The strength of humility

November 14, 2016 | 16 comments

“Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you.”

~ Colossians 3:13, The Message

We don’t have to come out on top of every argument we have with another to be in first place. The winner is the one who masters the negativity of the carnal mind and demonstrates grace, poise, control, dominion, humility, meekness and love. As Jesus promised, the meek shall inherit the good of the earth, not the proud.

16 thoughts on “The strength of humility”

  1. Dear Evan, thank you very much for your so inspiring article in the December Journal. But its necessary for me read it over and over again in order to fully take in me the Truth of it.
    And thank you for your today s reminder to express God, Love in every situation which will occur today!

  2. So very well said Evan, the one who demonstrates grace, poise, control, dominion, humility, meekness and love is the winner. The meek and humble always are on the side of the Christ, and one with God is a majority.
    Moreover, the proud never inherit the kingdom, but the meek and humble do. What a lovely reward indeed. It’s worthwhile to let go of pride and inherit all good on earth.

  3. Thanks ever so much, Evan! And this could apply to accepting the results of the American Presidential Election! Hard, I know……Takes lots of Trust, Prayer, Humility, Forgiveness and maybe most of all going back to Knowing that One Person is not the controlling power in our lives……God, Divine Mind, is the only power and we are All under His/Her government. Keep the Faith, Stay Up and Move Forward with Love, Trust and Acceptance!

    1. I think humility shines in ways that we sometimes least expect it if we keep an open mind and know the facts of things that sometimes are blurred or slanted in all sorts of directions, sadly, to sway opinion one way or the other. There seems to be a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding in our world today and the truth needs to be seen. In other words, one can not believe everything they read. Freedom to express ourselves is one thing that we can appreciate. Sometimes we take these things for granted. What a great reminder, Evan, of humility.

      1. PS. I meant freedom to express ourselves, like on this site, in religious ways is a blessing we should cherish. I wasn’t referring to the negative and violent protests in the above regard if that is what it may have sounded like. I just wanted to clarify that.

  4. Thank you Evan for this important reminder. Ahhh, humility, what a wonderful thing! Love this! “Be…content with second place”…many kids (and adults!) in today’s competitive world need to hear this. (=

    Thanks Nergish and Bevi, too! Well said. (=

  5. Nice to redeem our spiritual qualities on a daily basis.
    Your reminder and direction gives us grace.

    Thank You.

  6. The only times I insist on being first, coming out on top is when I begin my daily prayers and periods of contemplation…..The first thing I usually experience when sitting in silence is thoughts of my day rushing in, like little chicks in a nest, each one vying for my attention, and these , of course, are the thoughts from mortal mind each one crying that they are the truth, as they claim they are the correct interpretation of reality. However, I have discovered the Truth of Divine Mind within my self….it has recently made itself known to me, it has emerged and is now functioning in my mind, it stands as an impersonal principle and also a friend and guardian…(actually as my True nature) and it cares not for the falsity of the claims of unreality and always wins…This calms the waters of my consciousness so I can then experience the reflections of Gods loving qualities into my experience…

    The most intense activity
    I engage in is Stillness..
    And once here, intensity
    is expressed as Peace..

  7. By declaring Truth as impersonal I would like to add…
    Being impersonal, Truth does judge
    Therefore we are not judged by truth
    and in this way we can know the deep
    root of Truth is Love….so as Truth is
    recognized as our everpresent reality
    we experience Love

  8. Some of “the Master’s” teachings for his followers are received with joy by today’s Christians, but a few of them, like Luke 12:33, are seemingly often rejected as not being practical for observation in today’s world.

    When a fellow Christian apparently is not aware of this teaching of Jesus it is good to mention it to them, and discuss it with them further if time allows and if they’re interested, but we’re never to be judgmental regarding this or any of Jesus’ teachings. It is okay to be meek and come out in second place in discussions.

    We’re to pass on Jesus’ teachings to all the nations {Matthew 28:19-20) and try to be following them ourselves – with gentleness, humility, meekness and love.

    However we’re never to be judgmental. Following Christ is a free-will activity: voluntary Jesus’ teachings are a blessing for those who will be trying to follow them forever and ever. Never give up your faith.

    Evan has some good insight found in some of his past blogs on how to follow this teaching of Jesus (Luke 12:32-34) without actually following it literally. Although I don’t always totally agree with Evan I believe he has the precious Spirit of Christ and is an excellent teacher.

  9. Thank you Evan for this keen reminder! There is no competition in loving. Taking everything with the qualities you have listed secures our faith, health and joy.

  10. Thanks ever so much, Evan! I ditto Nergish and Bevi’si comments, but this part of Bevi’s message is worth repeating: “And this could apply to accepting the results of the American Presidential Election! Hard, I know……Takes lots of Trust, Prayer, Humility, Forgiveness and maybe most of all going back to Knowing that One Person is not the controlling power in our lives……God, Divine Mind, is the only power and we are All under His/Her government. Keep the Faith, Stay Up and Move Forward with Love, Trust and Acceptance!” Well said Bevi.

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