Walk a Straight Line

October 9, 2014 | 8 comments

“People with integrity walk safely, but those who follow crooked paths will slip and fall.”

~ Proverbs 10:9, NLT

Integrity is defined as the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards. It’s the state of being complete or undivided. You’re always in a safe place when you walk with integrity!

8 thoughts on “Walk a Straight Line”

  1. So true Evan. Honesty, integrity and fidelity are the qualities which ensures our safety and God is on the side of such morally upright people. Hence an upright and Godlike person has nothing to fear. He/She always prospers and is shielded and protected by God, good. This also reminds me of “Honesty is spiritual power. Dishonesty is human weakness and forfeits divine help”.

  2. Where is the challenge in always being “Safe”? Won’t your sense of accomplishment be much greater if you successfully navigate the “Crooked Trail” by conquering it and reaching the end successfully?

    1. Al,

      I think in this sense it not that you won’t be challenged but rather what you bring to the varied experience is a spiritual sense of stability in Truth of who you are reflecting the grace of God in your identity which can manifest infinite expressions and forms. Just a thought that came to me. I trust that you will not take offense.

      1. Yes, I agree. We all face issues everyday. HOW we respond to them is key to where we end up next!

  3. Early in my work career a co-worker with high integrity gave me some valuable career advice. He said:

    “Always tell the truth. That way you don’t have to remember what you said!”

    I have heeded this advice and it has served me well in my 29+ year career. While it’s relatively easy to remember what happened in the past and respond honestly if questioned about it, it can get pretty hard to remember all of the lies or half truths you might have told in the past if questioned about it. I’ve seen people that did not follow this rule “slip and fall” many times.

    Thanks Evan for this reminder to always act with integrity!

  4. I am going through a learning situation now and I have to stand straight and keep my single eye on the Truth. Beginning with where I want to go is helpful . Beginning with the one Mind never fails. why would it?

  5. Now as a single, senior woman, I need to add to honesty, alertness and wisdom. The other fellow may not be acting with integrity and honesty.

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