The importance of being grateful

November 21, 2016 | 19 comments

God is the source of all good, large and small, noticed and unnoticed, past, present and future. The more we see and acknowledge the goodness of God, the more of it we’re ready to receive.

Mary Baker Eddy wrote,

“Are we really grateful for the good already received? Then we shall avail ourselves of the blessings we have, and thus be fitted to receive more” Science and Health, p. 3.

Fit yourself to receive more blessing than ever. Give thanks to the Giver of all Good today!

19 thoughts on “The importance of being grateful”

  1. Wow! Thanks be to God and to each of you today and through this blessed Thanksgiving week ahead! Evan, I am one of many who are filled with endless gratitude for the daily inspiration and keen insight you share with us! May you feel especially “thanked and loved” during the whole upcoming holiday season and beyond!

    Dear special friends of Spirit View: here’s a newly posted article that relates so well to this important and timely subject of Gratitude…

    ” Dear God … Thank You for being You ”

    With gentle humility and warm hugs to all! Have a Great-Full Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you, Chris, for your thoughts today and for the link to the Sentinel article! What a lovely way to begin this Thanksgiving season that, for me, will continue far beyond the holiday! Hugs to you!

  2. Making a “Gratitude List” makes me feel so indebted to God for His goodness and His grace in my life. Doing this on a regular basis, keeps my thoughts focused on God’s lovely downpour of gifts, does not allow me to complain about disappointments. Rather the disappointments and challenges faced in life, takes me closer to God, makes me lean more on His love and goodness and feel blessed and happy.
    My Moral Science teacher in school taught us “Go closer to God and you will learn more about His goodness and love. Go closer to man kind and you learn more of his/her drawbacks. So stay very close to God always.”
    Evan, thanks for this lovely reminder, that the more grateful we are, the more blessed we will be.
    I am so grateful to my divine father for always blessing me with all that I need. In fact even before I ask Him, He knows my needs. The only thing I need to do is acknowledge His infinite and unconditional love and goodness and be grateful each moment, with my every breath.

  3. Very grateful, Evan for today’s posting, and to Chris and Nergish for your comments. We all have so much to be grateful for when we pause to consider. I liked a little sentence I saw recently from the Pooh books – ‘Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.’ (A A Milne)
    (P.S. could any SV friend comment please on the phrase in this week’s lesson section 4 in S&H ‘pathological Truth-power’? It seems contradictory, but I know Mrs Eddy chose every word very carefully. Thank you.)

  4. Marion:
    mybiblelesson (at defines pathological as “disease-treating”. So disease treating Truth-power…makes sense because that’s what Truth-power does: treats disease and all other misconceptions of being. Thanks for pointing that out, I might have skipped right over that! Grateful for all my Spiritview buddies!

  5. Marion, I just looked up “pathological” in Webster’s Dictionary, and see it can mean “extreme.”

    So perhaps Mrs. Eddy was referring to Truth-power as just this… extreme, all-powerful, which it is!

    I enjoy the opportunity to learn more about the words she uses in her teachings.


    1. Thank you very much, Spiritviewfan and Grace, that makes it a lot clearer! I had looked up ‘pathology’ and ‘pathological’ in dictionaries, but not found any meaning which really fitted. I much appreciate your help!

  6. Evan, thank you for taking the time each day to share inspiration with us all. And thank you, frequent commentors, for doing the same. May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life and may you all dwell in the house of the Lord forever. God is Good!

  7. What can one add that hasn’t been so eloquently stated above? I am ever so grateful for all of your wonderful messages to us, Evan and all the blessings shared by SpiritView family, through comments or in thought. I had an experience the other day that I am thankful for and just wanted to share. I was driving a friend to an appointment and as we proceeded along, we saw two deer running parallel to the road in a field. I gently slowed up, as I had a feeling they might stop and jump the fence and that is exactly what one of them did. Just as I was slowing to let her pass, a car that was behind us a few cars back speedily started passing us, not knowing why I was going slow, only to find out about the deer that was at that point jumping in front of his car also. We all were able to avoid a collision and my friend and I were so thankful. God is good. God guides and we are all blessed. Much gratitude to you all.

  8. Thank you, Evan, and All Commenters for such Beautiful Sharings on Gratitude and it’s Bountiful Gifts! I woke up in the wee hours this morning with “America, America, God Shed His/Her Grace on Thee….and Crown Thy Good with Brotherhood/Sisterhood from Sea to Shining Sea…”!! So many Beautiful Songs and Thoughts about our Precious America flooded my thought and it came to me that America is and always has been under God’s Loving Hand and always will be! So Grateful!! Also, so Grateful for this very, very powerful C.S. Bible Lesson on how to Handle Animal Magnetism. It is so fitting for dealing with the turbulence in America and on the Planet right now! We can Pray and Know and also Speak out as Jesus did with his powerful and pungent rebukes of Error, Evil, Satan, the Devil, the Serpent, the Red Dragon, etc.! Taking a Stand for: “God is everywhere, and nothing apart from Him is present or has power.”

  9. Evan and all my SV buddies thanks for all your thoughts! I am grateful that God is a loving God and loves each one of us and is guiding and supplying all we need. Enjoy!!

  10. Father…
    Every drop of realization
    From you is more precious
    More valuable than any
    Priceless jewel or
    Earthly riches
    That I may see myself
    As you see me
    Is an inheritance
    Of infinite value

    1. Thank you Evan for sharing your bounty with us all here on SV. So much to be grateful for.

      And to all the dear ones who bring all the side dishes ” comments ” with such love and gratitude.

      “Happy Thanksgiving ” Everyone!

      God Loves us all so much!

      Blessings to you All always!

  11. Thanks Evan & SV Family! You are all so good, kind and loving! I look forward everyday to reading and sharing in the Truth of Gods Love for us all. I am so very thankful for everything and everyone!

  12. Many thanks to everyone who has commented. And, especially to Chris for the link to the Sentinel article. Although I had read it before, it was certainly worth another read.

    May all the SpiritView fans, as well as Evan, have a glorious Thanksgiving filled with bountiful blessings.

  13. I am so grateful to God, to Evan for his love and insights shared here, and all of the wonderful commentators. Blessings to all.

  14. I am so very grateful for grace, the unmerited approval, protection, and love of our Father, Mother, God. It is very humbling.

  15. I ditto all the comments above. So grateful to Mrs. Eddy, our Mother Church Board, The Publishing Society, Evan and, above all for God and his son Christ Jesus who have guided and protected me all 80 years of my life on this plane of existence. Grateful for four, close, loving sons and 12 grandchildren who live in 3 other states; grateful for a wonderful smooth retirement, sale of my home of 30 years in CA when homes were not selling, and my smooth move to WA and purchase of this home 17 years ago, In all situations I only listened to God when others said I should do things differently. As Mrs. Eddy said, “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human neSed.” Soooooo…….grateful for all of you.

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