Victory to victory

January 3, 2025 | 22 comments

A woman was lamenting how life felt like one struggle after another.  

I understood where she was coming from but yearned for her to feel more of God’s goodness every day.

I said, “Perspective is everything!  It’s important to remember that God is your Life, and this Life is filled with certain goodness.  Yes, we all face struggles, but how we face them is critical to how we feel afterward.  If we see evil as real and powerful, we might be tempted to get depressed and discouraged.  But if we remember that God is all-powerful good, giving us what we need to conquer any evil in front of us, we retain hope and keep thought wide open to how that evil is going to be conquered.  We find a path to victory!”  

She cheered up and started seeing how she could master her ills rather than succumb to them.  That was progress!

The above offers a useful lesson to remember.  

The spiritual Life God has given us to live is not designed to be a series of struggles that gets us down.  It’s a series of opportunities to demonstrate the healing power of Truth.  When approached from this point of view, we are not moving from struggle to struggle, but from victory to victory!

22 thoughts on “Victory to victory”

  1. So true, and as my friend Pierre Pradervand wrote in one of his blessings, “May I understand that any upset in my life, any major challenge, is simply a clarion call urging me to grasp that absolutely everything in my life happens to forward my growth and my good, and hence bless it and even give thanks for it.”
    Happy New Year to all!

  2. “From glory unto glory…as the hymn says (hymn 65). It has also been said – When you learn to love the uphill, it is downhill all the way!
    Thanks so much Evan.

  3. If tempted to think we are less than God’s creation, that will dissolve when we realize that is impossible.

    Thank you, Evan. I love seeing each experience as an opportunity to demonstrate a victory over that challenge.

      1. You’re welcome Sancy.

        I came across this quote by Daniel Jensen: “We never heal conditions, we just remove beliefs from consciousness.”

  4. Sometimes life certainly does seem like struggle after struggle. In overcoming
    a major issue which seemed insurmountable years ago, in dealing with an
    environmental problem – I learned that sometimes what we Think is there to
    help, actually is luring us into a false sense of help or protection and actually
    seems to have nefarious intentions – that is … the purpose was to cover up
    what the issue was, rather than help to heal it. One thought that kept coming
    at the time was – if we are not part of the solution, then we are part of the
    problem. (In terms of CS, I suppose we can see that as, if we are not turning
    to God, we seem to be on the side of mortal mind).
    The perspective in seeing other ways of obtaining the same goal, helped to
    overcome the problem. Turning to God/Spirit, seeing the One Mind as a
    solution, (with the dedicated help of a politician who saw through the situation
    for what it was, mortal mind, polluting – overcame the clouds of sense and
    helped clear the way for a beautiful unfoldment of Truth to shine through into
    a clear day. The perspective in turning from others who were also being
    affected, but chose to do nothing … to turning to God’s guidance and help,
    turned the situation around where everyone was benefitted from it and today
    there is an environment, not tainted by pollution, but a clear victory over it.

    1. Thank you, Angel, for this spiritual guidance and approach.
      Thank you, Evan, for making us aware of the absolute power of the Spirit’s presence every day. Thank you for all at SV
      To express sincerely each day your thoughts on this Eterbal subject.

    2. Thank you so much for your kind words, CK and Pp. There seems to
      be so much that we need to be aware of in keeping our True identity
      as children of God. Mortal so-called forces are constantly trying to
      gain our thoughts in all different ways they can, which does not make
      this a better world, but one that tries to enslave our Real identity and
      control what we need to see as false representations or artificial – –
      not real images, but of mortality… the cunning serpent that sneaks into
      thought to try to get us to believe in it and give it power.

  5. Thank you for this very uplifting post! What a wonderful perspective to carry into the (eternally) new year!

  6. Thanks Evan and all.

    When it seems like I’m stuck in a problem, it can help to remember these words from Psalms:

    God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
    (Psalms 46:5)

    God is in my midst, here and now.

    1. Nancy thanks for that verse from Psalms. Very comforting. The part that says, “…she shall not be moved,” makes me feel the calmness and stability of knowing we’re in God’s presence. Verse 7 continues, “The Lord of hosts is with us, and the God of Jacob is our refuge.” We all need a refuge at times from this seemingly crazy so-called material world, so good to have the one God, Almighty, as our refuge.

  7. I love this positive spiritual approach Evan.

    As we mark up each victory we have won over
    the material false claims, however small, we will be
    walking on the right pathway, following Christ Jesus.
    Not only will we have we won a significant spiritual victory
    but we will have destroyed a false claim that can never return,
    as the victory is always in God’s hands. It will also bless others.

    A few verses of a favourite hymn comes to mind:

    From glory unto glory, / Be this our joyous song; / From glory unto glory, / ’Tis Love that leads us on; / As wider yet and wider, / The rising splendors glow, / What wisdom is revealed to us, / What freedom we may know. …

    From glory unto glory, / What great things He hath done, / What wonders He hath shown us, / What triumphs Love hath won. / From glory unto glory, / From strength to strength we go, / While grace for grace abundantly / Doth from His fullness flow.
    (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 65:1, 3)

    Also, “During the battle the victory is won” comes to mind. and ‘Truth is
    always the victor.’

    1. Thank you Maggie—I love this line from hymn 204 that reminds us to claim the victory right in the midst of the battle with mortal mind, not waiting, but declaring the victory as Jesus did. He thanked God BEFORE the evidence of healing was clear, knowing it was already done. I use this often!

      Here is the full passage from the hymn
      They go in Thy strength, and they speak in Thy name, / With power of Thy promise forth faring, / And during the battle the victory claim,— / Their trust in Thy truth is their daring, / Salvation to all men declaring.
      (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 204:3)

      Claim the victory!

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