The most important activity of your day

November 25, 2020 | 18 comments

Do you ever feel harried, rushed, under pressure, or short on time to do everything? If so, it might be time to slow down and remember what the most important activity of the day is.

In this vlog, I share some spiritual ideas on how to keep peace of mind during the day, and still get the jobs done that you need to do.

I recorded this video while hiking in the Theodore Roosevelt National Park last October.

18 thoughts on “The most important activity of your day”

      1. Thank you , Evan. Angie, the articles you post always help me go a little deeper with Evan’s posts. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I’m so grateful for you all.

  1. Oh Evan, what a perfect way to start my day. I am going to act on this advice right now, and feel more at peace already, Thank you!

  2. Evan thanks for your emphasis on feeling God’s love.
    There is an old hymn that includes the words “The longer I serve Him the sweeter He is.”
    We can’t think our way into a relationship with God. It’s all about feelings like the ones you shared out on our glorious hike.

  3. Thank you Evan. Very helpful and very calming.
    ‘ He makes me lie down in green pastures,
    He leads me beside still waters ‘ Ps 23

  4. Thank you, Evan and Kathy, for taking us all along on your spectacular journey through such beautiful country. It is so nice to get a glimpse of nature’s Spirit view, as well as your
    most helpful messages. The blessings are abundantly appreciated.

  5. Keep those videos coming, Evan, even when you go home. Although I’ve loved reading your blogs, I also like hearing and seeing you. Your daily message is certainly something for which to be grateful.
    Bless you and I wish you and your family a glorious Thanksgiving.

  6. Evan, I’m not sure how you did it because we’ve never met, but you were definitely talking about me today! Thank you for a much-needed message.

  7. With Evan’s SpiritView, his vlogs, the commenters and the sharing of articles from the SV family, we are Blessed everyday with Thanksgiving!! I am most grateful to you ALL!
    The whole world is being healed of whatever needs healing by the collective good thoughts from God shared here! My heart is filled up Full with GRATITUDE ❤️

  8. I feel so fortunate to have come across Evan’s blog/vlog a few months ago. Wow!! And appreciate all of the comments, articles and links….all of which have contributed to increasing my understanding of Christian Science. Thank you so much! I was able to apply what I’ve learned to a situation yesterday. My company had job cuts, and I felt that someone was unfairly let go, while another person got to stay on. I could feel resentment, anger and irritation overwhelm my thinking, and a short time later I started feeling extreme back pain. I didn’t like the way I was thinking or feeling, and so as I thought about it, it came as a HUGE relief to realize that I actually had a choice, and I could shift my thinking to a higher spiritual view. As I did that, and asked God what He/She was seeing, some very comforting and reassuring thoughts came into view, and a sense of peace came over me. And all the back pain immediately left. I’m still in awe… Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  9. Thanks to all for the wonderful Blogs, Vlogs, and comments in this Spirit View activity. It is like a family enjoying gratitude and Thanksgiving together each day. Have a lovely day tomorrow in what ever way you find yourselves celebrating. Much Love to all..

  10. This Thansgiving I’m expressing deep gratitude for my SpiritView family. May you all have a day ovefflowing with blessings.

  11. Yes, I understand and am sure it is absolute so as you said in your Vlog dear Evan!
    On Facebook this Evening I got a verse from a friend, which says “This is the day the Lord has made, let us be joyful and glad in it”. And then she says that surely our most important wishes are, to have good friends, family, freedon and the love for God. These were her wishes to her FB friends for Thanksgivingday. I love that Bible verse, which promisses us a nice joyful day. And it is right, most important in my live are friends, freedom and the love for God! And Evan talked about loving God will lead us into a joyfilled, progressive day.
    Thank you very very much for your today`s so loving Vlog, Evan!!! And I too love the landscape in which you were hiking with Kathy. Have you and your family a very lovely and blessed Thanksgiving!, Evan and a l l SpiritView Friends ! 🙂

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