made in the likeness of God that is immune to disease.

    We “have” and we “are”. But “have” kind of makes me think of my spiritual identity as a “shield”. Something we all have that, if realized, we can use to protect us from all of the false suggestions about contagion.

      1. Hi Cg,

        No, even though I’m a Mother Church member, I’m currently disqualified from contributing to the periodicals or becoming Journal listed as a practitioner because I took class instruction from an authorized CSB (about 6 months after she went through Normal class) back in 1983 that was later found unworthy to be a teacher, was put on probation, and then excommunicated. So in the eyes of the MC I’m “tainted” by association, as is everyone else that has taken class from a CSB that was later put on probation and/or excommunicated. I’m disqualified until I take class again and so far I’ve just not been led to do that. One day I’m sure I will, but until then I can’t write for the periodicals.

        1. I also really appreciate your patient reflection, and, often novel interpretation of comments and quotes Brian.

          I am really sorry to hear you are prohibited from the Practice or writing articles. Taking Class is a big step and one which is not entered into lightly.

          Thank you for your excellent contributions here.

          1. Thanks to both of you. I’m sure the Mother Church has good reasons for doing this, but it is a little disheartening to be punished for the actions of another person when I’ve followed all of the rules myself.

        2. I know people that have taken class a second time years later, with a wonderful teacher, and they just LOVE the new relationship and being part of a dynamic association family. Perhaps this is a chance to enjoy a fresh class experience with someone that is just right for you. Not too many people get to go through class twice!:) It is divine Love’s provision for this unfortunate human circumstance!

          1. Thanks Kate. I’m sure this will be my experience too. It’s just figuring out the “someone that is just right for [me]” part that hasn’t become clear to me yet.

        3. Hi Brian,

          I too appreciate the many useful insights and inspirations you share. Keep them coming!

          I’m sorry to hear about your past class experience. To give the others proper perspective, The Mother Church is not an enemy in these instances. From what I know, the delisting of a teacher is extremely rare, and happens only when that teacher has done something highly offensive toward the church or with the teachings of Christian Science. Delisting a teacher is not taken lightly by the Board of Directors, and I’ve been good friends with most of the members on the Board of Directors for many years now. They are very good people, who take their job very seriously and pray with all their heart to make fair and just decisions.

          I do not know any of the particulars of your circumstance, but I encourage you to take class again. The reason Mary Baker Eddy made provision for students of delisted teachers to take class is because the assumption is that the teacher miss-taught their students on something fundamentally important in CS. That doesn’t mean your understanding of Truth is off, but for the safety of all, Eddy made it possible for any students affected to quickly jump right back “into the program” you might say, and be sure they receive clear straight teaching.

          I’ve had a few students over the years in the exact situation you went through who have taken class the second time with me, and they are flourishing today.

          I agree, it is unfortunate what happened to you, because you were innocent, and had no idea that was coming down the pike, But you are infinitely flexible with Truth, and can demonstrate right past it, and keep on flourishing! God has put the means you need before you. Use them and keep moving! And keep up all your good work, sharing, and caring. It is blessing others.

          :Love to you.

          1. Thank you Evan. Much love to you too. I didn’t mean to hijack the conversation today so perhaps it would be best to make this the last word on this subject and we can all get back to focusing on your wonderful message today. I’m sure I will be led to do the right thing at the right time and I’m just trusting God to reveal that to me. Thanks again for your insights! I totally agree and don’t feel badly towards anyone involved…even my prior teacher.

        4. Brian, I apologize, I know you wanted to end this with your last remark below, but just had to say we love and appreciate you and the wisdom you share. I have benefited a lot from many ideas you’ve put forth on SpiritView. Don’t feel you hijacked the conversation, clearly this came up for a reason.
          Blessings to you!

          1. Thank you Rose. Yes, perhaps this is the kick in the pants I need to pray more diligently about finding who I’m meant to take class with again. 🙂

        5. Brian,
          Hmmm… I do not see you as “tainted” in any way. That label doesn’t stick. 🙂 I prefer a label for you of “so incredibly loved that you only deserve to be taught Truth – and nothing short of that.” 😉

          Wanted to let you know I really enjoy your comments and contributions too. 🙂

  9. I so appreciate your blogs, Evan, on the real defense from any disease being immunity in Spirit…”the Truth treatment”. The support you give daily is the best part of my day. Thank you!

  10. Evan , your daily persistence to help us know the Truth of what our real life real progress, and real experience is , is so truly appreciated. You constantly help me turn off the drip, drip , drip of how materialism tries to impress by your sharing of Love, Love and more Love …. our protection, our immunity. Thank you also for the comments from everyone which are always so helpful for me.
    ‘Be firm in your understanding that the Divine Mind governs’ ❣️

  11. Oh. I am so grateful that Evan uncovers
    the erroneous conviction that vaccination brings us the needed immunity and instead shows us the better way to our God given safe immunity. It is all so clear what you say, Evan, for example that spiritual immunity is the best immunity. And as a child of God each one of us has built-in spiritual immunity to desease already. Oh Evan I love all your spiritual views which express much Love assuring us of our true spiritual individuality and Health! And I love Mrs. Eddy’s statement from Mis. mentioned above. Thank you very much, Evan for your daily gift of great healing ideas!

  12. Thank you Evan for these wonderful healing thoughts. They and all the other comments have been so very helpful. I am so grateful to you all.

  13. Thank you for your reminder of our foolproof spiritual immunity. To ‘fear not’ is a timeless and protective command. I also have found sharing Mary Baker Eddy’s words, “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live and move and breath;” to be well received and comforting.

    1. “In atmosphere of Love divine, We live and move and breath;” – Christian Science Hymnal 144-145. It’s not clear that those are Mrs. Eddy’s words (credited only as “H” in the Hymnal), but they are a go-to declaration of fearlessness for me, too.

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