It’s Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2014 | 12 comments

Some people love this day. Others dread it. Many barely even notice.

Whether you’re married or single, dating or not, surrounded by family or feeling alone, there is a higher idea to Valentine’s Day that can bring joy to your day whether you have an intimate relationship or not.

God loves you! You are always God’s “Valentine.” And feeling God’s abundant love gives you license and freedom to share that same unqualified love with everyone you meet and greet today.

So, spread the love freely.

For anyone special in your life, be sure to let them know. And for all those you don’t consider “special,” see them as special too and let them know.

Every person is special to God. There is enough love to go around for everyone, and the best place to start feeling it is right at home in your own heart.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

12 thoughts on “It’s Valentine’s Day”

  1. This message is so very comforting and good for everyone. I have a friend whose husband passed on, four years back, on Valentines day. Have e mailed her this lovely message and I am so certain she will find solace in the lovely ideas conveyed. Evan we are all so grateful to you indeed. wish you and yours A VERY HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY.

  2. Thank you Evan! This is really special and is spreading love! So grateful for your inspirations coming daily through your blog!!!! Thank you and Happy Valentine’s


  4. ………then said the bride to her husband on Valentine’s Day, “How can my intense devotion to you teach me to be more loving to others?”

  5. Humans love days to celebrate, be it a wedding anniversary, birthday or Valentine’s day. Me? I celebrate God’s day every day, and so bring the human up, way up to the Divine.

  6. Thank you, Evan, friend to all and God’s Valentine. Thanks to all the writers too, what a lovely way to celebrate Love with each other…every day. Happy Valentines Day!

  7. Thank you so very much!! I work in a restaurant on the weekends. Some friends of mine in the restaurant were saying the other day that Valentine’s Day is one of the worst days to work, for various reasons. … .but if we are all expressing Love and celebrating Love it will be a wonderful night! Thank you!

  8. My daughter brought me candy and flowers. She is always so thoughtful. I got flowers for a dear friend and fixed lunch for another friend. To me today was Love reflecting Love.

  9. If an infinite God is Love, there is so much more that we haven’t seen, known, or felt. The possibilities for experiencing this love are infinite. We have only scratched the surface. Infinite love is waiting for us, calling to us, dawning on us right now. Thank you Father/Mother!

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