The Libyans’ fight for freedom

March 8, 2011 | 2 comments

Who do you expect to win in Libya? I asked myself recently.

I sympathize with the rebels who are fighting for increased human rights and freedoms. I do not have firsthand experience living in Libya, but from what I read and hear, the government looks extremely repressive and unresponsive to their people. When government forces kill their own in the streets, something is wrong.

I pray that the people find a peaceful solution and those rulers from the past that are not in sync with the needs of tomorrow willingly step aside. But that doesn’t always look to be the case. Gaddafi seems determined to stay put, until death, if need be.

The government with its military hardware and salaried commanders with thousands of troops to use against the people look ominous at times. The odds seemed stacked against the freedom-fighters when measured in military terms.

But the fighters for increased freedoms have Principle on their side. What they are fighting for has a spiritual foundation to hold them up. Their might and fight is more than comes from protests, guns and mass rallies. There is a divine impetus at work in the collective thought demanding a higher government and more righteous leadership to take the lead in the country. Those who stand in the way will be removed. They cannot resist the momentum of Right. It is irresistible and unstoppable.

The prospect of civil war, though, is distressful. A true victory needs to be worked out based on the oneness of Mind and the rightness of the progressive idea being pursued. But if the fight descends into who has the biggest guns and the largest club, liberty may suffer delayed emergence. Let’s pray it doesn’t.

2 thoughts on “The Libyans’ fight for freedom”

  1. Thank you for this post… and let’s pray, because our prayers really make difference. We can see their action in the middle of that conflict every day.

  2. My husband and myself are also praying! It’s good to know there are others praying, too.

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