What are you thinking about?

February 12, 2021 | 23 comments

Children can have some of the most profound, yet simple, ways of thinking that lead to spiritual healing.

One child, who felt an illness coming on and had been taught in Sunday School to see sickness as error unworthy of mental attention, replied, “Error, get right out. I’ve got God to think about!” And healing came quickly.

What are you thinking about?

23 thoughts on “What are you thinking about?”

  1. Evan I guess that’s why Jesus said we must become as little children. O the joy to trust my Father Morher God. O the joy of innocence and goodness that make Truth easier to understand and accept..

  2. Love that story, children are very receptive to truth. This made me remember when my daughter was very young we had a little poem that we made up together and used at needed times to put error in it’s place. It went:

    “Error, error go away,
    And don’t come back no other day,
    For you are not real,
    For you we do not feel,
    For it’s God that we express
    Only God we can express!”

    Let’s think about God every moment today. Love to all!

  3. Out of the mouths of babes! I love that child’s instant dismissal – no messing – right back to basics. A lesson for us all and one I’ve been trying to remember to do. Thank you Evan.

  4. Thank you so much, Evan for this thought. It makes me think of this line from from hymn 134:
    “The thought of Thee is mightier far
    Than sin and pain and sorrow are.”

  5. I love the pic above of the child in the snow I call it making angels. I did this too when a child it was so natural. Knowing God is natural too and keeps every mistake called error away.
    Thank you for reminding me if that fact.

  6. Lovely thoughts and we are all Children of God.
    And we are all surrounded by angels… thought (Mind) messages of Love to warm our Spirit and Soul.

  7. A wonderful reminder..”I’ve got God th think about today”…
    And thank you Rose for the poem “telling error to go away and don’t come back no other way”!

  8. Many years ago I walked by my young daughters room late one night and heard voices. A little alarmed, because she should’ve been asleep, I stopped at the door to listen. I heard my daughter say “error, you just get out of here right now. Go on! “ we both slept well that night – free from error.

  9. Dear Evan and friends,
    I love the little ditty shared, “Error, get right out. I’ve got God to think about”. We can use this whenever our thought starts to worry about a family member or other issue. It reminded me of another ditty I made up for my grand niece to encourage her to read more. It came from a tune from the Music Man’s “Pick a little, peck a little…” We’d sing “Read a little, play a little, read a little, play a little. Read, read, read, play a lot, read a little more”. On a spiritual level we can sing, “Work a little, pray a little. Work a little, pray a little. Work, work, work, pray a lot, work a little more.” Thanks to everyone for your inspirations! And Happy Hearts Day to all!

    1. Thanks, Cathryn. Great stuff. I have a woman staying with me who is not a CSist and is in great turmoil and distress. She spends most of her time thinking about everything wrong. She asks for help to grow spiritually, but is having a very hard time “getting” the concept that all those negative thoughts are not real because they are not from God and, therefore, she doesn’t have to accept them. She can refute them and turn to God. As a result she is a nervous wreck. I pray to see her enfolded in God’s Love and feeling at peace. She could use your words of wisdom.

  10. What wonderful childlike simplicity and trust. A child’s mind is uncluttered and ready and
    eager to learn new things. A hymn from the CS hymn book comes to mind (291), the first verse of
    which is:

    Quiet, Lord, my froward heart,
    Make me gentle pure and mild,
    Upright, simple, free from art;
    Make me as a little child.
    From distrust and envy free,
    Pleased with all that pleaseth thee.

    Mrs. Eddy talks about how a child should be brought up most importantly
    with spiritual education -( I can’t remember the quote now )- and kept
    childlike. Something like that. We would benefit by developing that childlike trust
    in God to enable us to cast out error as that little child so easily did. and be eager to
    learn more about spiritual things.

  11. Also… ” God IS – error isn’t – and That’s That!!!” I love those short and to-the-point sayings from children! Thanks!

    1. Another quick dismissal of error is….If it isn’t good….
      It isn’t true! And it doesn’t belong to me….or you!

  12. Nothing can mar the perfection of Gods children!
    Wonderful lesson this week.. page 419 of Science and Healt
    Is a great study”neither disease itself,sin,nor fear has the power to cause disease or relapse. ……….Move it off!
    No Second wave of something that is not real to begin with.
    Thanks Evan for your constant helps.

  13. At a Board meeting of my church one member voiced a complaint about some physical aliment she claimed to be having. Without hesitation another board member’s response was, “Well, that’s a lie.” A simple, clear “get thee behind me satan” statement. And from that I remember some good advice I once got from a practitioner: “Treat it and dismiss.”

  14. Thank you so much Evan for this strong and simple prayer which shows her love and trust to God alone. Yes, we should be childlike so as this little child, knowing that only our Father-Mother God is the one we want to comunicate with !!

    1. This evening I thought about your simple question, Evan, i.e. ” What are you thinking about?”
      The spontanious thought came, HEALING, healing the world and healing me Because if I experience a healing, that has a healing impact on my surounding, my neighbors, my town etc. I am very thankful for Christian Science and what wonderful Truths it teaches me!
      Thank you Evan, that you keep us so loving on the right track of Spirit with your SpiritView Blog!

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