There is more to the universe than the eye can see

April 9, 2017 | 18 comments

There is so much more to the universe than the human eye can take in with its limited perspective.

I was awed by the pictures of Jupiter taken recently through the lens of the Hubble telescope, and amazed by the kind of detail, color, shape and form the eye of Hubble has been able to see and relay back to earth. When I look at the sky, my eye does not see what Hubble sees. I’m grateful for the expansive view of Hubble!

I apply the lesson to understanding the universe from a spiritual point of view. There is so much more than anything the physical senses can take in. As Jesus proved, where the human eye sees lack, spiritual sense can find supply. Where the human mind diagnoses disease, divine Mind can find health. Just because the human mind can’t see abundance, health and harmony, doesn’t mean it’s not there. Just like when I look at the sky, if I can’t see Jupiter in all its fine detail, doesn’t mean it’s not there.

Jesus rebuked his follower’s blindness to spiritual reality by retorting, “You have eyes—can’t you see?” Mark 8:18, NLT.

We all have spiritual eyes to see God’s provision all around, but we must use those eyes. We can’t be trying to find the blessings of Spirit through the physical senses. It’s emptiness and darkness there, like looking at a blank sky with the eye to see Jupiter. We see a white speck or draw a void. Spiritual sense is the vantage point that reveals heaven’s blessings all around.

So, if you’re drawing a blank, change your perspective. Move from matter to Mind to see what God has created for you to enjoy.

You are blessed. You are loved. God has answered your prayer, and you have spiritual sense to see how your needs have been met. Spiritual sense will reveal it to you, just like Hubble revealed the finer details of Jupiter.

18 thoughts on “There is more to the universe than the eye can see”

  1. Divine Love truly meets every need. I love quiet moments when I look around at things and think what they mean metaphysically. What a wonderful universe God has created.

  2. WELL SAID !!!! This makes me think how many times others and myself have said or thought we’d love to see more evidence of Mary baker Edy’s statement, “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need”.
    We see cruelty, pain, lack and misery in so many places in this apparent physical world and it can be easy to think “Well Divine Love doesn’t seem to be meeting THEIR need!” but as someone close said to me a few months ago, “Just because YOU can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not there!”
    We all need to keep our viewpoint expanded to look out from infinity, the big picture..and stop seeing limited physicality as what is happening.

  3. Jesus correct view of man healed the sick. I pray constantly to have and maintain this same correct view.

  4. What a wonderful surprise this morning to have this beautifully written post on seeing spiritually. I am truly grateful for today post. Thank you Evan.

  5. how can we specifically activate or employ the use of our
    spiritual senses? What changes in our experience do we make to know we are seeing with spiritual sense.
    So i wake this morning and decide I want to see with spiritual sense.. what is step 1?

  6. Have a sense this is key…

    “It is the pure of heart that see God.
    So long as the convenience and enjoyment of everyday living is associated with human intelligence, or with personal effort for accomplishment, joy has no permanence and joy is a cheat.
    In fact, the very thing which seems a blessing, and would be if correctly identified, can because of false identification appear afflictive and

    Martha Wilcox

    What about them apples…

    It’s all God….. Gods volition, thought, Gods intelligence which ‘we’ mistakingly take credit for.
    ” Thou shalt have no other God but Me”

    We break this commandment when ever we mistakenly attribute anything in our lives as coming from our own efforts.
    In this sense, we… our sense of personal self, personality… are the false god we worship….

    Sour grapes anyone…. or the sweet nectar of the elixir of Truth?

    1. Now THERE’S an interesting aspect of that commandment! I never thought of it like that!!! Taking credit for the good that we have actually only REFLECTED!!! The moon can’t take credit for “shining” and lighting up our night…but then it is there every night- available to refect that light from the sun.
      So we too, need to “be there” , spiritually available, to reflect God’s attributes. Showing up is important too. I guess we can take SOME credit for listening and being there?

  7. Yes, I also was joyfully suprised about this valuable and lovely SpiritView.

    Normally when I come from church, the first thing I do is to open my computer and look what came in. I also sell via eBay, and I look what happened with my offers there.

    But instead I found this helpful and healing inspirations from you, Evan, and am very grateful for it! 🙂

    I sit in the garden and bask in the evening sun; today it was specially warm, and I discern how lovely and bright God made everything and provided this nice day for me – thank you dear God.

  8. Thank you for the Sunday special, Evan.

    No eye hath seen, nor tongue declared,
    Nor hath it entered heart of man,
    To know what God hath here prepared
    For them that love and trust His plan.

    – Christian Science Hymnal 188:1

  9. What a lovely surprise to find this on my e-mail. We just got home from a full day of church, and then driving to Issaquah, WA to attend a lecture. The post immediately brings to mind one of my favorite passages in Misc: 86-87. In it Mrs. Eddy says: “In our immature sense of spiritual things, let us say of the beauties of the sensuous universe: ‘I love your promise; and shall know, some time, the spiritual reality and substance of form light, and color, of what I now through you discern dimly; and knowing this I shall be satisfied.'” What hope this gives us!

  10. Thanks Evan, Daphne, Maximo and all for this spiritual insight. I love this passage from Sunday’s lesson “Thine o lord is the greatness…”I Chronicles 29:11
    When I look to God, the one Mind for inspiration; knowing it is not coming from a material impression of me it comes readily and with joy. When teaching art I share this aspect of looking beyond oneself and we have the most joyous time.
    This eye opening post is wonderful.

  11. Thank you so much, Evan, for using the beautiful example of the Hubble effect on expanding our spiritual perspective.
    Mrs. Eddy’s discovery of the divine laws of Life, Truth and Love, she named “Christian Science.” (Pg 107 of S&H). In one copy of her definitive textbook on the topic, Science and Health, I have annotated, underlined, highlighted, circled, etc. hundreds of pages following her along Truths highway. But even after years of study I find it still contains many unmarked pages. Are they “unremarkable?” Do they lack, somehow, some quality that other pages possess? Were they simply just ignored? No! Not a chance of that! Just mortal mind at work, doing its always erroneous and random thing.
    Often when praying, but also often in just re-reading, suddenly a previously “unremarkable” page will reach out and smite me right in my “aha moment” center. Suddenly, my thought, my inspiration, and understanding is jarred anew by what she’s said on a page, but I failed to “see” properly or fully.. With spiritually “new eyes,” a previously “empty” page suddenly is full of new meaning, often profoundly so. We could call these occasions “Hubble Moments,” because, magnified by upgraded spiritual vision, there are NO empty pages in Science and Health! Page by page, precept upon precept, this “little book” (Rev 10:10-11) that keeps on giving relentlessly presents the Real universe as does the little Hubble reveal the material one.

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