What tribe do you belong to?

April 11, 2012 | 2 comments

I was studying an account of God delivering the children of Israel from the bondage of Pharaoh in Egypt, and was delighted to read this verse:

“He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes.” Psalm 105:37


After I read, “…there was not one feeble person among their tribes,” I thought, “I want to be a member of that tribe!”
I don’t feel feeble, but the promise of never being feeble sounded very appealing to me. It certainly is an expectation a student of Christian Science gains as he or she learns more about immortal individuality and identity.
But then I asked, “What tribe do I have to be a member of to never be feeble?”
“The tribe of immortal man!” Truth echoed in my inner ear.
Yep, that’s right. The tribe of “mortal man,” is where feebleness abounds. Mortal mind teaches that weakness, lack, diminution of strength, detriments of aging, and more, are normal and to be expected. This is not a healthy tribe to join or be part of! And we don’t have to unite with it, or stay in it if we feel already stuck there.
God made man immortal! This is what Jesus taught, and Christian Science explains.
From God’s point of view, there is only one tribe—God’s immortal man.
Stay in the right tribe today, and enjoy feeble-free living.

2 thoughts on “What tribe do you belong to?”

  1. “mortal mind” is so….feeble!

    “There is, in reality, no mortal mind.”

    ~Mary Baker Eddy

    Divine Science is surely showing us the way out of
    the belief in mortal mind, and its … feebleness!

    (Webster explains feeble as “unconvincing, weak, implausible.) Perfect, huh!


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