If you ever fear a major problem that appears to be hanging over your head and about to come crushing down, find a way out of trouble by remembering the spiritual truth about yourself and God’s care at hand.
August 2, 2017 | 30 comments
If you ever fear a major problem that appears to be hanging over your head and about to come crushing down, find a way out of trouble by remembering the spiritual truth about yourself and God’s care at hand.
Thank you so much Evan, just what I needed to hear this morning!
Thank you Evan…this takes a weight off my (human) mind at the moment
NOTICE….This boulder in front of you has many ways AROUND IT !!!
Thank you.
Such an inspiring message and vlog, Evan, thank you. It’s one to share with others, as well as to know for all feeling burdened. Abiding thanks for the blessings of all your healing work for all.
I just love the metaphors you use in your travels! They help to make the Truth that you teach easy to understand and to remember!
Thank you, Evan, for such an uplifting message of hope and encouragement.
The world seems to be challenging us with so much divisiveness, unwillingness to work together, environmental, political and so many other distractions and obstacles that would try to obstruct our pathway to Truth.
This is such a practical way of seeing through the fear of it all, into the peace that is there for us when we look at things through the view of Spirit.
I love your vlogs! I so need this today. Thank you.
Thank you Evan!
Thank you Evan. Just what I needed to hear. Blessings to all today.
Thank you Evan for this message today. Very timely for me.
Thanks! I love that image. And, the reminder that life is eternal, and God is always caring for us!
I love that you point out that everything in our life is actually spiritual, especially “our health is spiritual.” Thanks for reminding me of that. I must admit I think of health as the present condition of my body at times, instead of it being a wholly spiritual state, actually a HOLY spiritual state of my oneness with God where material suggestions have nothing to say about anything that truly is our being as reflection. LOVE this. Photography is beautiful! Thanks to both you and Kathy. Blessings all!
I really need to hear this message Evan, but again the volume is at a whisper.
We spoke about this before, and I trust I can come back to the vlog later and be able to hear you speak. Perhaps you can get your microphone closer so that it picks up your voice better.
Love to all,
NE Ohio
It sounds great on my PC. Perhaps in the left bottom corner of your video screen, where the speaker icon is, you can increase your volume? Or on the sound settings of your computer?
Dear Evan, I must agree with Danielle. I, too, am not able to hear your vlogs. I have the sound turned to its greatest, maximum volume, and cannot hear the message. Sometimes, the outdoor wind destroys any and all other sound as you speak so that I do not hear your voice. Sorry to report this, but, I look forward to the true healing power you so generously and unselfishly are sharing with the world. Working with God’s love,
Sunshine in Michigan
To want to say it in a kind manner – I do not understand all the complaints about the Vlogs, being not loud enough. My computer is not the newest, it is from Hewlet Packards (HP). I have two separate loudspeakers connected to the PC-Monitor, and they work fine. When the wind is making noise, I can turn the loudspeakers so loud so that I can hear everything Evans says very well.
But I am sure there is a solution to your seeming loudness problem.
Also the technical problems are under God`s control
Evan, I thank you so much for your today`s so inspiring and helpful Vlog.
Also Christ Jesus taught his students in such practical and understandable way.
Am so grateful for all I may learn in Christian Science it is the best we can have!
Awesome Analogy! Thank you!
Oh, thank you! I needed that for something upcoming tomorrow–this has allayed my fears. Time to shrink that boulder to a pebble and into it’s nothingness. Erroneous mortal mind always trying to blow things out of proportion. Replacing negative thoughts with spiritual rockwork right now! Love this analogy!!!! THANK YOU.
Could it be something in your settings? I can hear quick distinctly Evan’s voice.
quite distinctly not quick distinctly
I get Evan’s vlogs on my mobile and today’s was very quiet. Also there is no speaker icon on the screen to turn the volume up. My phone volume itself is pretty high already. However i did hear the message which i really appreciated.
thankyou Evan! Good analogy for what seems a hugely challenging ongoing litany of agg mntl “suggestions.” Much apreciated.
The only time I experience these audio problems is with Evan’s vlog, so I know it is not MY settings .. I have checked … and the volume on my speakers is at 100%.
I have talked with Evan’s technical advisor about this, and there is nothing more I can do on MY end .. the settings are correct, and the speakers are at 100%.
Shepherd Show Us!
The only time I experience these audio problems is with Evan’s vlog, so I know it is not MY settings .. I have checked … and the volume on my speakers is at 100%.
I have talked with Evan’s technical advisor about this, and there is nothing more I can do on MY end .. the settings are correct, and the speakers are at 100%.
Shepherd Show Us!
Thanks so much Evan! Great message!
Thank you Evan. Sound was faint, but could hear ok. Laptop sound was at 100%. No place to turn vlog sound up.
ok I hear you fine. it is soft i thought because of where you are recording but I like that. I can never get enough reminders to start spiritually. I also think my body problem is a separate thing at times. I need this reminder that anything that is real is spiritual and all the rest is material and a suggestion. I knew a spiritually minded psychiatrist who used to say- all problems are psychological ( material) all solutions are spiritual. It was a beginning for me.
Pat I like what you said “replacing negative thoughts with spirtual rockwork right now!”
Remembering Spiritual Truth keeps me on the positive side of God’s continued showing us how we are always protected.
Oh my God, that talk was so reassuring and inspiring..Certainly God will not allow any boulder like problem touch us and will surely save us from coming crushing down on us, only if we understand the all power and all presence of God good and follow the right path.. “Goodness attains the demonstration of Truth”