Worry is visualized failure.
~ William Arthur Ward
It’s best to not consume mental time visualizing failure. Focus on your reality with God instead, where there are boundless resources coming your way from divine Mind to meet every human need.
Pray to see divine Mind’s help at hand that leads you to success. The source of worry will fade away.
Thank you for the reminder Evan! Add to that, not visualising how diseases will evolve / take hold on the body! Mortal mind just loves a bit of visualising!!
Your timing is always impeccable, Evan. Was listening to audio articles exclusively on the subject of worry while driving to work yesterday. I have been a chronic worrier for years, to the point where it causes such anxiety and insomnia. I know the only remedy is leaning on and trusting Divine Mind to bring peace. Thank you!
In reading your extremely helpful and timely message for today, October 31st, it brought to mind President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous statement “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Fear, worry and doubt all come from the same sorry place — lack of trust in God. We can utterly blow away those negative thoughts by embracing trust in unfoldment — knowing that our every thought is governed by Divine Mind, and that our lives are in perfect harmony with God’s hourly, daily and yearly plan for us! By trusting in God, we have nothing to worry about and everything to look forward to!
Thanks Anne for your uplifting thoughts. Just saw a clip on TV of that FDR speech you mentioned where he said, We have nothing to fear but fear itself.
You’re right that fear, worry and doubt have underneath them a lack of trust in God’s good care for us. It’s not that we really don’t trust Him, but we’re seemingly distracted by lying words of error/mortal mind trying to sneakily drop a doubt into our thought in saying that God is not able to help us. We cannot lack good thoughts to counter this lie.
I’m still pondering yesterday’s topic of totally trusting my Shepherd, being His dear sheep and knowing we cannot lack. All day yesterday whenever I saw thought going slightly astray I went right to these two words “my Shepherd” and I was at peace again. I must continue working with these truths about my Shepherd.
Thanks and blessings to everyone here and to Evan for your guidance.
Thank you Anne my brother and I were raised in Christian Science and Mom and Dad told us the fear quote many times when we “thought” we were hurt. A few minutes of them reading to us from Science and Health and we were back outside like nothing ever happened. I still use that quote on myself when I need it. Thanks again.
Anne, Thank you, thank you for your beautiful
insight to our God’s loving care.
Thank you so much! Really needed this!
Worry is ingratitude in advance. It is a stubborn refusal to obey and trust and love God, a rejection of experiencing and expressing God. It is based on believing a lie that Good, God, is limited and evil is real with presence, power and intelligence. Worry is prayer and submissive subservience to and complicity with the false God.of injustice. Worry is impossible when we know that God is the only Cause and Creator, and good is the only result and process. We have nothing to worry about when we know we can never be separated from God as infinite Love and omniscient power of .grace in the eternal now. Worry means forgetting the freedom and joy and healing that is always ours , and everyone’s.
What wonderful food for thought in ridding ourselves of the many reasons mortal mind would give to not trust Father, Mother, God. Thank you all for the ideas you express and articles you share.
So perfect for me ! Thank you Evan!
The Psalmist saith: “He shall give His angels charge over thee.” God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever- present help; and if you wait,never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. Misc. Writing pgs 306:29 to 307:5 Whenever I am tempted to worry I remember to “acquaint myself with Him and be at peace.,” As I continually awaken to a fuller sense of God and really contemplate all He is and all He made me to be as His relection and expression, the worry and anxiety melt away as there is no possible foundation or authority for them. I know I can trust in Him because I know Him!
Thank you so much for this inspiration. The thought of divine Mind meeting our
every human need reminds me of “Divine Love .. always has met and always will meet
….every human need” (Mrs. Eddy, S&H pg.494:11.) In these very uncertain times with not
knowing who will be our president, will freedoms still exist, (religious and freedom of
speech), will the economy improve, will my car pass inspection and on and on with all
the “what if’s” …. there seems so much to “worry” about. Sometimes it seems we are all
alone in making “human” decisions, but it is comforting to know that God/Mind has
everything already planned for our spiritual goodness and we need to relax and Know
that God is always in control, so we don’t need to worry. That is a very comforting
Thank you Evan, and for all who assemble here.
Evan wrote, “Pray to see divine Mind’s help at hand that leads you to success.”
And I find good comfort in first reciting the Daily Prayer when faced with mortal thoughts that attempt their creep into my sacred space. This stills the mind in order to pray further and discover what I am to do. Some days I do this more than others !
Daily Prayer
It shall be the duty of every member of this Church to pray each day: “Thy kingdom come;” let the reign of divine Truth, Life, and Love be established in me, and rule out of me
all sin; and may Thy Word enrich the affections of all mankind, and govern them!
Church Manual, Article VIII, Sect. 4
“Worry? Let’s not.” A Christian Science perspective. By Rebecca Odegaard from the August 21, 2009 edition of The Christian Science Monitor:
Thank you J, very good article on why, as we grow in understanding God, we discover our divine right to be free of worry. In one part she mentioned she could not find the word ‘worry’ in a search of our hymnal. I do remember seeing that word in a hymn, I tracked it down to the wonderful hymn 457, it says about God,
“….You still all my worry and woe. And my heart’s overflowing now I rest where Your quiet waters flow.”
Here’s a YouTube video of a beautiful rendition of the hymn sung over views of an ocean sunset.
Thank you very much dear J for the so good article and dear Rose for the so comforting and calming hymn. As I can’t find sleep – it’s already 3 am – this wonderful hymn is calming and healing. . The hymn is also a loving prayer to our so very good God!
Am very grateful for this loving and inspiring and healing Blog with all the wonderful spiritual views. With Lots and lots of Love !!!
Thank you, J, for this article. I read the Perspective column in the Monitor Daily and find it very helpful. This part of the article really struck me as good this morning: “When I confront a challenge in my life, I pray to effectively pull myself out of whatever web in which I feel entangled. Christian Science has taught me that discord – from anxiousness or depression to contagion or chronic illness – is dispelled by the active application of prayer and spiritual reasoning, which is one way to describe Christian Science treatment.”
Thank you, Rose, for the link to the Hymn. It is one of my favorites and it is special to see it with the beautiful waves and to have the words there to be able to sing along. I use that Bible verse as a prayer almost daily and find it very helpful.
John, I also find the Daily Prayer Mrs. Eddy gave us to be a support in any situation that comes up.
Thank you, Evan for the reminder that worry is not helpful, but actually makes the thing we are worrying about seem more real, Thank you all contributors. Your insights are very appreciated.
This is so helpful J. Thank you for posting. Night before last I spent much of the wee hours trying to calm my thought about the upcoming election. I had watched the evening news and heard excerpts from one candidate’s speech that were very upsetting to me. I want to stay with the spiritual fact of God’s government and control, but find it difficult in the face of such aggressive distortion of truth.
Today’s topic moves me in the right direction and hymn 457 is a constant companion. Much love and appreciation to all on Spiritview.
Hi Joan, a line in the article J kindly shared today might be helpful regarding the concerns you mentioned about the election, “…understanding God’s love and care, assured that His government is in order and that this precludes anxiousness.”
Thank you, J and Rose, for the lovely article and hymn, combined with the healing,
wonderful waves of Truth. I love how the video is impersonal, and just soothing
with words, God’s nature and loveliness that is shared, for everyone to benefit from.
The word of Truth transcends any mortal sense or personality and shines with the
light of Love.
In keeping with today’s theme, one of my concerns (worries) is cheating that is
sadly already (humanly) happening in our elections, which is so wrong and unfair.
I am praying that the Truth, without interference of trying to be in control of the
outcome, prevails and honesty/goodness is in the forefront, where what is true
for all – what will benefit we, as individuals, the country and the world, is held
to God’s highest standards of integrity and Principle.
This is so true and a timely reminder!
Ah, One Mind and it is at work, everywhere, always! Two days ago I decided that my next Wednesday readings would be titled: Is it OK to worry about things?
Thanks Evan!
A wonderful SpiritView again today, dear Evan assuring us of the abundance of God’s ideas coming our way. Praying just a bit to see divine Mind’s help at hand that leads us to desired success in spiritual understanding and healing, I remind Mrs. Eddy’s words in SH : “Success is a law of God which demands only that what we can certainly fulfil.” That’s comforting for me as it’s a LAW of God, it’s for sure we express it as God’s Image and likeness. God’s Law is always and everywhere successful operating! I am grateful that God lead me to CS and to the understamnding of it!
I read all your inspiring comments and thank you very much indeed! ♡♡♡