The Piano Stairs

June 10, 2011 | 4 comments

Do you have fun in life? I hope so. It’s all a matter of choosing the right set of stairs to walk up.

Some people like to always choose the “easy way,” rather than put a little effort into their treks and discover something new, unexpected and exciting.

Check out this video for a few giggles and laughs…

The walking-choice of the escalator or the piano-stairs reminded me of the choice between matter-based living and Spirit-based living. At first glance, to the mortal mind, the matter-based options appear easier and more attractive. They are “easier” human logic reasons. But as the creators of this video point out, when other options are more fun, people are more likely to choose them over the mundane and routine.

Moral of the above: The choice of thinking “I am mortal. I live a material life. I need material remedies and support,” is the escalator. It appears logical and easiest to pursue to the uninspired human mind, but in the end, is quite boring and unrewarding.

The choice of “I am a spiritual being living a spiritual life. I am going to put in the effort today to learn more about my spirituality and live true to it,” is the stairs. It appears to the human mind to require more work and is not so attractive. But when pursued, is far more rewarding. Spiritual blessings pour in and enrich our experience with delight and enlightened discovery. We come out of it a better person.

4 thoughts on “The Piano Stairs”

  1. As always, thank you!

    As I always take the “material” stairs for physical health, I must remember to take the spiritual stairs for my spiritual health!

    Elaine in Virginia

  2. Ah yes! Parables ~ Analogies ~ Pictures that say 1000 words …. so very helpful.

    Your blogs are full of the fun of Soul!

    Didn’t someone say, “Man is God, enjoying Himself!”?

    Love it!

    Love you!

    Sue :<))

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