Things are not a mess in God’s world

March 1, 2021 | 43 comments

Daily, I have people call me overrun with angst, worries, and fears about events going on in their country and around the world. They look out through the eyes of mortal mind and see corruption, deceit, dishonesty, greed, selfishness, malice, injustice, and more, running rampant, destroying all hope of anything positive to look forward to. They know some good things are happening in places, but their focus on the bad overwhelms that sense, leaving them feeling helpless and hopeless about what lies ahead.

I do not share these views, for I pray, and typically see, Truth and Love at work in all situations, improving the bad, shoring up the good and advancing mankind toward a full realization of God’s government in control—the kingdom of heaven at hand—here and now! Nonetheless, millions of people are struggling with feelings of depression and darkness, and it is incumbent on anyone who can, to help the struggling thought see past darkness to the presence of God that is filled with light, hope and bright promise.

In my own efforts to help, I remind people that perspective is everything! If you observe the world from a depressed, hopeless point of view, you’re going to find reasons to feel depressed and hopeless. If you look at the world from God’s point of view, you’re going to find hope, promise and reasons to celebrate.

From God’s point of view, good is in control, moving humanity’s thought in a positive direction that overcomes corruption, dishonesty, greed and all the injustices of a selfish mortal mind. No matter how much turmoil, conflict, or division arises in the meantime, good will have the final say. Good will come out on top. The wrong will be sorted out from the right, the wrong left behind, and the right takes over.

The whole world has been moving in a positive direction for centuries, as humanity has advanced in so many ways that has improved the lives of billions of people around the globe physically, morally, and spiritually. Studies have shown that there are less wars in the world today than in the history of mankind. Progress is happening!

So, if you’re in despair, pray for a higher point of view. A spiritual point of view!

In God’s world of omnipresent good, things are going swimmingly well, and the thought that dwells there stays positive, enlightened, happy, productive, and healthy.

Things are not a mess in God’s world, the realm of spiritual reality. They are in order, and are a joy to participate in. You can choose to be part of it, and the sooner the better!

43 thoughts on “Things are not a mess in God’s world”

    1. Wonderful article Evan- thank you! Sometimes I wake in the middle of the night- ready to go… I think it is an opportunity to pray, grow and affirm Truth. This was a perfect middle of the night study/prayer. Thanks- Martine for the article you posted above. It was very helpful-I did take notes.

    2. Wow! What a phenomenal article! It’s such a treat to be able to hear the author read it. I will be relistening to it and applying the ideas. Thank you for sharing this, Martine. Btw, I hope everyone was able to see the landing of Perseverance, the amazingly cute robot, on Mars recently. You can check it out on What beautiful.order was expressed by all those involved in the program! Let’s persevere with divinely inspired order!

  1. Evan, thank you for taking the time to write these each day! I really appreciate what you share. I’m very grateful for your site. Thank you!

  2. Thank you Evan for this very uplifting point of view above the fray.
    Thanks everyone for the articles so loving for you to share.

  3. Wow… thank you Evan. Just what I needed today. Thank you readers for the articles . Happy March 1.

  4. Yes , this is What its all about , we dont have to be saints to heal or to be heald in Christian Science, change of thought

  5. Thank you for this excellent directive, Evan. Truth and Love ARE at work, ordering & “order-ing” our day, the unfoldment of good. So many wonderful, developmental additions to Evan’s article; Barbara Cook Spencer’s article really delves deeply into the idea of harmonious order. Thank you all

  6. So much of today’s theology is focused on the fast approaching”end times’ cited in The Revelation book of the Bible. So relieving to read your message today Evan and to be reassured that “in God’s world things…… are in order and are a joy to participate in”.

  7. Gods world is the world I want to be in!
    ! I love all the good thats come from this so called pandemic including our outreach to share this Science with others

    Thank you Evan for this daily contribution – your blog is one of the many things I share with those struggling

  8. Thanks, Evan…for pulling us up by the bootstraps! I so appreciate the links shared to such great articles. Thank you! I also agree that Dan Murray’s comment does not belong here.

  9. Thank you dear Evan, for caring about the world. It’s so easy for me to just care about my own little life and neglect to care for the whole world. And your point about there being fewer wars now than anytime in history reminds me that things are getting better, So grateful for your inspiring thoughts to start the day.

    1. Yes, honesty and transparency and exposing corruption, greed, dishonesty through facts in order to be healed, rather than swept under the rug and/or ignored is necessary to correct them.
      Looking at things through a spiritual lens helps to see the world in a healing light.
      Jesus overturned the tables of the money-changers. “Ye shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set [us] free.”

  10. Thank you very much Evan for the reminder of how important a spiritual, uplifting perspective can change our outlook on global events.

  11. Dear Evan,
    Thank you so much for all your prayers on behalf of us all. Your positivity, based on divine Truth, is so powerful and full of grace.
    Usually I’m pretty optimistic, but last night felt some sadness and depression due to not hearing from a couple of loved sons for over 2 wks. As I prayed for inspiration, the thought came to check Instagram where I viewed a posting 4 days ago by one son of his dripping wetsuit and surfboard. It brought a smile and gratitude that he was enjoying life. The self pity vanished and another idea came to hv them over for a meal soon. I then resumed reading “Begin again–James Baldwin’s America and its urgent lessons for our own” by Eddie Glaude. One lesson I’ve learned is how our black citizens have been so resilient, and for the most part, maintaining their joy and spiritual strength, by their deep reliance on God, The Bible, their churches and church community. It puts things into a better perspective. Much love to all our wonderful SpiritView community. I really appreciate you all!!

    1. Hello Cathryn, I read you reply to Evan’s Article and was moved to share with you my thoughts re: The African-American resilience to heartache and persecution. I moved to a small town in the Bible Belt South and I can attest to the fervent spirituality that has historically evolved in their culture. I quite admire their ability generally to forgive and move on toward a higher ground of thought. I have much to learn from them. thanks

      1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience, Noble. Yes, forgiveness is such a grace. We all can learn so much from their experience. PBS has a great series available on their website, The Black Church, which you may find of interest. I’m so grateful for docus that enlighten and inform us, creating a path of healing.

  12. Evan, thanks for your Spiritview today!
    Our own perspective is ALL that really matters . . . just got thru reading the weekly Bible Lesson on Man. It is really how we perceive our true reflection of God that matters.
    Love to read all of the comments here and will go to the NASA web-site to see the Mars landing, a true demonstration of the divine Principle that controls everything in the universe.

  13. Thank you, thank you so much Evan and every contributor…I definitely choose to be in God’s world…the truth of our real being ….the experience of Divine Love guiding our thought …the rule of Divine Mind as we express Life as Gods idea. The perspective of Truth❣️

  14. This message really resonated with me. I’ve already shared it on FB, copied it out for myself, and shared it with two others . . . thank you!

  15. This was just what I needed to read today, thank you Evan. My friends and I just had a discussion about some things going on in the world, and this puts my thinking back on the right track. I also wanted to thank you for the post about Elaina Simpson, as I went on her blog also and have enjoyed her writing also. I’m grateful for this blog and the comments from those that share more inspiration. Truly look forward to it daily.

  16. Thank you Evan and All! The Journal article Angie shared this past Friday led me to the following statement from S&H:

    The corporeal senses are the only source of evil or error.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 489:24–25)

    The word “only” jumped out at me when reading this. So often I’ve thought that some person or circumstance or bodily ailment was the source of evil or error, but according to this statement it’s just the corporal senses that are to blame. Very “eye” opening, wouldn’t you say? 🙂

    But just what are the corporal senses I then asked myself. Well, right after the sentence above in S&H are these sentences:

    Christian Science shows them [corporeal senses] to be false, because matter has no sensation, and no organic construction can give it hearing and sight nor make it the medium of Mind. Outside the material sense of things, all is harmony. A wrong sense of God, man, and creation is non-sense, want of sense.
    (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 489:25–30)

    These citations come from the chapter Recapitulation on page 488 under the question:

    Question. — Do the five corporeal senses constitute man? …

    The first sentences of the answer to this question are the following:

    Answer. — Christian Science sustains with immortal proof the impossibility of any material sense, and defines these so-called senses as mortal beliefs, the testimony of which cannot be true either of man or of his Maker. The corporeal senses can take no cognizance of spiritual reality and immortality.

    Wow, how often have I tried to take cognizance of spiritual reality through the corporeal senses and been disappointed. But here is very clear instruction that we won’t find spiritual reality through the belief of material sense. We only realize spiritual reality through spiritual sense…or through prayerfully seeking a better understanding of God and God’s creation (the effect of God).

    I’ve often been puzzled about the Bible story of Jesus being asleep in the ship that was being tossed by waves as if he were oblivious to the storm that was about to sink the boat as viewed from the disciples material senses. I now wonder if Jesus WAS oblivious to the storm (i.e. from Jesus perspective there was no storm). Then after the disciples woke up Jesus, Jesus then woke up the disciples so that they could see the harmony he was experiencing. Last week there was also the story of blind Bartimaeus. When Bartimaeuswalked up to Jesus, what did Jesus say but “What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?” Is that indicative that Jesus didn’t see Bartimaeus as being blind and instead saw Bartimaeus only as God made him, and therefore that is why Jesus had to ask Bartimaeus what he needed?

    I had a small demonstration of being able to see harmony where other people see discord last year. The political situation in the U.S. can really get you down if you let it. And last year it was definitely getting me down. So I decided to pray to see that the politicians were not actually what the material senses would have me believe. I prayed to realize that everyone is actually an expression of God and therefore nobody could be annoying. Everyone instead has to express the qualities of God, like love, intelligence, wisdom, etc. I didn’t just think these truths, I knew these truths (kept reasoning from this standpoint until these truths became true to me). As I did this, I also quit focusing so much on the news. I’m not saying I stuck my head in the sand, but I just stopped focusing on the sensationalism in the news and just focused on the facts. For example, I started doing web searches to see what the economic statistics actually were instead of just choosing what either the right or left wing biased media was telling me was accurate. And then when I went to vote, I felt like I was making a more informed decision. But the best part was that the “clamor” of politics became much quieter in my life and therefore it didn’t trouble me anymore. Through prayer I was able to realize God’s control and that manifested itself in my life in more peace. Other people were still getting as riled up as before, but it wasn’t affecting me any longer. So it really is possible to silence evil and error by shutting off the corporeal senses and focusing instead on spiritual sense…that mental sense that operates in thought that is able to realize God’s creation right where the corporeal senses would try to hide God’s creation.

  17. Dear Even, as I read today’s post MBE’s beautiful hymn/poem played in the background of my thought: O gentle presence, peace and joy and power! Oh, Live Divine that OWNS each waiting hour ——- Mother’s Evening Prayer
    What happens after evening? The warmth and expectation of another glorious day!!! Darkness dissolved to a dim memory and productive energetic activity blossoms!!! Hope and expectation of progress revealed- God blesses us – every one!!

  18. Thank you Evan for reminding me that I have a choice to make when it comes to my thinking. Oft times I get pretty low before turning to the Spirit/Mind/God, however, when I do so gratitude can lift me out of the pit of despair. Gratitude for the smallest of small. ie. breath, life, salvation or the greatest of all.
    Thanks again.

  19. What a relief to read your post today “Things are not a mess”!!! Regularly, I am confronted with the negative, mortal mind, view you describe, by people trying to convince me. they know what they are talking about. Worse, they are trying to win me over to their view, their side of looking at things. Thank you for so concisely stating the reality all around us. If it weren’t for the Christian Science teachings we can follow, it would be hard to get out of bed in the morning. .

  20. Have just read in Bible John 1::5…….God is light……and in Him is no darkness
    At all”. Also a hymn says”In beauty, grandeur order,His handiwork is shown”. Both support your article today and apply to everyday experiences. Very helpful.Thanks again

  21. One must not neccessarily in despair to pray for a higher point of view. It is always good and helpful to pray for a spiritual point of view trusting God to guide us to such higher and healibg spiritual outlook.
    Thank you very much, dear Evan to lead our thoughts and view to a spiritual level where God’s healing power is in control – so comfortibg. Thank you for SpiritView! ♡

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