Trust tomorrow to God’s care

July 16, 2015 | 12 comments

“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”

~ Matthew 6:34, MSG

Live in the now! If you worry about tomorrow all the time, you’re never living in the now, not enjoying God’s blessings around this moment. And in many ways, “tomorrow” never comes. There is always “tomorrow.” So, live in today. God is here today. God is supplying all you need today.

Live in the presence of God’s good and when you get to “tomorrow,” God’s good will be there too.

12 thoughts on “Trust tomorrow to God’s care”

  1. What a comforting inspiration and message Evan. Truly one who trusts in the presence of God – good and his tender, constant loving care, lives one day at a time to its fullest and would not bother about tomorrow or the future. “Step by step will those who trust in God, find that He is a refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” “God girdeth me with strength and maketh my way perfect.” God can furnish a table in the wilderness. What can God not do???? Trust in God, whose sure supply will meet your need abundantly.

  2. We are living in the presence of God, 24-7 and our love and protection does not leave us.

    Thanks, Evan

  3. I have to remind myself of this so many times. Thank you, Evan, for your reminder of it today and God’s caring love for us endlessly, pouring forth all the goodness we need, right Now, which tomorrow will also, be… right Now.

  4. These last two posts have made me think a little deeper about living in the present. I have heard some variation of this many times through the years. But as often happens, you feel at times you have heard it for the first time. I slip easily into waiting. I can see the freedom of living in the present consciously.

  5. It’s so important to study the Bible Lesson in the morning when consciousness is refreshed to be receptive to the spiritual truth that leaning on God’s grace protects one against the temptation that God’s care isn’t there anymore.

  6. With commands, comes assurances. “Hold thought steadfast ……you will bring these into your experience” Your comments are great to begin the day. Thanks

  7. So important to cultivate a very special, warm, intimate, loving relationship with God – because it is thru this relationship that I am able to hear the guidance I need so I can deal with whatever comes up. And this God never asks me to sacrifice myself (in a self-defeating way) to help another! This loving God wants me to love myself and to take good care of myself first, before going out in the world to help others. It’s putting on the oxygen mask first before I can be of help to anyone else. Learning to Love myself, the way God Loves me so much!

  8. In class one time, you said, in effect, to forget about the spiritual life to come: this is it!
    That plays through my mind often, but I can never hear it too often.
    Right now is “big with blessings.”
    Thank you, Evan.

  9. Your quote from The Message is one that I have included in my notes I read each morning and was included in the Daily Thought, October 10, 2012, by Dennis Hall, “Am I receptive to healing?” I also have a quote from the Daily Lift of January 7, 2013, a comment by Wendy which I love, “Man lives in God’s eternal day, a day of forever unfolding good.” And this from Miscellaneous Writings, page 307, “God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow; it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment.” And lastly, I sing Hymn 445 from the Christian Science Hymnal Supplement which starts with, “I awake each morning to a brand new day, Singing Hallelujah! as I go on my way,” and the last verse,
    “So no matter the need and no matter the threat,
    I’m secure in Your love, no fear, no regret.
    Can there be a sweeter comfort, a grace more divine,
    Than the thought that Your love is here and is mine?”
    How deeply grateful I am for Christian Science.

  10. NOW is the only “time” God knows, I …imagine. (Well, I am learning!)

    Humans think what IS, NOW, is never good enough…
    Humans think: “Tomorrow things will be better.”…..or “The right person, job, place, etc. will come along tomorrow.” Or, “I’ll be happier when I’ve lost a little weight, get my hair cut, get healed of this problem, etc., etc.”)

    How not to be….um….”human” is the question!
    But, as we learn to think scientifically about what true being is, as correct concepts replace incorrect ones, then we will be more at peace, and able to enjoy the present. It is, after all, The Present! A beautiful Gift from our Father-Mother-God!

    I hereby agree: NOW is the accepted time! NOW is the Day of Good!


  11. It is late Thursday night (my local time) and I was worried that I may not be able to physically do something tomorrow that I promised to do. Just reading your title, Trust tomorrow to God’s care,” lifted the burden and assured me that I am never outside of God’s presence. I am looking forward to fulfilling my promise, because I know that God fulfills His.
    Thanks so much!

  12. Thank you, dear Evan for the remainder. I’ve already placed post-its in familiar spots, “This is it!” In a CS Article, some time ago, it was stated, “I realized I have never left heaven for earth. Heaven is here, NOW.”

    Years ago a budding young CS Practitioner spoke to a group of expectant moms, and he said words I will always remember: Appreciate the good you experienced in the past. Thank God for it. Now, the only thing you have to handle is what is on your plate this very minute. Deal with it. Take it to God!”

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