Turn defeat into success

September 3, 2015 | 7 comments

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”

~ Maya Angelou

7 thoughts on “Turn defeat into success”

  1. Based on experience, I might also add to above…….your protection. It’s great to know our Father-Mother God is leading the way always. Thanks for all you do Evan!

  2. I didn’t receive this Blog in my email this a.m. I had to go find it. Any others having this problem? Any ideas, Evan? Thanks!

    1. That happens to me occasionally, and sometimes it doesn’t get “delivered” until later in the day. I think it’s just one of those internet hiccups. I have never had this happen beyond one day.

  3. I received mine as usual and appreciated the thought expressed. I have experienced many so-called defeats in my life – many times when there appeared to be no light at the end of the tunnel. But I survived and am, with God’s gracious help, finally content.

  4. A defeat can be turned into a blessing. That’s the way it goes humanly, for how does one know about success in Spirit without defeat in matter? In Spirit there are no defeats, but only in matter.

  5. It seems to me that Jesus, in his final demonstration of the power of good , felt lingering doubt as to whether he would come through the experience. But the light of the Christ kept shining for him and he triumphed gloriously.
    This light is shining for all seekers for Truth.
    I find the second verse of hymn 195 so encouraging :

    “Girt with the love of God, on every side,
    I breathe that love as heaven’s own healing air;
    I work and pray, and follow still my guide,
    And fear no foe, escaping every snare.”

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