Where is your thought today

May 16, 2011 | 2 comments

Which kingdom are you living in today? The animal, plant and mineral kingdom of mortal mind where matter appears everywhere and life is precarious? Or in the kingdom of heaven where divine Mind reigns supreme, spiritual ideas appear everywhere and life is a joy to embrace and experience?

2 thoughts on “Where is your thought today”

  1. Perfect thought for me, today, Evan, and just what I needed. I am facing what appears as a physical challenge today, but I know it is a suggestion of mortal mind. I need to get grounded in Spirit. Thank you for this timely message.

    Elaine in Virginia

  2. I too needed that clear reminder. And a comment on comment one: the joy is that she, and all of us, ARE grounded in Spirit! Jo in Port Townsend.

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