You can never lose your most important job

May 14, 2020 | 18 comments

From a spiritual point of view, your #1 job is to listen and follow God’s direction as it comes. The one all-knowing Mind is feeding you valuable ideas that tell you what to do next and how to bring out the best results. As we listen and follow, God leads us forward.

Human jobs come and go. They are sometimes unpredictable and not always what one expected. However, there is a bigger picture of employment at work that still provides for us to live and work productively and profitably.

God gave you talents and skills to employ for useful purposes, and the universe of Love provides opportunities for those skills to be put into practice.

Your #1 skill is the ability to humbly listen and hear where divine Mind is taking you next.

What your job looks like humanly may not always be per your preconceptions, but that’s okay. God’s plans are always better than your plans. The divine will is always working out some great and grand purpose that takes you in a progressive direction.

As the Bible reminds us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths” (Proverbs 3:5,6, NKJV).

Trust in God. That’s your #1 job! You never lose it. Keep listening, and you’ll know what to do.

18 thoughts on “You can never lose your most important job”

  1. Thank you, Evan! This is wonderful.

    Yesterday’s Testimony Méeting reading was about “Trusting God”. It featured the three young Hebrew captive boys who would not bow down to the golden image which the King had set up. Not only did they survive the furnace flames without even the smell of fire on them, but they also were promoted by King Nebuchadnezzar.

    They used their talent of trust, and this allowed them to thrive and progress.

  2. Thanks Evan ! Very timely .. during lockdown in UK … I have been led to share my music and it’s reaching a much wider listenership .. just wonderful… all my human needs are also being met wonderfully too ..

    1. Yeah! So happy for you, Alex! Reminds me of a time, many moons ago, when I signed up to go to a biennial meeting for college students in Boston, without knowing where the funds to pay for it would come from. I just knew that if it was a right idea, God would show me! I left it entirely in His hands.
      At that time I was an avid swimmer and Swam a mile a day in the university pool.
      I ended up swimming my way to the USA –
      – as a lifeguard at a pool in south London!
      Also, my need for a place to stay near the pool during the summer vacation, met a fellow student’s need and his land lady’s, too. She generously said she’d not charge him for the room while he went home for the summer.
      I was able to rent his room, which was only a short bus ride from the pool, so we were all blessed.
      On my last day at the pool, I packed my bag to go home, with all my pay packets – my total earnings, on the top, and left it on the bus, realizing it as the bus pulled away.
      What to do? From work I called another friend, who was able to call the bus terminal. In the meantime, I sat in the life guard’s chair above the pool, fervently applying each line of the Lord’s prayer to this situation. Predictions of others that I’d never see my bag again, or if I did, I’d have to pay a reward to the finder, were prayerfully and firmly met. I refused to let fear grip me.
      “Our Father which art in heaven” was right there within me and around me, encompassing all of us in His love. At that early hour of the morning, the pool was was still and peaceful; my thought became calm.
      “Hallowed be Thy name” – honoured and praised be Thy name, Thy holiness and purity of character, which we all reflect.
      “Thy kingdom come.” – You govern the whole universe and everyone in it. We all are obedient to Your laws of honesty, thoughtfulness, caring, moral courage.
      “Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven” – because You love us all so much, You provide each one of us with all we need, in the right way, every moment.
      “Give us this day our daily bread” – give us the trust in Your goodness that we need, here and now to firmLy understand Your omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence.
      “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors” – forgive me for ever believing there could be one of Your children who could be dishonest.
      “And lead us not into temptation” – how could You, who love us so much ever lead any of us away from Your laws of love?
      “but deliver us from evil” – deliver us from believing that we lack anything even for a second.”
      “For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever” – for You govern the universe, including every one of us, completely, absolutely, finally, moment by moment, with Your omnipotent power, and we give You the entire glory, praise, and gratitude, now and always.
      Needless to say, the bag arrived safely at the terminal, was picked up by my friend and returned to me by the end of the day, complete with all contents, the money to cover that whole trip to Boston and all who knew about the incident must have been as blessed as I was! Thank You, God!

  3. “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings.” How naturally these citations coincide! I’m watching and waiting with this promise today.

  4. If we wait patiently, being open for God’s direction, we shall always be doing the right thing, in the right location with the right intention and purpose.That’s our job, so to speak and we will be duly rewarded for it.

  5. Fawn thanks for sharing that reassuring quote that stresses “today” is full of blessings. During this SIP policy I have been hiking several time a week as I live at the base of a mountain..
    As the hiker gains altitude the view improves and with each turn in the trail there is a fresh perspective on life..
    As I hike today I’ll cherish “today is big with blessings”.

  6. ‘I will listen for thy voice, lest my footsteps stray. I will follow and rejoice all the rugged way.” Mrs Eddy gave us the most beautiful poems/hymns. Lovely to be able to hum along to Truth today!

  7. Employment – “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” Romans 8:28
    “His” purpose, not “our” purpose. His ways are so much higher than our ways. With joy, how excited we should be to discover those higher ways. By letting go of human will, we become open to those opportunities. How wonderful! How loved we all are to have those opportunities available to us! 🙂

  8. Thank you all so much for the Truths that uplift thought and heal. It is wonderful to be reminded to patiently wait for God’s direction, listen, follow and obey. Therefore, we are always in the right place appointed by God to express our talents. We are to bless and to be blessed. This is so helpful as I am currently needing to be still and really listen. I can either renew a contract for a position that doesn’t seem like a good fit for me or look for something that aligns better with my study of CS. I will listen for thy voice!

  9. Betsy
    Thank you. I know that every thought from God’s idea gives harmony. It’s a powerful gift.
    Lovingkindness, David

    Today i find an opportunity to extend my trade in giving to a worthwhile non-profit in Northville, MI. In turn they’ve helped me find a place for my equipment accumulated over many years.

    Living and Learning, where special needs children are cared for and socialized by a mother who served twenty years as a special education teacher. Leaving all and sold her home to found this organization. She’s been granted 3 million plus to purchase a campus for that purpose and it’s a model for this same needful activity throughout the world.
    She has gained much prayerful support. “Let the human pattern the Divine.

    Thank you for today’s reflection on employment. My last material employer was in 1976. Since then many years of opportunities have been provided.
    I’m grateful for this day and advancement away from the plow into a peaceful place to study and to pray.

    Always grateful to be with “Thine own children”. In church, SpiritView, Daily Lift, lectures, and publications. Library’s of books, elevation and leading to where” the young child is born.”

    1. David, truly a blessing in every way what you are demonstrating. In An Allegory, Eddy shares: And the Stranger Smith unto him, “Wilt thou climb the mountain, and take nothing of Thine own with thee? ”
      He answered, “I will.”
      “Then,” Smith the Stranger, “thou hast chosen the good part; follow me.”
      (Misc. Writings p. 327: 5-9)
      A real Christian Scientist is a marvel, a miracle in the universe of mortal mind. With selfless love, he inscribes on the heart of humanity and transcribes on the page of reality the living, palpable presence — the might and majesty! — of goodness. He lives for all mankind, and honors his creator.
      (Misc. Writings p294:6-11)
      The special needs children will love the care given by the direction of this gifted, experienced teacher. Thanks for the link.

  10. “Shepherd, show me how to go
    O’er the hillside steep,
    How to gather, how to sow, –
    How to feed Thy sheep;
    I will listen for Thy voice,
    Lest my footstep stray;
    I will follow and rejoice,
    All the rugged way.”
    [Mary Baker Eddy, Hymn 304]
    & what a Blessing, to sing through our day,
    as a Child of God -all In the Kingdom of Heaven!!

  11. Thank you very much Evan, for your today`s SpiritView. This assurance of God`s loving caring for us is so wonderful and so timely, because so needed. I love the verse from Proverbs, mentioned above as it is very promissing for me. I am grateful and glad you give us in simple words what our nr. 1 job is, namely to listen to God`s guidance and following them joyfully.

    Thank you all, dear commenters for your wonderful comments and for all the precious poems/hymns by Mary Baker Eddy. They are all so suitable for this toppic. The sentence by MBEddy, which John qualtrough mentioned “For all leaning on the sustaining Infinit, today is big with blessings”, is framed by our church and hanging on the wall in our Readingroom. Since my Sundayschooldays this verse is hangng there, and that is long ago.
    I am very grateful for your wonderful healing and comforting SpiritView Blog, dear Evan!

  12. Thanks again to Evan and all SpiritView participants for such wonderful thoughts, which of course all originate in Mind, God!

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