You can have enough

December 22, 2015 | 16 comments

“Gratitude turns what we have into enough.”

~ Unknown

16 thoughts on “You can have enough”

  1. So simple, so profound, so True! Thank you, Evan … you are so right and so are you, Bill.
    I have always found this to be true, even though many times in my life I have fretted and stressed that I might not, but I always Have and I am indeed so Grateful.
    Have a grate (ful) day everyone!

  2. Yes! Gratitude is Great! But what do we do when we are overwhelmed with emotions of anger, sadness, frustration, grief and resentment? Do we stuff them, stifle them and shove them down and just put on a Happy Smile, even if that’s not what we’re honestly feeling? Just saying…….

    1. Hi Bevi,

      I too have experienced what you expressed in your comment. It’s easy to feel that you are the only one on earth struggling with feelings like this and everyone else is mostly happy. At least that’s how I felt when I faced what looked to me like a tall mountain of negative emotions years ago. Why me, I wondered?

      I’ve since learned that praying to overcome feelings like this is no different than praying to overcome some illness. The solution is to take each negative belief and ask yourself if a loving God would have created that idea for you to suffer from. If you decide God, good, would not have done that, then the next step is to pray to see the opposite of that belief, the RIGHT idea God DID create, and pray to know that you can only hold in thought that right idea since you are the reflection of Mind, God. Everything that appears to be “negative” in your experience is not really true. It’s illusion. Pour in this “truth through flood-tides of Love” (S&H pg 201). In other words, realize these truths are true of you because God loves you, His individual idea, so very very much! God, Love, would never cause you to experience anything negative. Be systematic, take each negative belief and replace it with the right idea, until you are joyfully knowing the truth just out of a deep love for the truth, God’s all-harmonious compound idea.

      I too used to wait to see “results” of my prayer before I felt I could feel sincere about expressing gratitude. But I’ve since learned that type of thinking only prevents us from experiencing the harmony for which we are so longing. When you can sincerely express gratitude BEFORE you see results manifest humanly is when you know you have prayed successfully. The change must occur in thought first, before we see the results in our experience. So keep praying until you can sincerely know what you already have to be grateful for.

      Here’s a link to a C.S. Journal article on gratitude that I really like:

      Much love to you Bevi! I know how much God loves you and therefore how much you, like all of us, have to be grateful for.

    2. Hi Bev,

      When feeling down and angry, it’s helpful to remember that gratitude helps get rid of those negative feelings. People take pills all the time to relieve anger and depression, but still struggle with the feelings. Why not take a heavy dose of gratitude instead! Gratitude forces the human ego to break out of its woe-me attitude and see the good that is really present. It takes humility to do this though. But humility is healthy. Good question…

    3. My mother and father never allowed me to pout or feel sorry for my self that I was born with Cerebral Palsy and had trouble with getting along with my pears.
      This attitude has enabled both myself and my mother to be receptive to accept C/S and practice it. Both of us came from a highly religious Jewish family.

  3. There is so much that I am grateful for and where to begin? A loving, protecting, healing God, His Son who has shown us the way, Mrs. Eddy for giving us Science & Health and her other works, all the C.S. practitioners & nurses, Evan & Spiritview, …. and as you can see the list would go on and on including having a computer which I can receive Evan’s messages and read all of your comments. Because of what I know I can relax and not fret as family travels across country these next two days to visit us in the southwest knowing that they will be under God’s protection.

  4. Bevi – Sending you a Merry Christmas greeting. I’ve felt that way sometimes too and what turns the tide of my thought is to look at both sides. I take out a piece of paper and make two columns – one side is to list all the fears causing me sadness, frustration, loneliness etc. that are filling my basket of thought and on the other side I write down ALL that I have to be grateful for and every time I do this, the grateful side far out weighs the other side. And then, my thought starts to turn to that place of gratitude knowing I am loved, cared for, cherished by our Father/Mother/God who gives me dominion to conquer all those fears that would want to make me think I could be anything but blessed, loved and content. Much love.

  5. Dear Bevi,
    I have also been in that position and love the suggestion given by Janis. In my case though, it took time and much patience to see the final working out harmoniously. I continued to pray with expectation throughout many months and am now so greatly blessed. I know you will be blessed also as you trust in the One Mind’s control.
    With much love,

  6. A story that always resinated with me was a person who contacted a practitioner to help her. Before she could be healed she would have to be more grateful . She was asked to write down things to be grateful for. She could think of nothing! It can be as simple as being grateful for the white line down the middle of the road. She started playing the gratitude game by daily writing down things she was grateful for. Healing came very quickly! Whenever I feel down I know that gratitude is the answer.
    I really enjoyed all of the responses from everyone today! THANK you.

  7. Thanks for the topic and all the comments!

    I’ve been praying about transportation for a couple of years – I have a car that is great in town, but not so much for long trips (such as my 1,000 mile trip to Association). I’ve been able to borrow Mom’s car for the trips a couple of times, so my need was met that way; but I wanted to not have to do that. So, I’ve worked on gratitude that my transportation needs are always met!

    During the first cold snap, I noticed how long it took for the heat to warm up my current car, and thought – wouldn’t it be nice to have the new car for winter! Then I thought, I am so grateful for the one I have! I focused on that instead, knowing God will work out the new one at the right time. Within a few days, my friend at church who has a car lot told me he’d found the right car for me!

    I hope to pick it up in the next couple of days. It’s been two years, as I said, but my needs have always been met; I’ll be getting the right things, and I’m grateful that my old car will go on to bless others.

  8. THANK you, Evan and Everyone in this blessed SpiritView Family of God’s ideas!

    Each Day Divine Love is POURING good on us!!
    Let’s LET it in and on and as Us, for there really is nothing else!


  9. Grateful to all of you for the love expressed to Bevi and all. When I go to bed every night I express gratitude for those things I didn’t do so during the day. Always at the top of the list is my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for bringing us the spiritual interpretation of the Bible, to God for continuing guidance and protection, and for all the avenues available to us as we study this wonderful Science of Christianity while on our spiritual journey; i.e. practitioners, publications, and the list goes on. I received laughs one day driving with friends when I out loud said I was so grateful to those people who design our roads, traffic lights, etc. I saw the positive and good and they saw only problems with all. Happy Holidays to all.

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