Vote for qualities

November 2, 2010 | 2 comments

Election Day in the USA is upon us! Any society that is able to vote for its leaders is privileged and blessed. It’s a freedom that should not be taken for granted.

But who to vote for can be difficult to decide at times. Do I vote for a Republican or a Democrat, a man or a woman, a liberal or a conservative, an incumbent or a newbie? Voters wonder. Many factors sway decision-making.

One way to sort through the options is to vote for qualities. It’s not a Republican or a Democrat that is going to prosper the country so much as an individual who embodies leadership qualities that are going to bless the people they serve. Those qualities may come in the form of a Republican in one case, and in the form of a Democrat or an Independent in another. There is a wide mixture of candidates on ballots that defy conventional labels and traditional expectations.

So, vote for qualities. Look past the labels to the inner being, the core values a candidate stands for. Once the qualities are clear, it’s much easier to decide which box to check on the ballot.

Honesty, integrity, vision, trustworthiness, compassion, unselfishness, faithfulness are a few qualities that serve an electorate well. I’m sure you can think of many more.

But above all, value your right to vote and show your gratitude by casting a ballot today.

Happy voting…

2 thoughts on “Vote for qualities”

  1. The Discover and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy asked her followers to pray for their country and their leaders on a number of occasions (e.g. Pan 14:11). She placed great emphasis not on who was right, but on what was right. As we pray for our leaders every day, we can know that whoever is elected will be guided by a Divine intelligence and a Divine Ego that will put what’s right first.

    Louie from Los Angeles

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