To shelter in place

March 27, 2020 | 52 comments

Shelter in place. It’s a phrase humanity has rapidly been educated to understand as governments are mandating tens of millions of people to stay home until the coronavirus threat passes.

To stop the coronavirus, we should do more than stay home, though. We can actively pray for a spiritualization of thought around the world that eliminates fear and dissolves false beliefs about the coronavirus that allow it to spread. Our proactive understanding of spiritual truth can have a healing effect.

I find a higher sense of what it could mean to “shelter in place,” in these popular verses from the book of Psalms:

“If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go” (Psalm 91:9-11, NLT).

When ordered to “shelter in place,” we can do more than remain in our house. We can take our thought to the Most High, to God, where fear dissolves, false beliefs fade and calm takes over. We can shelter with Truth and Love.

As we demonstrate peace in our home and thought, we can also pray for the “home” of humanity and see our neighbors around the world sheltered in that same Secret Place of the Most High where the coronavirus is harmless.

To shelter in place does not mean, stay home, idly pass the hours away and accomplish little. It’s a call to action to pray, shelter with God and to include all humanity in your prayers for healing.

Let’s see everyone sheltered by the Most High where the virus is harmless. It can end the pandemic.

52 thoughts on “To shelter in place”

  1. Thank you for these uplifting and comforting thoughts. We are safe in the Kingdom of Heaven. And yes it is a call to actively pray for our world.

  2. Woow this is great,Thanks Evan…
    Peace Joy and Power…Mis.Writings.389:6….C.s .hymnal 594:3…Rom.15:13 🙂

  3. What a beautiful reminder. When anyone feels helpless they have to only remember the power one has through prayer. Thank you!

  4. Thank you Evan, your inspired thought is bringing so much global peace, encouraging this wonderful group of SpiritViewers to witness Love everywhere and in all situations!

    “Let’s see everyone sheltered by the Most High where the virus is harmless. It can end the pandemic.”

    A wonderful call to arms . . .

    “As a cloud hides the sun it cannot extinguish, so false belief silences for a while the voice of immutable harmony, but false belief cannot destroy Science armed with faith, hope, and fruition.” S&H

    Also, this week’s Bible Lesson, is filled with the truths of Reality. Marvellous to have all these spirirual comforts at our disposal, bringing comfort and quiet to our hearts ❤

  5. Thank you Evan AGAIN! I love the way you find a different aspect of this situation to resolve each day. I am taking notes because every day you AND the commenters seem to give us new thoughts and ideas to take on board. Talking about “home” I have been thinking recently on the idea of our “dwelling place”. The Bible often uses the dwelling word in reference to heaven which is a state of consciousness..THIS is our real dwelling place. Also hymn 278 says “home and heaven are within thee” So I am working about this somewhat, as I like to go out quite a lot usually during the day, buzzing around in my car…but now I am having to stay home due to government rules. Our actual house is our shelter and personal oasis but you can easily feel NOT at home in your house or as some might, to even feel trapped. But if we can try to “dwell in the secret place of the most High” we will not feel hard done by but “under the shadow of the Almighty.”
    (Psalms 91:1)
    I agree Shelagh, the lesson this week is fantastic. And I love the idea that we are all working toward global peace. There may not be many of us but Jesus only had 12 (or 11 really!)

  6. SH 254:31 ~ “Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou art the guest of God.”
    Eph 1:3 ~ “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:”
    “If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home. For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go” (Psalm 91:9-11, NLT).
    Always “alive” and “awake” in our Heavenly Home = Harmony Of Mind Expressed.
    Thank you Evan for making radiant room for “our” Family. <3

  7. A person gave a testimony years ago saying that
    in MBE’s hymn, Mother’s Evening Prayer, we need
    to look at the order of the words in the first

    “O gentle presence, peace and joy and power;

    They said you would think power would come
    first to bring you peace and joy.
    But that being in the gentle presence of peace
    and joy, that is the power.

    And to me the next line seems like a benediction.
    “O Life divine, that owns each waiting hour,”

    1. M, What a lovely and powerful thoughtful thought. Evan, thanks for this and other translations of Ps 91.

    2. That is a beautiful interpretation of “Oh, gentle”. Thank you so much for sharing it. I am so grateful for all the posts Evan makes and the wonderful commenters in this healing worldwide sharing. Thank you all.

  8. I am reminded of Esther …”and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14 NIV)

    1. Ty, Evan. Each new take on the constant reminders about “the rules” going on, is uplifting, as the good thoughts and suggestions others have shared. “Each day with the Lord is as a thousand.”

  9. This hymn has some good ideas about the power of home as an effective shelter:
    Home is the consciousness of good / That holds us in its wide embrace; / The steady light that comforts us / In every path our footsteps trace. /

    Our Father’s house has many rooms, / And each with peace and love imbued; / No child can ever stray beyond / The compass of infinitude. /

    Home is the Father’s sweet “Well done,” / God’s daily, hourly gift of grace. / We go to meet our neighbor’s need, / And find our home in every place.
    (The Christian Science Hymnal, No. 497)

    1. I have also had thoughts about “my Father’s house…” There is in that house room enough for all. There is no room for false beliefs and discord.

  10. Extending confidence to everyone that comes into contact with me regardless of who they are or what ever their job is. Telling them that the are God’s own children, protected by His Love. Emphasizing that they refer to Psalms 23 & 91.
    “Clad in a panoply of Love” is what I expressed to an engineer, yesterday. This person was strictly business. Then I asked her if she knew just what a panoply was. She didn’t know.
    When it was explained that it is, as the iron clad guards of the kings chambers, a shield of Love, she understood.
    Many have to work with the public. Regardless of their fearfulness. Give them this reassurance of Love’s protection and they become very calm and express gratitude. Mention those who spent their lives helping through other epidemics. Like Mother Theresa who said “There are no great things, only small things with great love”. ( Worked with the people of Calcutta, India in charity, Nobel Prize winner. 8/26/1910-9/5/1997) Or Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing (5/12/1820 – 8/13/1910). They lived long lives never leaving the sides of those in their care..
    These names are more familiar to the general knowledge of the public although many do not know the particulars of each woman’s life’s work. They are good examples of the immunity from sickness of those doing God’s (LOVE’S) work.
    Christian Science tireless workers, like Evan are constantly praying now and throughout the history of Christianity. These luminaries extend their light and do not hide it under a bushel of fear, but lift it high and in it’s light we can see our way through the wilderness. They are not publicly exalted, but forever at the side and aid of the public. Humility and Lovingkindness is their shield from error. They help us to realize our “panoply of Love” or protection under all circumstances from error.
    Thank all of you tireless contributors of confidence in these challenging times. Helping us follow the Shepard, Divine guidance.

    1. Yes, yes, David, those words are living water to every stranger, everyone is touched by Truth, everyone feels the security of being completely embraced in love.
      I love your examples of the immunity of unselfed, un-self-serving care of others brings.
      Every material fear spoken or heard comes from nothingness and goes into nothingness. The lion roar of truth in our textbook will be heard.

  11. ‘The height, might, majesty, and glory of infinite Love fills all space. That is enough!” SH 520::3-5
    Thank you Evan and all for your uplifting messages.

  12. I’m thinking of what Mrs. Eddy says in My 210: “Good thoughts are an impervious armor; clad therewith you are completely shielded from the attacks of error of every sort. And not only yourselves are safe, but all whom your thoughts rest upon are thereby benefited”. Such a wonderful way to include the world in our prayers – right from our very own living rooms.

  13. I have found that throughout this whole experience of late, friends are more loving and caring and sharing thoughts, whereas so many other distractions tend to keep folks “busy”, but not really contemplating the truly important things that we often take for granted. Being “from a distance”, these things are spiritually the very best and cherished more deeply, because they come from Love.

  14. O Father-Mother God, whose plan
    Hath given dominion unto man,
    In Thine own image we may see
    Man pure and upright, whole and free.
    And ever through our work shall shine
    That light whose glory, Lord, is Thine.
    Hymn 12 :3—CS hymnal
    Sheltered in God’s loving arms, let us see each and everyone of us as pure, upright ,whole and free. God is the only power the only Life. This is my prayer for all mankind today. Thank you everyone for your uplifting ideas.

  15. There has been a profound growth of Loving thought, generous outreaching, kindnesses, caring, true expressions of Love… indeed, moreLight reflected everywhere. I see so much Good unfolding; new, inventive ideas, clever ways of sharing, etc. My father’s whose mantra was “problems are opportunities,” and I believe we are called upon now to shine more and more, unto the Perfect Day, God’s Day

    1. Roger,

      You can share any post with anyone by using the share buttons below each post. Either through Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or email. Feel free to share!

  16. Yes, even in our Golden Text, when our day is paced meal to meal, and then back to the tasks in the room, translating all into consciousness!:

    “Taste and see how good the LORD is! The one who takes refuge in him is truly happy!”

  17. Has anyone looked up the word, “viral”? I have. It means: “relating to or caused by a virus.” I suggest we stop using this word……

  18. Oh, Lord,
    I opened my eyes
    and I saw You…

    Oh, Lord,
    I opened my heart
    and found You

    Oh, Lord,
    I have opened
    my mind,
    and see it too
    is Yours….

    Thank you Lord….

  19. When washing our hands for 20 seconds, they used to say sing “Happy Birthday’’ through or ‘’Yankee Doddle.” We could pray for our world by singing a hymn from our hymnal as we wash our hands..

  20. Beautiful Poem and prayer Maximo. Thank you and thank you all who have kept the truth going with their comments. Thank you Evan for providing the prompts for this discussion.

  21. Divine Love knows no borders. ….or boundaries.
    The hymns quoted have such healing messages.
    I have been singing hymns old and new every night
    Spiritview has been a companion as have many excellent
    Articles. Evan you are a gem!

  22. Thank you all for all the inspiration. Just a little note, with anything anyone shares make sure the author and book source is clearly identified.

  23. At 8pm last night it seemed that the entire UK was applauding National Health Service workers. It was amazing with cheers and clapping that could be heard all over the neighbourhood. This demonstrated a spiritual dimension towards defeat of the virus.

  24. I have often shared Spiritview via email, but please explain in more detail how I post this one on Facebook. I would love to share this there!!!

    1. look for the little colored buttons below the article itself and click on the one that you want to use i have shared this on my FB page and received many nice comments.

  25. Evan, I cherish the spiritual perspectives you share in each Spiritview blog and am so grateful for your
    regular posts. I also look forward to the many inspired comments other readers share. I pray often with Mrs. Eddy’s poem, ‘Love’ and the first verse also includes a lovely image of “sheltering” when she writes:
    Brood o’er us with Thy Shelt’ring wing
    ‘Neath which our spirits blend
    Like brother birds, that soar and sing,
    And on the same branch bend…

    We are all sheltered under that protecting wing of Divine Love.

  26. Hymn 134;
    “I look to Thee in every need, And never look in vain;
    I feel Thy touch, eternal Love, And all is well again;
    The thought of Thee is mightier far Than sin and pain and sorrow are.
    Thy calmness bends serene above, My restlessness to still;
    Around me flows Thy quickening life To nerve my faltering will;
    Thy presence fills my solitude; Thy providence turns all to good.
    Embosomed deep in Thy dear love, Held in Thy law, I stand;
    Thy hand in all things I behold, And all things in thy hand.
    Thou leadest me by unsought ways, Thou turn’st my mourning into praise.”

    I especially love this part “Held in Thy law, I stand.” We are all held in God’s law, not mortal mind’s law – regardless of what the five material senses report.

  27. Thanks Evan. I just copied the Bible verse you included and sent it to a couple of neighbors and one of my wife’s sisters who is a Lutheran minister, as a possible add to her next sermon (or not).

  28. Once when I was in a C.S. care facility, I had a back problem that kept me from sitting up, even to eat. When my C.S. practitioner came to visit me, I told her that I felt like
    I was a prisoner in my own body. She uplifted my thought by reminding me not to think of myself as being in prison, rather in a sanctuary. Before long I had my complete healing and have had long, active, “free” days ever since. (That was
    over 10 year ago.” Thanks for all the wonderful posts and prayers of support for the world!!!

  29. Thanks to all for these uplifting, illuminating, and encouraging thoughts.
    You’ve probably noticed that the main quality that comes out in this week’s Bible Lesson is goodness! It is mentioned 33 times!
    Isn’t that thought of God’s goodness the most wonderful anti-virus agent!!!
    Following all contributions, two citations from Mary Baker Eddy stand out to me:
    “Let us feel the divine energy of Spirit bringing us into newness of life and recognizing no mortal nor material power as able to destroy.”
    SH 249:6-8 and SH 248:29.
    Thanks Evan and all.

  30. Wonderful message Evan. I also look forward to the many inspired comments other readers share. Maximo welcome back. Have missed you and your poems.

  31. For all the wonderful blogs and healing comments I offer this I found in the March 30 Sentinel. Pg. 18. To paraphrase verse 7 of the 91st Psalm:
    A thousand false beliefs shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand false beliefs at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

  32. Thank you Evan for these healing and comforting words of Truth!
    It is so very helpful, and I read it over and over!
    I am very grateful for the Lords Prayer which Christ Jesus gave us. In this prayer dived deeply and including our loved brothers and sisters in our praying, shelters us all in Love by the Most High so that no ungodly matter can come nigh to us. Wonderful, the 91st Psalm!

    Am so happy we get Evan’s loving help every day. And am also glad and thankful for the inspired and inspiring comments which enrich this already spiritually rich blog furthermore! Happy Sunday to all!

  33. Evan, Thank you for sharing your love for Christian Science and for mankind, for shining a light for us to follow , and for being here . Thank you all contributors for your beautiful thoughts that uplift and inspire us all.

  34. I love the message from Jeremiah 29:11, “ For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” This is real an uplifting. What does this Corona circus nonsense want for us, only sadness, destruction, sin, disease, death. Nothing about goodness, a wonderful future and hope here. Turn all thoughts away from this no reality nonsense and look into the light and love of Love/Truth/God.

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