Uniting many into one

June 18, 2024 | 18 comments

Rather than letting other people’s material distinctions divide you from them, look for what you have in common with them as children of God.  Finding what you have in common enables you to build bridges with others and establish mutual understandings.

Material distinctions do not need to turn into human divisions.  What we have in common spiritually is more important than how we differ materially.  What we have in common spiritually unites many into one.

18 thoughts on “Uniting many into one”

  1. Thanks.
    Some humans are made to care for others in meeting basic needs to exist.
    Homeless individuals needs depends on emotional and mental stability.

    This understanding people are united by love is powerful.
    In appreciation.

  2. Very very good thought. this helps when trying to figure out a current relationship. A should I stay or should I go situation. To focus on Spiritual similarities instead of material differences. after all, we are ALL children of the one Mind, God. Thank you for the direction.

  3. Yes, absolutely…I find no difference among the colors of the world. They are as beautifully and spiritually enhanced as anyone else. Jesus was not a respecter of persons.
    “Has not the truth in Christian Science met a response from Prof. S.P. Langley, the young American astronomer? He says that ‘color is in us, not in the ROSE;’ and he adds that this is not ‘any metaphysical subtlety,’ but a fact ‘almost universally accepted, within the last few years, by physicists.” (Rudimental Divine Science, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 6:3-17)
    Let’s use character rather than color to guide our social choices and moral concerns.

  4. This also applies to the temptation to believe that we might not be the “same” as wealthy people (or less fortunate), or for class distinctions — which are simply based on self-imposed fears and limitations. Let’s throw off this mortal mesmerism and see man (ourselves included) truly as God’s image and likeness! There are not two or three “classes” of God’s man — only one!

    1. Well said Mike. As Evan states above, “what we have in common spiritually is more important than how we differ materially.

      I have recently had an experience of this. I just finished serving 4 weeks on a Grand Jury panel, evaluating multiple criminal cases brought before us to decide if they should go forward to trial. Very challenging emotionally and taxing physically. I just kept praying for everyone involved and for my fellow jurors and asking God to show me how to bless and be blessed in this sitiuation. I also kept looking at the big letters on the wall in the courtroom: IN GOD WE TRUST.

      One of the bright spots was striking up a friendship with a young woman who was seated next to me throughout the 4 weeks. She was from a religion and background and culture very different from mine, one that is a subject of divisiveness and negative rhetoric in world thought. Over the days and weeks we talked and saw so many parallels between us and between our beliefs and practices and how the “differences” are erroneously magnified. It was very lovely getting to know her and I know it has blessed both of us. We have continued to text a bit since our jury service ended. Blessed day to all.

      1. Thank you dear Rose, you were a light and a blessing to the Grand Jury panel at your Court. I stand in awe before your work there! As God fills all room and space, He was there with you all the time, so wonderful!
        It matches a bit with today`s SpiritView – all in Court were and are God`s loved children!

  5. Also want to mention that I gave a thank you to J and to Carol on yesterday’s SV that did not appear till early this morning, due to a technical difficulty that caused it to get stuck in a spam filter. The comment is up now so please take a look, and it also includes links to 2 articles by Alan Aylwin, who J so kindly mentioned to us in her comment yesterday. The articles need a shared link to be viewed fully so hopefully someone can provide.

    1. Thank you Rose for attaching the two articles by Alan Aylwin. And thank you so much for sharing your experiences from your time on the Grand jury…how you prayed and your friendship with the young woman. Your experience was very interesting and enlightening. A long month for you, and I’m glad you can get back to your life as you know it. 🙂

  6. Thank you, dear Rose – thank you for your comment and all. Seeing others as children
    of God is a very spiritual and good way of looking at things. Your mention of the new friend
    was very nice to read. There are neighbors here who seem to be rather nefarious in some
    things they do and I have been trying to see them in their spiritual light, despite some of the
    issues that seem to be going on. They have improved a slight bit since they moved in, but
    keeping them in like God’s vision can seem difficult at times when the thought of their
    entitlement, all having new and fancy cars, etc. speaking a different language .. keeping to themselves (altho they do return a wave if near their driveway). It sometimes seems that
    unfairness and a reward for bad behavior can try to get the best of us in this world today …
    really mortal mind’s interpretation of situations, so we need to be vigilant in seeing others,
    as well as ourselves as spiritual beings, united with divine Love. Today’s topic is very helpful
    in trying to do that.

    1. Thank you Angel, your explanation fit perfectly, with the spiritual way of looking at things. Letting go of all negative views, allowing only the radiation of the goodness of Christ improves us all, as we are, after all, the children of God. “uniting with Divine Love” takes us all the way to acceptance and understanding of who we are, and how to love our neighbors “as ourselves”. God takes us there, all the way. The joy of finding new ideas, as they are revealed to us help us along the way. There is a pure joy at the discovery after what is revealed appears to us, all based on God’s goodness, protection, and LOVE!!!

  7. Thank you, Evan. This is true and important to understand today and always. In God’s kingdom there is oneness and no room for divisions. .

  8. I love this because it is a most important spiritual concept to model for friends, colleagues, children…..just everyone!

    Thanks, Evan!

  9. “Refuse to be divided” by Jack Edward Hubbell:

    “God’s child is eternally pure, and God is responsible for His children’s purity.” (Quote by another)

    “What can we do then, when faced with what we think is a troubling personality? First, we can resist the temptation to react or retaliate. We can prayerfully affirm the individual’s special and sacred place among God’s children. I find it helpful to “rename” a person mentally as my “brother” or “sister.” “Have we not all one father?” the Bible asks (Malachi 2:10). In God’s kingdom, no one is an outcast, a misfit, or a write-off.” (Laura Clayton, from her article “Loving the difficult person”)

    “Cherish the idea of man’s purity. That the spiritual man is never born. He is not a developing or changing mortal. He is forever the child of God. What can I do to bless everyone? What I can do is know that one, infinite Mind is at work right here, governing all harmoniously. Only one Mind, not a collection of mortals. Everyone is embraced in divine Mind’s infinite care, and a discordant situation cannot be true!” (David Haughton, from his article “What is spiritual sense telling me?”)

  10. I have come across these thoughts that I have found helpful, in conjunction with
    today’s topic:

    “We are like books – most people only see our covers, the minority read only
    the introduction, many people believe the critics. Few will know our content.”
    – Author unknown
    “Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant”
    – Robert Louis Stevenson
    “Two things [can] define us: our patience when we have nothing and our attitude
    when we have everything”. – Author unknown

    I think we are all striving to be the best we can be and spiritually, of course,
    we already Are. If we open our hearts to others with Love, what a beautiful
    world we create. It doesn’t matter who we are, where we are with “worldly”
    possessions, status, finances, etc. – we are All direct recipients of God-given
    qualities and character – in abundance. Every one has God-given potential
    and although we are each unique in expression, like the sweet graphic above,
    we are all in unity with divine Love.

  11. So grateful for Evan’s wonderful post, and for all the great comments. Yes, truly we are all ONE in our Father-Mother God!
    With love to everyone,

  12. I am also deeply grateful for Evan’s today’s SpiritView! God’s children are so nicely versatile; I love them all; yes we are all loving Brothers and Sisters with ONE Father-Mother God whom we express in every detail of our life, which is God!
    Lots of love

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