What does it mean to be spiritual

June 4, 2024 | 25 comments

It’s a common question I hear in my practice.  “What does it mean to be spiritual?” many have asked.

We all have much to learn about what it means to be a perfect spiritual child of God.  As Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity.  All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely” (I Cor. 13:12, NLT).

What exactly we are in heaven is yet to be seen.  But there is much we do know for sure.

To be spiritual, is to be spiritually minded.  It’s to know God, to know Love, to feel Love, to express Love, and to see Love in action around us when reflected.

To be spiritual is to be guided by spiritual truth.  It’s to reason out from God’s reality in Spirit, rather than get lost in material theories focused on matter.

To be spiritual is to express Love.  It is to be kind to others, to be kind to ourselves.  It’s patience, goodwill, generosity, compassion, thoughtfulness, consideration, forgiveness.

To be spiritual is to treasure the wealth of Spirit above the wealth of the world.  It is to value wisdom, intelligence, understanding, morality, spirituality and a knowledge of truth above money, stocks, land, and gold. 

To be spiritual is to be honest, trustworthy, faithful, authentic, genuine.

To be spiritual is to be humble, of a listening ear, an affectionate heart and a caring attitude.

To be spiritual is to live for spiritual goals and spiritual outcomes.

To be spiritual, is to be what God created you to be from the beginning.  To be good.

25 thoughts on “What does it mean to be spiritual”

  1. Thank you Evan,
    I hadn’t really understood the fact that I’m actually spiritual and thought that to be spiritual I’d need to be invisible to the material senses. But I see that to be spiritual is more like being spiritually minded.

  2. Evan, Thank you for your much needed clarity about spiritual mindedness which is right now present in my life.

  3. So grateful that you have elucidated this today, Evan. In Christian Science we hear “to be spiritual”all the time, as our Scientific statement of being declares. But it’s a little perplexing
    I’ve started”My spiritual Goals”List. You’ve given us such wonderful instruction.
    Thank you

  4. Thank you Evan – such a clear statement about being Spiritual and understanding what it is and is not. Your descriptions are so very clear and demand we practice those qualities every day to keep our thoughts more spiritual and less mortal. To be so full of Love, Truth and Life the mortal pictures fades away and out true nature as a child of God comes to life so much so that others are blessed by our thoughts as well.

  5. As always, dear Evan and all – Thank you so gratefully for this Beautiful perception of
    who we Really are! I often think of others having it “all together” and I, myself, sometimes
    floundering to try to figure it out. But this helps clarify that we are All working to see our
    Perfect and True reflection in the mirror of Life/Truth. Our love for each other certainly helps
    to bring this about and what a blessing when we can identify with our True Being in Love’s
    acceptance for who we are and we don’t need to pretend to be anyone but our genuine,
    God-given self.

  6. Thank you, Evan. Christian Science leads the way in the thought of what is good and true for the spiritual progrress of its students. To know of the good, That is to see the goood as the principle of all life comprehended through mind, supporting all knowledge in life as dependent upon the eternal truth, the brotherhood of mankind as having one source, one creator in Spirit, Soul the true identity of each as the expression of that one source, one creator an all encompassing Love, eternal, infinite in expressions of that oneness. We are and cannot be in truth other than that good for that one source can not be opposed to its own purpose. When we see that we are fully capable of our purpose given by the grace of God to express the manifold ideas of good, we are aligned to that purpose which can be only good.

  7. Thank you Evan. This is so perfect. “God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” Gen. 1:31

  8. So grateful to you, Evan, for this explicit (and humbling) description of what it means to be spiritual!

    Thank you so much. Blessings to you and all!

  9. Thank you Evan and all! I love Evan’s thought: “To be spiritual, is to be spiritually minded. It’s to know God, to know Love, to feel Love, to express Love, and to see Love in action around us when reflected.”
    I’m attaching Elise Moore’s website for some really inspirational and thought-provoking articles. One of her articles (under her Christian Science Journal articles) is “Five ideas for quicker healing”. She talks about affirming that you are loved by feeling God’s presence. The articles are copyrighted, so I’ll just share the website link. (When you go to the article, click on “Read more” for the entire article.)

    Elise Moore website:

  10. I…think of the simple-folk of Christ Jesus’ world, 2,000 years ago…the farmers, sheepherders, fishermen, the women who cooked and raised the children…trying to cope with the material-sense-evidence of what life is, and it means to be a…human.
    Then the Light (Truth!) came…in the form of Christ Jesus, to live and teach and heal them… even raise their dead! and then raise himself from the tomb, and ascend!!
    He taught folks the opposite of themselves…about what true being is as God’s expression…and he taught for the Ages. And here we are, today, trying to understand True Being as Spiritual Ideas! And today we have Mary Baker Eddy’s enlightened understanding of Jesus’ teachings in the form of a book: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, to guide us. Truly, God is Love and is here with us, as divine Love was then and always will be. Humbly grateful, I am, and learning, learning…. Thank YOU, Evan, for your enlightening teachings, too. TRUTH IS!

  11. Obrigada Professor. Amei estas Verdades. Levo muito em conta que: Amar a nosso proximo como Jesus nos ensinou é ser verdadeiro, e não podemos pensar que talvez amanhã quando eu compreenda mais desta Ciencia divina. É agora mesmo. O mundo precisa de amor e é só o AMOR que cura todos os males.

  12. I love all of the wonderful qualities you have listed, Evan – in our being spiritual.
    How lovely to try to live like Christ, Jesus, with these Christian and endearing
    propensities and striving to be more spiritually-minded and reflective of God.
    I had a dear friend (an angel now), who was an epitome of Christlike character –
    several friends actually, who altho in more spiritual places not humanly seen, are
    always present in heart and soul, with these heavenly attributes. When they are
    in thought, these lovely qualities shine through like with an aura of perfection and
    their presence, like God/Love is felt and so comforting. It is so beautiful.
    Btw, I miss the graphic today. They add so much to the complimenting of the spiritual

  13. Thank you, Evan, for this. I have always had a hard time grasping what being spiritual and thinking spiritually means. You have helped a lot.

  14. Un immense merci Evan pour cette explication si claire et si inspirante. Je vais l’utiliser autour de moi pour expliquer ce qu’est ; être spirituel et m’efforcer de le mettre ne pratique chaque instant. Merci infiniment .

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