The rebels in Libya

March 22, 2011 | 5 comments

The internal struggle for greater human rights in Libya offers many valuable spiritual lessons.

One fact it reveals is the tenacity of error.

Gaddafi is absolutely convinced he is right and deserves to continue ruling the country in the same way he was brutally governed for 40 years. Many of the people who have suffered under his regime see differently. With the contagious winds of freedom blowing through Tunisia and Egypt, desire to experience more of the same is growing in the citizenship of neighboring countries. But the old ways don’t give up easily. Lust for power and greed dig their heels in even deeper until pried out of place by even stronger resolution to stand up for what is right. This is the fight…

I find food for thought in Eddy’s words from Science and Health, “The powers of this world will fight, and will command their sentinels not to let truth pass the guard until it subscribes to their systems; but Science, heeding not the pointed bayonet, marches on. There is always some tumult, but there is a rallying to truth’s standard.”

“The powers of this world…” are greed, lust, malice, selfishness and all their kin. Their “sentinels” are fear and ignorance that hold people in bondage to their evil ways.

Once citizens understand their rights to self-government and God-government they lose their fear of “the pointed bayonet.” Fears that in the past held them in bondage to tyranny dissolve. They stand up for their rights, face the foe fearlessly, conquer that enemy, and march on to victory.

The rebels fighting Gaddafi in Libya is one front in which this scene is being played out today. There are many others.

What about you and your efforts to stay healthy and live peacefully? Is there any type of tyrannical ruler that you have bowed down to and served over time?

What might some of these tyrannical rulers be?

How about disease, contagion, heredity, and sin? Or medical teachings, medical diagnosis, medical opinions, and medical views promoted on television? Are you serving these despots of material sense? Do you fear them? If so, it’s time to face the foe, conquer that fear, and march on to victory. The choice is yours to make.

Are you going to remain in bondage? Or is it time to rebel and get free?

The fight is worth it. Like with the rebels, though, the fight for victory is not for wimps. But it is necessary. God will support the right idea and its advocates one hundred per cent.

5 thoughts on “The rebels in Libya”

  1. Thankyou for this website. It is much needed and my husband and I enjoy and use the words of wisdom printed here. My husband is not a student of C.S.,…I am.
    We can both feel a meeting place here where each can understand the right way to go….thankyou Evan for these Signposts, sorry to have missed your visit to uk last week.
    Kind thoughts, Ilona

  2. This is just wonderful, as always. This morning I got up free after a day of prayer yesterday to fight the imposition of pain in my thought. The idea just came that the one Mind is aware of this freedom and harmony – so the people in Lybia, in Japan and all over the world are in this same Mind. We all can be aware of just good ideas and justice is the standard of Love.
    Thank you Evan.

  3. Most people don’t or won’t recognize that we have the same loss of freedom to resolve in our own nation. The Act of 1871 changed our Republic (good) into a corporation in the form of a democracy (evil) and displaced our original constitution with one that said “of” THE UNITED STATES instead of “for” the united States, hence creating corporate guidelines instead of rule by Principle. I suppose we’ll become like Libya before people will begin to notice and question. The pointed bayonets are here in this country as Mrs. Eddy says. She would have a lot to say about the state of affairs we have allowed to happen in our country. Mrs. Eddy discovered C. S. in 1866 (the greatest good) just about the time of the Act of 1871 happened (the greatest evil). The coincidence, I find interesting.

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