Watch your ancestors

April 11, 2012 | 4 comments

The ancestor of every action is a thought.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
We often blame our actions for the trouble that occurs in our lives, but it’s not the action that originated the trouble.  It’s the thought that led to the action.
So, watch those thoughts! If they’re not good, stop them before they transform into action. If they’re good, let them unfold and bloom in all their outward glory.

4 thoughts on “Watch your ancestors”

  1. …but HOW do I stop those negative thoughts?
    What if they don’t stop appearing, no matter how I try to let in only the good ones?

  2. I have had the same question myself, but have found that the best way is to crowd out the negative thoughts with good. For instance, read the Bible and Science and Health or listen to it on audio and before you know it, good crowds out all else. Good is powerful!

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