The Power of Forgiveness

July 18, 2011 | 3 comments

Now here’s a powerful story of a mother who forgave the murderer of her young son.
Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies. This woman lived this rule and proved the benefit it brings to victim and victimizer.  An example for us to follow…

3 thoughts on “The Power of Forgiveness”

  1. I have to admit, it is impossible to forgive humanly in such a situation. Yet, with God, all things are possible. It does start with putting aside how we see ourselves humanly. Knowing who we are spiritually and embracing such, makes that leap to forgive less painful, more possible.

    I have been where i had to forgive someone who hated me for over 20 years. It was nothing like what i have outlined it would be like. The seeming hate towards me and being maligned was without real cause. However, once i forgave, it was tremendously peaceful. G

  2. Thanks Evan, we need these constant reminders. I remember when my father’s teenage son died (my half-brother), mysteriously with the gun he’d given the young man. My relationship with my father had always been tense, up and down. But when I heard my brother, his son, had died, had stopped fighting for his life, just days after I’d visited him in hospital, my heart just went out to my father; instantly forgave him for all the riffs of decades. I thought, “No one should have to live with that kind of pain.” It just dissolved, my animosity.


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