Thrive in love

August 29, 2024 | 26 comments

God has a special message for us all.  He says through the writings of Isaiah:

If you are generous with the hungry and start giving yourselves to the down-and-out, your lives will begin to glow in the darkness, your shadowed lives will be bathed in sunlight.

I will always show you where to go.  I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places—firm muscles, strong bones.  You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry (Isaiah 58:10,11 The Message).

The “hungry” and “down-and-out” include anyone that is hungry to know what real love feels like.  The soul that is depressed, discouraged, despondent, angry, lonely, sick, or lost, is looking for something better.  

Love meets the need.  Love is “water from heaven” that refreshes the earth and everyone on it.

You can be the one that brings the waters of heaven to the one thirsting for its blessing.  You can be the one that helps the down-and-out feel the touch of love that takes their suffering away.

And even more, the love you give blesses you, turning you into a well-watered garden.

Love and thrive.  It’s a recipe for success in life.

26 thoughts on “Thrive in love”

  1. Evan, your message for today really resonates with me! Embracing Love in its highest and truest sense enables us to forget self and to focus our thoughts on blessing others around us. In taking on this mindset, we in turn are by nurtured by God’s ever-present love — “cared for, watched over, beloved, and protected,” as stated in Hymn number 279 of the Christian Science hymnal. I have an art workshop coming up that I am in charge of. I am knowing that all will be blessed who will be participating because of my enthusiasm for helping the attendees create their works following my demonstration at the beginning and seeing their individual expressions as a result.

    1. Thank you, Evan – a lovely uplifting and instructive message.

      Anne, that is a lovely analogy. My first thought was that
      ‘art is from the heart’ – a gift of Love that is given to us in many
      forms – every one of us has a spiritual gift given to us by divine
      Love. Christ was the supreme artist, and demonstrated for
      us the beauty of what he was teaching, and then left it to
      us to learn from it, and practice it in our individual ways, but
      always from the great heart of Love. This obviously applies
      to your art workshop, Anne. I am sure everyone will greatly
      benefit from it. And it is always lovely to share what we have
      achieved as a result, and see the different ways the teaching
      has inspired each individual.

      And I’m sure we all remember
      that the Law of God is “Love At Work”

  2. Hymn p. 30 Love, Mary Baker Eddy

    “Fed by Thy love divine we live ,
    For Love alone is Life”
    A favorite hymn and statement.

    The title tells us,
    “Twas Love whose finger traced
    A bow of promise on the cloud.”

    1. Thank you Sheree for the link to Mrs. Eddy’s poem, Love. It made me feel comforted and warm inside.

    2. I’m also very thankful, dear Sheree that you post us the wonderful poem LOVE by Mary Baker Eddy. It’s the healing and comforting LOVE, God, full of warmth, as Rose mentions!

      1. O, I just read the following words by MBEddy in Mis. p. 397:17 :

        “My prayer, some daily good to do
        To Thine, for Thee;
        An offering pure of Love, whereto
        God leadeth me.”

        So, it’s comforting to know that God leadeth us to the opportunity to do good and spend healing Love!

    3. From Mrs. Eddy’s delightful poem:
      “If thou the bending reed wouldst break By thought or word unkind,
      Pray that his Spirit you partake, who loved and healed mankind…
      Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain, That make men one in love remain”.
      We need to be so tuned in to what are we thinking, listening to … is it
      thought or word unkind? or Christlike thinking that loved and healed
      mankind. If thoughts are not thinking positively, but are negative and
      negating the Truth, instead of being constructively thinking of how to make
      our world a better place, we need to realize where the Truth reigns… where
      Love remains and always will remain.

  3. Am always looking for more ways to express more love in fresh and original ways if anyone has ideas. Some things are obvious: holding doors open, saying thank you a lot, complimenting, tipping generously, writing thank you notes. Any other ideas folks found effective would be welcome.

    1. Those are great ideas of giving love, Lindajane. The above message, photo and
      comments reminded me of Mrs. Eddy’s statement – “The rich in spirit help the poor
      in one grand brotherhood, all having the same Principle, or Father; and blessed is
      that man who seeth his brother’s need and supplieth it, seeking his own in another’s
      good. Love giveth to the least spiritual idea might, immortality, and goodness, which
      shine through all as the blossom shines through the bud. All the varied expressions of
      God reflect health, holiness, immortality – infinite Life, Truth, and Love”.
      Yesterday at the transfer station, it was very busy and the gentleman who usually
      retrieves the trash bags from the car, was helping others. When I went to do it
      myself, a young girl in the car behind me, sprang out of their car and rushed over
      to help me, with the biggest smile of love. It was beautiful and such a showering
      of sincere willingness to help another. We all are blessed with seeing another’s
      need and supplying it. What blesses one, blesses all …. as she seemed as happy to
      offer her assistance as I was to get it. Love reflected in love.

      1. How considerate of the young lady! When we give we receive, too, as her happiness showed. Thanks for responding.

        1. Yes, it was a lovely gesture. I could have easily done
          it myself, but it gave her and me an opportunity to have
          an exchange of smiles, thank you and Love shared. To
          know that she was very much appreciated for her act of
          kindness, I’m sure made her feel good and that encourages
          her to continue with such thoughtfulness.

          1. Good insight on blessing the young lady! The founder of positive psychology or science of happiness in his book teaching students at UPenn about happiness did experiments. He asked the students to help someone like shovel their snow and then do something that made themselves happy like buying an ice cream cone and eating it. The students found that the unselfish giving act created more happiness which lasted longer. His ultimate recipe for happiness was something to the effect “using your signature strengths in something meaningful to you”. Signature strengths are our talents or God’s gifts to us and using them in a God-given purpose which the highest could be doing God’s will or being God’s likeness.

  4. I Love this message, the sweet photo, the inspiration, comments .. from God’s beautiful
    sources in sharing Love! The caring and love portrayed in the garden above, to me, depicts
    the warm and compassionate feeling of tender attention and affection that Father/Mother
    Love wonderfully and gently gives to we, His children. The beautiful garden grows and
    thrives with the waters from heaven – the nurturing and divine subsistence that blossoms
    into Love’s sweet presence, where heart to heart, speaks kindly, to all who partake in it’s
    Thank you all for sharing these blessings this morning. What a wonderful boost in Spirit
    and Love! (Thank you, Sheree, for sharing the link to Mrs. Eddy’s inspiring words on Love).
    My heart sings every time I read it.

  5. LindaJane, you asked how to share your love. I start everyday with SpiritView and have recommended it to others. Even, your enlightened thinking and sharing are a blessing to all who have the opportunity to read your daily inspiration. A couple of years ago, I discovered we had a new local newspaper, on line and delivered once a week to places in our community. I made a small contribution and was left some papers, on my doorstep. I wondered “what am I going to do with these?” I took them to a rest home. Now every Friday, I deliver 470 papers to places of my choice, the four Fire Stations, Sheriff’s Department, the two Border Patrol Headquarters, Police Department, FBI, DPS, break rooms for two grocery stores, and two Post Offices, three rest homes, etc. among others. It doesn’t matter if they are paying for ads in the newspaper, it is a way to share local information with the community and thank the individuals who are protecting or serving our community. I also thank the marines, the army, the DPS, Police who come from all over to help control the flow of illegals that are flooding our country. Did I mention that I Iive on the Texas/Mexican Border? I make it a point to thank those individuals who help me in the grocery stores and those who I see shopping in those stores who are protecting our country. Nobody takes time to thank people any more. Love is reflected in Love. It is a joy to me and a love-gift to those who learn that they are appreciated.
    Recently I have had to have some work done on my house and, through prayer, have been led to the right people to accomplish the work — and had an opportunity to share Christian Science and the textbook with several of those individuals. What a wonderful opportunity to share God, Love, with the community and introduce others to Christian Science.
    Thank you, Even, and everyone who shares SpiritView and their comments with the world. Much love to all!

    1. A Texas.
      Thank you for the demonstration, and to all, and Evan’s inspiring themes..Sharing is a beautiful thing,
      Only to be proud is having the” road companion” on my side( God, Spirit ), the house companion, the office companion, the traveler companion, the list can go on…
      This idea comes from the music world, where musicians
      Call someone who can help them carry their instruments to a performance. We call it “road companion” or “ roadie”.☺️

      1. So, God is the road companion, and as one of CS HYMN, God is my best friend, always following me, helping me, if I let him /her in.

        1. Pp your two comments above are much appreciated. I love the idea of God as my house companion, work companion, travel companion etc. and also, “my best friend, always following me, helping me, if I let Him/Her in.”; Perfect.

    2. Let’s not think of “them” as “illegals”, but as children of God, like us, looking for a better life, and worthy of respect and humanity just as all of God’s children are..see Mark Sappenfield’s interview Monday on Sentinel Watch on “Tackling the Underlying Threat to Democracy”, August 26, 2024

    3. Wow – 470 papers a week. That’s amazing. How wonderful to thank police and protectors, too. Those are dangerous jobs. Sharing C.S. with contractors is an excellent idea. I put out water, juice, snacks for contractors and their employees, or get them something from Starbucks like hot mocha when it’s cold or dragonfruit mango drink when it’s cold. I am so appreciative of the work they do. I suggested some floor people to do one room’s floor last so they could get to the bathroom if needed. The boss was surprised and said he’s had clients ask that they not use the bathroom. I try to treat them as I would a guest, but then stay out of their way so they can work. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. Am I grateful for Love, and that God is everpresent Love, The Love, devinely understood, is the greatest, the only healing power in the world! The Bible says that also in I. Corinthians 13. But there in the last verse the word Charity is used instead of Love.

    Thank you very much, Evan for this beautiful message from the prophet Isaiah 58: 10, 11 ! For me it’s a wonderful promise of God to us all!

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