Use the tool correctly

October 22, 2012 | 7 comments

I had a chainsaw in the garage to saw down an unwanted cottonwood tree on the backside of our property. My wife took the saw’s chain in for sharpening, and I had to put it back on the saw before I could work on this tree.
I gingerly manipulated the very sharp chain onto the bar, grabbed my eye goggles, and trekked out to the tree to quickly, I thought, eliminate one more item from my “To do” list.
The problem was that when I got the saw started, raced up the chain to full speed and put the saw to the wood, nothing happened. The chain was so dull, I protested. “Why wasn’t it cutting the wood?”
A bit embarrassed, I soon discovered that I had put the chain on backward. “No wonder it wasn’t cutting,” I sheepishly told my wife.
Back to the shop I went to set the chain correctly. Afterward, it cut like a new saw. Job done, very quickly! I was happy!
Lesson learned: To get the job done, you have to use the tool properly.
Christian Science gives people powerful tools to pray with and produce grand results. But oftentimes, the tools are not used properly, or maybe even backward.
For instance, Christian Science teaches that supply is wholly spiritual. Abundance is wisdom, intelligence, trust, faith, creativity, open-mindedness, receptivity, and their kin, expressed. There is no limit to how much of this supply anyone can express, be benefited by, and blessed with. Understanding this truth is a “tool” of Truth that meets human needs. What we gain spiritually translates into wise human decision-making, being in the right place at the right time, and doors of opportunity opening.
But if we take this tool and strive to get money and accumulate things, we’re using the tool backward. We’re striving for material gain rather than spiritual inspiration and expression. There is nothing wrong with the tool. It is “sharp” and ready for use. But it needs to be used properly, in the right way to produce a good result.
So, don’t lose faith in the “tools” of Truth. They work, and they work well! But be sure you’re putting the tool to work in the right way. Then you’ll find that “tree of trouble” that needs to be felled in your mental backyard falling down in quick order.

7 thoughts on “Use the tool correctly”

  1. This was a great reminder Evan, thank you. I loved it’s simplicity. Simple but poignant.

    Have a great day, best to the family too.

  2. Hey, who that uses a chainsaw hasn’t put the chain on backwards!! I know that feeling well!! And I have done it more than once!!I have learned that practice, practice, practice in doing it right has helped me. I love the use of that “oh so familiar” situation to bring home the point about proper use of the tool. Thanks.

  3. To me Christian Science is more of a Science than a religion, but most people don’t see it that way. It, like every thing else in life, it has to be practiced correctly or else it won’t work. Just like Evan’s Chainsaw example, if one doesn’t follow the rules. WELL! You can’t expect results. C/S practice is really all about; “Trust in The Lord with all thy heart, and lean not unto thine understanding. Acknowledge him in all thy ways, and He shall direct thy paths.” Do things, but give the credit to God, not self.

  4. My 35 year old daughter needs money for an emergency. I do not have it. The provider of services wants cash. He is not interested in these qualities.

    I know these are wonderful things to express, but how to I help my daughter. In some cases the emergency has been life threatening.

  5. Aw, but ideas coming from divine Mind will give you and your daughter the direction and guidance you two need to figure out how necessary bills are going to be paid. Listen carefully and honestly, and you’ll see what to do, or receive.

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