Tie your success to God

August 8, 2011 | 5 comments


Standard and Poor’s has downgraded the credit rating of the United States government to AA+.  Europe is mightily struggling with how to keep Iceland and Greece afloat. Now Italy and Portugal threaten to become the latest casualties of too much debt and not sufficient income. Stock markets worldwide have plummeted. Worries about our economic future abound. And the list of economic malaise goes on…
As I prayed for inspired perspective on the above issues over the last few days, it has seemed critical that if one wants to thrive and prosper in the near future, they must absolutely not let their outlook get caught in the current swirl of fear and angst about the economy.
In Truth, there is one economy—the divine economy. God manages the divine economy with wisdom, foresight, intelligence, and compassion. Order, abundance, unending resources, boundless opportunity, full employment, joy, expectation of good, and bright outlook dominate the scene in this economy. There is no lack, shortage, dysfunction, accident, poor planning, ignorance, or despair to be seen or tallied. God is infinite Love, and there is no outside place to be from this Love. It is complete, everywhere, all the time, and in every instance.
“Come out… and be ye separate,” the apostle Paul admonished. This rule applies to all reports of economic fear and decline. We must mentally “Come out and be separate,” from all suggestions of lack and not accept them as true if we would avoid their occasion.
In Christian Science, we are not individually governed by collective fear. We are independently governed by God!
Know your Source. Tie all success to what God is capable of doing, not to what humanity fears losing. Live and work in the divine economy, and you will move right on through the latest round of economic concern untouched. And your neighbor will be blessed by your inspired perspective too.

5 thoughts on “Tie your success to God”

  1. No sooner did I finish smiling at the idea of being in God’s capable hands, as told by Tom in his Daily Lift today — click on http://christianscience.com/lectures/2011/08/08/in-gods-hands — than your Spiritview arrived in my inbox, assuring all of us that our economy is also in His capable hands.

    Surely each idea — or child — made by a perfect Father-Mother God must be His perfect reflection. To be Love’s perfect reflection is to be incapable of fear for our well-being. To be Life’s perfect reflection is to be incapable of stagnation. To be Truth’s perfect reflection is to be incapable of corruption.

    It is comforting knowing that evil cannot touch any perfect idea — that means each and all of us! — in God’s perfect economy.

    You mention “full employment.” That makes sense, since each man is the full — the forever complete — manifestation of our divine Employer, Life, Truth, and Love.

  2. This is a Daily Lift that I will keep praying with thru this whole belief of economic turmoil and beyond. Thank you for your clear thoughts and understanding that our economy is divine and that it is under God’s complete control. Let’s hope that all who read this can pray about it as you have. Many thanks as always. Vicki

  3. In praying about this situation, the Prodigal Son story came to mind. When the elder son was jealous of his brother’s return, the Father gentle reminded him “Thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine.” From a limited material view, this makes no sense, but from Mind’s standpoint it is beautiful. As individual reflections of the infinite All, each of us reflects (has) all – there is no lack, no fear, no greed. We are safe in Love’s infinite embrace and all that Love has is ever ours!

  4. To be influenced by the mortal view of economic distress is to be accepting 2 gods – a god of lack and fear and another of abundance and love. Clearly there is only one which cancels the error belief out replacing it with the perfect spiritual idea of abundance and Gods love seen in infinite resources. “It is your Father’s good pleasure to GIVE you the kingdom.”

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