Walk over the waves, not in them

January 18, 2021 | 29 comments

Waves of error seem to beset many people at times. Waves of concern about the pandemic, the future, government, and health. Waves of fear, anxiety, worry and doubt. But we do not have to drown in those waves of error. We can thrive despite them.

Jesus Christ taught his followers to walk over the waves of mortal mind, not in them.

When the disciples were struggling for survival amidst a great storm at sea (Mark 6:48-51), Jesus came to them walking on the water, walking over the waves, undeterred by the same storm the disciples feared was a threat. To Jesus, the storm was not a threat. He exercised mastery over it and was moving full speed ahead with his mission to love and help humanity.

Jesus acted on his understanding that God was the only power over his life and experience, and this understanding gave him dominion over the waves.

We can act with the same spiritual dominion and authority.

God is the only power over our life. When we walk with God rather than get consumed by popular fears and false beliefs, we can walk over the waves of mortal mind and prove them powerless to stop us. We can keep on moving down a path of progress and success.

Do not sink in the waves of error! Walk above them and prosper.

29 thoughts on “Walk over the waves, not in them”

  1. ❤️ your comment: “We can thrive despite them”!
    We can walk OVER the waves of mortal mind, in our ever-present demonstration of our “eternal life”. ❤️
    Thank you for these Spirit Views.

  2. Thank you for this, Evan. It makes me think of hymn 10:
    All power is given unto our Lord,
    On Him we place reliance;
    With truth from out His sacred word
    We bid our foes defiance.
    With Him we shall prevail,
    Whatever may assail;
    He is our shield and tower,
    Almighty is His power;
    His kingdom is forever.

  3. Evan thanks for your insights into this beautiful Bible story and of the dominion Jesus demonstrated over fear.
    I feel it is often our pride that underlies our fears to trust ourselves to God’s absolute care..
    Mrs. Eddy speaks about trusting “- – the equipoise of that thought-force, which launched the earth in its orbit and said to the proud wave, “Thus far and no farther.”
    One evening driving to church to read on Wednesday night I had a cold that threatened to keep me from reading and the above statement stoped it immediately and you might say I had my moment of feeling the power and dominion God has given us over fear.

        1. Brian thank you for leading everyone to that quote. Sorry I left out the reference. Makes me smile at all the love shown in different ways in the SV family.

  4. May I share the following poem.. I have always liked the last two lines:
    “For I will remember, undoubtedly,
    When I saw the Christ, I walked on the sea.” Where we look determines where we go….


    Heaving, rocking, no ordinary squall,
    Forget the fishing, survival is all:
    The wind is contrary, deep is the night,
    When we see Jesus, – it gives us a fright!

    We had left him alone upon the far shore:
    This must be a spirit amidst the storm’s roar!
    But he felt our fear as waves merged with sky,
    Calmly said, “Be not afraid; it is I”

    My thoughts were in turmoil, how could this be, –
    Things impossible he’d do constantly.
    The previous day five thousand were fed
    And all he had were some fish and some bread.

    Walking on water and standing on sea,-
    It does make me question reality!
    Dare I believe in my friend, in my Lord,
    “If it really is you, give me the word”.

    I feel the strength of his simple command
    For he has said “Come” and I cannot be harmed.
    I step out of the boat and onto the sea:
    Each step toward Jesus has strange buoyancy.

    But winds and waves continue to scream.
    What am I doing? Surely I dream?
    I look down at my feet, deep water there,
    I feel all alone. I feel sudden fear.

    It seems like slow motion, as I start to sink,
    I’d glimpsed something true, I’d been on the brink,
    But this is no dream, am I going to drown?
    “Lord save me!” I cry as I drop down down down.

    He answers my need without need of time.
    In the instant I call his arm around mine.
    My friends stand amazed, they all want to shout.
    But Jesus asks quietly “Why didst thou doubt?”

    Jesus’ calm presence dissipates fears.
    We enter the ship, and the storm disappears.
    The power of God and dominion of man
    Becomes even clearer, for with God we can!

    I now claim the faith that mountains can move,
    The mere mustard seed that thy works I prove,
    For I will remember, undoubtedly,
    When I saw the Christ, I walked on the sea.

    https://www.kencooperpoetry.com/peters-faith-walk-on-the-sea/ (video)

    1. Thank you very much Ken for sharing your poem. I always find them so descriptive
      and they bring out the message loud and clear. When we are knowing that the Christ
      is with us and we welcome him into our thoughts, we are home and dry – we can
      walk over the waves of false fears.

    2. Thank you Evan, error often seems to come in waves doesn’t it? Some we step over to carry on, then one will try to shift our stance, sometimes it is a wave which threatens to swamp us. Always divine Love is with us in thought, “holding our arm” to paraphrase Ken’s words.

      Thank you for posting your poem Ken.

      Fond memories of evenings at McNeil House after the office “closed” (never really did) good to see you are still writing, will read this one to mum (Joan) later ♡


  5. “And o’er earth’s troubled, angry “SEE”
    I see Christ walk,
    And come to me, and tenderly,
    Divinely talk.”

    What are we, seeing,
    If what we are “seeing” isn’t of God, the
    Christ will come and tenderly, divinely talk.

    ‘Gainst which the winds and. waves can shock,
    Oh, nevermore”
    We are safe from seeing and reacting to
    any erroneous suggestion.

  6. Wonderful comments today…thank you so much.
    Mortal mind does indeed need ‘walking over ‘. We must always look for the good surrounding us with ‘spiritual dominion and authority ‘ Thank you Evan …invigorating thought to start the week.❣️

  7. Thank you for this buoyant expression from every one in my hour of need. I’m humbly grateful for these guiding uplifting prayers.

    Quote on Martin Luther King Day in The USA.
    “Darkness cannot overcome darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot overcome hate. Only love can do that”.

    Have a most wonderful and productive week.

    1. David, you said you are in your “hour of need.” Whatever you need right now, you cannot be separated from it, God is supplying it without interruption. All blessings and love to you.

      Good to hear everyone today, our Peace is Undisturbed. Evan’s words made me think that maybe the waves (erroneous mortal viewpoint that seems real when looking down) were unseen. Looking up, all that can be seen is Peace and a clear and calm path. Thank you all for your beautiful thoughts and expressions of Truth!

      1. So much lovingkindness felt from your kind reassurance. Thank you Rose. All this mornings blessings have helped me stay above the waves of error.

    2. Thank you for that powerful quote from a true follower of Jesus. Another favorite quote from MLK Jr. Is “Love is the greatest power in the universe.” And as MB Eddy says “Love is the liberator.” We WILL overcome all the injustices of our age. God, divine Truth has our back.

  8. Thank you, Evan and SpiritViewers, for this needed inspiration. Near the end of her essay, “Seedtime.and Harvest, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “Jesus taught us t walk over, not into or with, the currents of matter, or mortal mind.” (Miscellanious Writings, p. I1) That whole page is very helpful, including, when referring to his healings, “but neither red tape nor indignity hindered the divine purpose.”
    A “big with blessings day to all.

    1. Thanks for that reference Elaine, I looked for the page, it is actually p. 11 in Unity of Good. It brought me to that book again, which I had not looked at for a long while.

  9. My mornings spent in the company of Evan & my beloved fellow SpiritViewers always establishes my day certainly on a beautiful path. Before I got out of bed this morning, I thought of our upcoming Lesson this week, and pondered just what it means to KNOW the Truth! It is to SEE the Truth everywhere, and, as others this morning have said, our only sea is that correct seeing, which propels us Over the waves!
    Love love love & Heart~Thank You to all

    1. “I like to think of “knowing” as synonymous with realizing and awakening. Rather than forcing ourselves to know it, we allow the Truth to reveal itself to us!

      Some synonyms for know are:
      perceive, recognize, discern, feel certain, comprehend, grasp, be acquainted, appreciate, experience.” Lindsey Biggs, C.S, metaphysical from CedarS Camp for this week’s lesson.

      As I replaced these synonyms for “know” in “You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free”, I realized a better understanding of this beloved phrase.

      How wonderful we have these platforms in CS to bring us together and discuss ideas.

      Thank you Evan for guiding us to walk over the wave of materialism.

  10. “Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living, is the Life divine, revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of man’s dominion over the whole earth.” Even a glimpse of this separate reality,- this “Life divine”-gives us a sense of authority and power over the ebbs and flows of mortal beliefs. Thank you Evan for your daily awakening us to the world of Spirit.

  11. “Entirely separate from the belief and dream of material living is the Life divine, revealing spiritual understanding and the consciousness of man’s dominion over the whole earth.” Even a glimpse of this separate reality,- this “Life divine”- gives us a sense of dominion and power over the ebbs and flows of mortal belief. Thank you Evan for your daily awakenings to the world of Spirit.

  12. So wonderful is this SpiritView, thank you very much Evan!
    To walk above the waves of error and prospers there is very helpful, studying the weekly lesson sermon and doing church work. Am very thankful, that our CS church is open to the public – church service and readingroom despite seeming Covid. And we have visitors , also in readingroom. This surely benefits the church and our community. And as mentioned above helps to walk obove the waves as our loved Master Christ Jesus did.
    How lively and interesting are today’s communications, thanks all very much!

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