The obsolescence of matter

May 23, 2013 | 14 comments

Astrophysicist Sir James Jeans wrote in the 1930s, “…the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.”

In the May issue of WIRED magazine, a reporter asked lead pioneers in the software industry what their thoughts about the future of computing included, and Michael Benna of Mekanism is quoted as saying,


“Soon we won’t even have a physical device.”


Mary Baker Eddy saw this vision over a century ago when she wrote, “All is Mind and Mind’s idea” (Science and Health, p. 492).


Humanity is barreling down a path of inevitable discovery that we live in a universe of Mind, where things are thoughts, and that the substance of those thoughts is not matter. It is Spirit.


14 thoughts on “The obsolescence of matter”

  1. “Matter is not what we thought it was !” This is what I say instead of “There is no matter.” That absolute may be true, but most folks tend to reject as too extreme.

    And progress comes from growing our thoughts,
    our recognition that real substance lies in principles like mathematics, reason, ethics, music & art, truth-finding methods, & principles of imagination that can take us beyond the “physical devices”.

  2. Interesting!! Dr. Robert Lanza, one of the most respected scientists in the world—a US News & World Report cover story called him a “genius” and a “renegade thinker,” likening him to Einstein, co-authored a new book titled Biocentrism. Through various repeatable experiments and proof of theory, showed that indeed matter is NOT!! Their scientific conclusion is that all is Consciousness, Mind. Not a religious dissertation but incredibly revealing and showing how ahead of scientific thinking was Mary Baker Eddy.

  3. At the early stage of my study of C/S, a C/S Practitioner asked me where my wife was. I answered, “She is at home.”
    Meaning a material dwelling place with an address. Again the Practitioner asked me, and again I told her. Then she pointed out that my wife was in my thought and could never be taken from me. I then realized that all was thought and there was no matter in it.

  4. an article a friend sent me from by american doctor of medicine robert lanza presented a theory called biocentrism says that”every thing we see and experience right now is a whirl of information occuring in your mind” a revolutionary view that life creates the universe instead of the other way around.following lanza’s logic,the whole universe is not somewhere out there,but inside our head.lanza also said”we believe in death simply because we’ve been taught we die”

  5. While each of these quotes lead us to believe that all is mind and spirit, matter is not yet obsolete in our lives. Daily, we still have a need to chop wood and carry water. Rather than making it an either or choice between matter and spirit, integration of the two may be the better option, rather than discounting matter all together. I appreciate a quote by Dr. David Frawley;

    “The essence of healing is integration. Faith, love, devotion, and the sense of the unity and sacred nature of humanity and all life are missing in modern medicine. These qualities do not create any dogma, nor do they impose any idea, will or discipline on another. They give the space and freedom to grow and to see. They create the grace and the flow of the life force necessary for healing to occur. Without them the magic, wonder, beauty and purpose in life are taken away. Most of us today are sick because this spiritual meaning is not present in our lives. We are trapped in the tedium and stimulation of the outer world with practically nothing to nourish our hearts.”

    While it is exciting to ponder the idea of living solely in our minds, wisdom would suggest that with the approach of a tornado, head for an underground shelter and don’t rely solely upon scientific prayer.

  6. …and when Mrs. Eddy was a child her teacher asked the class, and I’m paraphrasing, “If I had an orange, peeled off the skin, threw the peel away and then threw the orange away, what would be left?” Young Mary Baker replied, “The thought of the orange.”

  7. GREAT topic. Many of us have stopped approaching storms,or prayed for rain, and got it. Mary Baker Eddy did so, and CS lecturers have often to overcome obstacles like floods, and other events that would keep them from being in the right place at the right time. Thank you to Tobias for his clear example of thought,

  8. You guys are full of crap. This is nothing more than mental masterbation. Mary Baker Eddy was a con who stole all her writings from someone else and the courts agreed with her opposer. You don’t actually help people you just keep them bound in thought depriving them of their God given ability to act. Christ’s atonement is far more powerful than your thoughts, something of which CS puts little emphasis on. You draw close to him with your lips, but your hearts are far from God and his purposes.

  9. To above anon,

    You have your facts wrong and have made many incorrect assertions. Mary Baker Eddy did not steal her ideas from anyone. It never was proven in court, or anywhere else, that she did. Quite to the contrary. It has been circulated in print by those unwilling to appreciate the value of Eddy’s teachings that she stole ideas from others, but this type of false accusation is no different than those who falsely accused Jesus Christ because they were unwilling to open their thought to the blessings he had to share.

    I agree with you that Christ’s atonement is far superior to any human thoughts. That is a fundamental teaching of Christian Science. So, you have made an incorrect statement there too.

    I would encourage you to seek out the truth before making statements that are not true.

  10. Dear Evan, I don’t know if you’ll publish this, but I want you to know I am so glad you answered Anonmyous above. I was appalled at the insulting language and the obvious hatred in that message.
    The very first thing I look at in the morning when I turn on the screen is your blog and over the months it has given me so much inspsiration. I’m sure many others feel the same way.
    You are clad in the panoply of divine Love and a whole army of Anonmyous can’t reach you. Thank you for your tireless work on behalf of tired humanity.

  11. To Evan:
    How much do you make for a CS lecture? Thousands of dollars? Yeah you live a pretty lavish lifestyle and people pay you for prayer. Jesus never received payment for prayer. The bible teaches that prayer is free and that anyone can pray to the father in the name of Jesus. Your Christian Science is false, Mary Baker Eddy is hack who led many many people astray. Your CS Church is failing and more people will come to realize that what you do really doesn’t work or help anything. That’s the truth and you can’t handle the truth! Plus who says that you know the truth? What authority do you have to act in God’s name? What authority do you have to publish the truth? You don’t know God’s opinion. How could you? You’re no different than anyone else.

  12. To above,

    You make many grossly incorrect assumptions and assertions. But I’m happy to reply to the subject of income. Yes, patients do pay me for my services so that I can continue my services. I have to pay bills just like you do. Jesus had a band of rich women paying his ministry bills. Pastors of churches get paid salaries. This is nothing unusual. Everybody has bills to pay. Except in the Christian Science practice, there is no guaranteed salary. One has to truly earn his or her way through their works.

    The CS church is not failing at all. Yes, there may be a purification going on, but that always has a healthy effect and leaves the institution in a stronger healthier place than ever. The church will be on earth until there is no need for churches. But that’s a long way off. And yes, CS definitely does work. For those with an open mind and willing heart, it brings tremendous blessing. Healing happens every day all over the world.

    Yep, I am like everybody else in the sense that we’re all loved children of God, including you!

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