Think straight

October 1, 2019 | 12 comments

“One cannot think crooked and walk straight.”

~ Author Unknown

To “think straight” is to know spiritual truth and to act on it. It keeps one on the “straight and narrow way,” (Matt. 7:13,14) that Jesus Christ has walked before us, and leads to all good.

12 thoughts on “Think straight”

  1. QUOTE:
    “If you want life to be happier, you must change your thinking. It’s how you deal with stress that determines how well you achieve happiness.”
    – Marc and Angel

  2. This works well with today’s Daily Thought from JSH-Online:
    “In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust: let me never be put to confusion.”
    Psalms 71:1 (King James Version)

    If we’re having trouble “thinking straight,” God is always there to help us!

    1. Thank you Diane❣️Your comment will be my first entry on my October prayer journal. With clarity, it came through for me.

  3. Visited a hospital yesterday. Saw many mortal exhibitions. Said to my friend,
    “All these patients, buildings, equipment,, doctors would have never been necessary if for one man, clothed in a robe, riding on an ass were here.”
    In fact the Christ was there. Walking along with us, whispering the Truth of all the various situations presented in this place of mercy. It is the straight and narrow way to unsee the errors of mortal sense. To recognize the reality of God’s creation and his reflection all around this place.
    And heal a hospital full of the needful.

  4. When travelling I enjoy wandering off the beaten path and finding unexpected beautiful sights, often meeting very friendly people enjoying the same thing. However, I strive to keep my thoughts on the straight and narrow path that leads to heaven and harmony.

  5. My first thought, when I ask myself, what is spiritual Truth is, the first chapter of the book of Genesis in the holy Bible. There it says, that God created the whole earth; and He made man in His, in God’s image and likeness, and behold it was very good
    (Genesis 1: 31).
    So, for me the spiritual truth is that man ìs God’s loved image, reflecting his almighty , all good Creator.
    But, yes we have to pray to demonstate this absolute truth. But God is helping us through His Christ, the idea of Truth, as Christian Science teaches us. Am grateful for this blog and for God having lead me to this wonderful Science!

  6. One cannot think crooked because there is only one Mind. Only a mortal sense of things would lead us to believe one could think crooked or that there were many mortal minds that could think straight or think crooked. Evan, good job. You dropped that one in here to see if we were awake today…lol.

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