Be victor, not victim

April 3, 2017 | 19 comments

There are two different ways to face those who would oppose you, as victim or victor.

Jesus Christ faced severe persecution. He was falsely accused, maligned, smeared, belittled, slandered, arrested on false charges, misrepresented and sentenced to death. But through it all, he assumed the position of victor. He did not play the role of victim.

One could argue that he certainly had a right to feel victimized. After all, what he faced was so unfair. But Jesus understood how the carnal mind worked. He understood that the carnal mind is motivated by selfishness, greed, pride, and other inward self-serving qualities. He was not naïve. He did not expect justice to come from a mind bent on serving material wants first. He went higher. He went to God for justice, and sought spiritual ways and means to conquer the injustices of the carnal mind.

To play the role of victim is to assume a position of weakness. It is acceding to evil, agreeing with evil and eventually becoming a pawn of evil. It’s what the carnal mind wants, to intimidate us into submission and then make us squirm under its proverbial thumb.

But we can learn from Jesus’ example. We don’t have to assume the role of victim. We can put crushed human ego aside and seek out the higher laws of God which are designed to conquer the evils of this world and establish what is just and right. Just like Jesus did over his enemies. He proved his persecutors powerless to stop his progress.

In the face of injustice, we should give all power to God. Like David facing Goliath, David knew his Almighty God, and then humbly listened for God’s direction on how to conquer the evil before him.

We can do the same. We can start with God, stay with God and end with God.

The apostle Paul wrote, “We are human, but we don’t wage war as humans do. We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments”
II Cor. 10:3-4, NLT.

God’s “mighty weapons” of Truth and Love are at your disposal to overcome the injustices of this world. Use them adeptly!

Be a victor, not a victim.

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19 thoughts on “Be victor, not victim”

  1. Thanks so much again for today`s View out of the Spiritual standpoint, dear Evan!

    If I dig a bit deeper into today`s inspiring SV I find it very comforting to learn from Christ Jesus, that we must not be a victim of all the errors we seemingly see, hear or feel in the world; but we can be a victor over all that, just as Jesus was and proved so perfectly and lovingly.

    MBE teaches us still today through Science and Health that the real man which God created in his image and likeness i s a victor over all what does not come from our Father-Mother-God. It simply does not belong to God and therefore not to man. Yes, but thats right, we have to pray and demonstrate it – But then God is with us, thats it!

    Am very grateful that I may learn all these Truths 😉

  2. Thank you Evan. I love the reminder to start with God, stay with God and end with God. With this we cannot help but be the victor. Blessings to all today.

  3. Very enlightening. I learned not to play the role of the victim the hard way but I never really looked at Jesus final experience in this way before. Yet this was the ultimate demonstration of not playing the role of the victim. Thank you Evan for this post. I’ve discovered that on looking back over those instances when I felt victimized, I realized that I had a role in it by some of the choices I made. This may not be true for everyone, but not playing the role of the victim, free us to be who we really are as an expression of God’s goodness and not having to resort to the lower responses so common in vengeance or some other get even mentality.

    1. Very astute observation, Josef.
      Choosing to stand in the knowledge
      of our True being, makes it impossible
      to feel victimized as well as being offended by taking another’s behavior personaly …..

      Thank you my friend

  4. I have been feeling a victim of cicumstances for a long time now. Evan it all seems like a Greek tragedy! ALL the time praying and crying. Reading your blog today woke me up.
    I was not aware of what I was doing. Reading your blog today, I realizza that I was playing the wrong part. Not again. Thanks

    1. Sofia…I am so happy for your realization,
      I too feel like the dreaming song is done,
      It was only a dream, now i wonder
      why i stayed so long…

      Deep heartfelt blessings, beautiful child of God

  5. “Thought is the only force.
    Therefore, those who have turned to
    the fountainhead of Being for the
    solution of any problem, have brought
    such titanic force into intelligent activity
    that the results may seem incredible”

    Mary Baker Eddy, our beloved leader, stating so clearly
    what God has made available to us all, each and every one…..

  6. Thank you, Josef, for your comment which I can certainly relate to from my past experiences.

  7. Thank you so much! It sometimes seem difficult to be the “victor” instead of fearing and being intimidated by the words and actions of someone else or some circumstance, but I’m learning. We are all victors through God’s love and guidance. Jesus is most certainly the one to follow! He was never the victim, and neither are we. Thanks again, everyone.

  8. Thank you for the “perfect” message for me today and thank you to all who commented as well because to realize and feel an awakening is a wonderful gift, from the One Mind…Thank you all!

  9. Thank you Evan. Great wake up call! When one plays the part of the victim, one is placing the blame on someone else. Your blog made me realize it is important to understand there are no victims or victimizers, just God and his perfect ideas. Again thanks everyone for sharing!

  10. Thank you Barbara for your comment about placing blame, which sort of creates an enemy, and denies God’s universal harmony. Thank you Evan, good to think about this today.

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