Truth dissolves anxiety

November 20, 2020 | 27 comments

Anxiety comes from trusting fear and its suggestions. Peace comes from trusting Truth.

What are you trusting?

27 thoughts on “Truth dissolves anxiety”

  1. Reminds me of the Bible verse: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusteth in thee.” (Isa 26:3)

  2. An interesting thought -trusting in fear. Who wants to trust in fear? I couldn’t quite understand that so I looked up the word “trust’, and found two helpful definitions; 1) Firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something. 2) Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.

    This shows me what Christian Science is all about. It is investigating and proving the spiritual facts that we are needing to destroy the fear. When we understand the spiritual fact of what the material sense are trying to convince us of, the fear disappears, because it is only a false belief and has no power over us.

    So I will be keeping in mind the lovely citation that Yvonne has posted and trust that it will bring
    lasting peace.

    1. Thank you Maggie –
      ” Acceptance of the truth of a statement without evidence or investigation.” I first focused on “Without evidence”. We all seem to want reassurance that what we believe is true, or want things to turn out “our way”. But the key is the “Acceptance of the Truth”, or Divine Science. As in Evan’s recent vBlog – “You have to look through the mist”. You may not be able to see the beautiful mountains through the mist – but you know they are there. Someone once said FEAR is “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Fear and anxiety comes from the “mist” of mortal mind about particular circumstance. TRUST comes from the demonstrated EVIDENCE throughout time and Science that “All things are possible with God”.

      1. Thanks Roger. This reminds of a passage from Science and Health p.41 “The nature of Christianity is peaceful and blessed,
        but in order to enter into the kingdom, the anchor of
        hope must be cast beyond the veil of matter into the
        Shekinah into which Jesus has passed before us; and
        Within the veil this advance beyond matter must come
        through the joys and triumphs of the right‐
        eous as well as through their sorrows and afflictions.
        Like our Master, we must depart from material sense
        into the spiritual sense of being.”

  3. How comforting it is to know the Truth of spiritual existence. To be able to turn to this in times of trouble. To know that it is the TRUST in God that matters and not any amount of material knowledge. Thank you for today Evan and to all contributors whose thoughts help to uplift mine❣️

  4. Evan thanks so much for your wonderful messages each day. Thank you Angie for your postings of helpful articles. I am so grateful for spirit view and those who contribute.
    Much love to all

  5. “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not upon thine own understanding; in all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy path.”
    Prov. 3:5-6

    “Be still and know that I am God.” Ps. 46:10

    Thanks, Evan, for your always helpful and inspired messages, and for the love, wisdom, and devotion that they express. And thanks to all the commenters for all that you share.

  6. Truth is the pearl that we should all cherish for without it there can not be discovery. Many would try to diminish the truth by stating there are various forms or stages of it given individual perspectives, but the reality is that there is only one Truth, eternal and infinite in nature and application. We can know it by its fruits. it is the basis for real science and Jesus Christ brought us this truth and Mary Baker Eddy helped us to see that Truth more clearly. She helped us to adjust our perspectives by removing the clouds of individual mortal experience to join the shinning light of divine principle that Love created all life perfect and eternal as himself.

  7. Thank you Evan, and thank you, everyone, for the Bible verses and contributions, and Roger for reminding us of “fear is False Evidence Appearing Real”: A CS friend shared a little ditty with me a few years ago, which I’d not heard before : fear is “Forgetting Everything About Reality!” SO TRUE!

  8. Such a joyous photo!! We all naturally reflect the joy of the day, as children of The Light! Joy and light dispel the stupid gloom of darkness. Let’s claim our joy!! Thank you for all the enlightening comments, SpiritView family!

  9. “Anxiety comes from trusting fear and it’s suggestions .” The bible explains to us that, “…God hath not given us the spirit of of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound Mind.” (2 Tim 1:7). If God hath not given it (the susceptibility to fear) to us, we can’t have it, as we reflect Him alone.

    Oh error will try to toss it’s lying suggestions our way, but if we know who we are whose we are, that tossed lie will just drop to the ground and dissolve into it’s true nothingness. Mrs. Eddy told us in S&H that we can “dissolve with the universal solvent of Love, the adamant (hardness) of error.”

    “Peace comes from trusting truth.” Yes, I am resting in Truth today. Also loved F-E-A-R, Forgetting Everything About Reality. God won’t let us forget! Thanks everyone!

  10. This brings to mind from 2nd Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

  11. Oops. I just noticed the comment above mine. Some minds think alike. I didn’t notice it until after I posted it. Embarrassed!

    1. No worries Marty, as you said great Minds thinks alike and some things are so good they bear repeating!

  12. Thanks to all – Evan and to everyone who has shared their thoughts and Angie for another inspiring article. What an inspiring family to have. I am extremely grateful to be a part of it.

  13. Thank you very much Evan for the Truth you give us! Everyday there is something I have the opportunity to trust God and so step by step can progress! I love your picture up here very much. There is much love in it. A child of God opens it’s arms to the Christ light and to God, divine Love! ♡
    Thank you a l l for your wonderful comments! ♡

  14. Thank you Evan & all. My daughter just called very distraught about her daughter ( my only granddaughter). Fear seems to
    “attack” through the”children.” All my life, CS has been my only answer…please help and know God is All-in-all!

    1. “And if I trod through the valley of death (darkness) I will fear no eval for divine Love is with me. Love’s rod leaeth me.”
      Shirley, you can be very sure, that God is there. That child is never without God, as it is God’s loving creation, perfect and healthy!!! Love to you♡

  15. II Timothy 1:7
    Repeated very often. I have noticed it appears in many testimonies as the turning point from which harmony of healing is realized.
    I have a label maker and have stuck certain passages in full view of my everyday study.
    There are also other postings, a kind of a referene that references, uplifting freedom from fear.
    Now, this morning I will make a new label. The fine reference for explaining the word fear.
    “False evidence appearing real”. Simple enough, but this statement helps to put things in perspective when viewing any discordant news or manifestation of error.
    Thank you for this timely posting. Have a wonderful, joy filled weekend.
    I”m looking forward to a Christian Science filled Thanksgiving here in the USA next week. I hope you all join us in celebration of our gift of freedom from anxious thinking.

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