When you get many error messages

August 11, 2010 | 6 comments

The below humorous story with a spiritual lesson was relayed to me recently…

A computer software engineer was writing a software program. When finished, he ran a test and the test reported back 186 error messages. A bit dazed, but determined to finish the project, he started analyzing the error messages one at a time. There were so many it appeared hopeless to ever find the trouble that way. He stopped, prayed, and listened for a more effective approach.

Instead of analyzing each of the error messages, he decided to rethink the program through from the basis of how he knew it should be written and run. Taking a fresh look at his work, he soon discovered a semi-colon he had inadvertently left out. He put it in, ran the test, and no more error messages. The program was done and a success. One simple correction, 186 errors eliminated.

Have you ever been faced with several “error messages” being reported to you? Perhaps a knee aches, a toe hurts, a shoulder complains, and on and on. Or maybe income is down, bills have increased, debt is growing and the economy is stagnant and on and on…?

These reports are like those prolific error messages faced by the programmer mentioned above. How to deal with them?

Often, the more successful approach to resolution is not to focus on all the reports of error but to get re-focused on the truth of being.

Perfect God and perfect man is the concept that needs to be understood better. Get that truth squarely in view, and what appears to be lacking will sooner stand out for correction.

“The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea, — perfect God and perfect man, — as the basis of thought and demonstration.” Mary Baker Eddy

6 thoughts on “When you get many error messages”

  1. Right Evan,
    We always start with God, good, All in all and man’s purity as God’s image and likeness. Someone said,”simple but not easy.”

  2. I had a little experience like that myself. I tried to call somebody but the line was always busy. For days! I was annoyed, frustrated and finally thought that this was just my luck, no God with me! Then I got the impulse to look at the number again (which I had dialed a gazillion times already). Guess what? I had missed out one digit. When I called the correct number, I got right through to my friend. There was no bad fate or active evil. I just had to call the right number. Ever since I try to check if I am applying the right thoughts.
    Always enjoying your blog,

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