You express an alert Mind at all ages

January 22, 2019 | 23 comments

If you’re one of those people who believe your mind is slowing down because of age, there is no better time than now to correct that false belief! Mind is God, and Mind never slows down.

There is a common belief that mind is in the brain, and deteriorates over time. But this is not the case. Mind is outside of the brain, in Spirit, where there is eternal strength, vitality and integrity.

Many people have proven this by staying mentally alert and productive into their nineties, and even past a hundred years old. I saw a news report on television a few weeks ago about a man who was finishing up a scientific model for reducing man-made heat around the globe. He went to work at his computer every day as if he was forty years old even though he was nearly 100 years old. And he had no intent on stopping. His thinking was crystal clear.

Jesus Christ proved that the mind is outside the body when he raised his dead body from the grave after his crucifixion. It was not the brain that brought that body back to life. It was the divine Mind that resurrected Jesus.

All of us express the divine Mind. We come from the divine Mind, are governed by the divine Mind, and exist to reflect the eternal consciousness and understanding of the divine Mind.

There are no limits on your Mind, the divine Mind! Your Mind does not run out of inspiration, deplete in energy, lose acuteness or become dull and apathetic.

Your Mind is the Mind of God, which is forever keen, sharp, alert, aware, conscious, intelligent, productive and creative.

Your Mind is sound. There isn’t anything wrong with it. Any age you claim to have lived on earth is irrelevant to how clear you can think. There is no connection. You are divinely endowed with the ability to think clearly at all ages!

23 thoughts on “You express an alert Mind at all ages”

  1. How wonderful. We are divinely endowed with the ability to think clearly and perfectly at all ages.
    This reminds me of a friend in her late nineties whose memory was very sharp. I shared a copy of Science and Health with her and just after reading a couple of times, she could recollect and reproduce exactly many good verses from the book. Wow I was amazed at this small miracle, rather a demonstration of the Truth that man never loses any of his faculties due to age.
    Thanks Evan for this wonderful inspiration.

  2. Thankyou very much for this, Evan, it is important to remember these facts for all those who seem to be losing their memories, or have dementia, it must be revealed for the lie that it is, and healed by knowing only divine Mind. I shall print out this very timely View and keep it
    About the man in the news report – did you mean that he was over 100 years old?

  3. This is such a beautiful treatment! I shall refer to this whenever — IF ever— I tempt myself to think I am faltering. I have always declared that there isn’t a relevant theory which compromises my growing intelligence. The fact that the earth circles the sun annually has no bearing on my own life, my Life. Heartfelt thanks for your devotion, Evan.

  4. Any…any…”temptation/suggestion/fear”… of diminishment of health in general is not from the Mind that is God, Good,
    but the product of nothingness, false belief, animal magnetism’s hypnotic lies, which have no real power whatsoever!

    Good Reminder, Evan, and All!

  5. So grateful for your clear statement that it was not Jesus’ human brain that resurrected him but divine Mind. It was Jesus’ absolute understanding and acknowledgement of the fact that his life and being were the outcome of the activity of divine Mind, Love not life in a matter body that resurrected him. He proved that Truth, Life and Love were omnipotent and omni-active to the exclusion of any mortal mind belief. That distinction was not clear to me before. It is very helpful. That explains so much. Thank you!!

  6. Thank you very much Evan, and every commenter. This is a very helpful reminder that brain is not Mind, and therefore can’t produce any right thoughts or true inspiration.

    I find that if I need to know something, or need some fresh inspiration, if I try really hard and “rack my brains” so to speak, I remain blank. However, I am learning that if I can’t seem to find the ideas I need, if I acknowledge God as the only Mind of us all, and therefore my Mind by reflection – the all-knowing Mind – the ideas come. Sometimes they come quickly, but sometimes they don’t come for a long time – often in the middle of the night when I am not trying!! I am in the process of practising to listen more for what God is imparting. ” Practice makes perfect”. And, of course, this Mind never ages but has fresh ideas for us every moment.

    I think I read somewhere that sometimes Mrs. Eddy waited days for an answer to a query from God – so I suppose we need to be patient and wait, as she did.

  7. Our hymn states, “Eternal Mind the potter is and thought the eternal clay. The hand that fashions is Divine, his works past not away” The hymn goes on to complete the healing message.

  8. Thinking back to years spent attending Sunday school, i wish this lesson was taught so clearly and with such conviction TODAY in Sunday schools everywhere. Pointing out what and how Christ Jesus was resurrected starts to clear away any mist about Mind being the one and only source of action then and now. Great insight, thank you.

  9. I am so blessed to wake up to this SV post this morning. I went to bed feeling very upset last night because of a seemingly powerful and negative agressive mental suggestion regarding a loved one and not knowing how to proceed. Upon reading the beautiful ideas about my Mind, your Mind, everyone’s Mind I received the message that my loved one and I will know what to think and what to do going forward because Mind already knows! We do NOT have the power to screw things up and if it seems like we do, God will gently and lovingly correct us. Our very existence is to express Mind, God. That is all we can do! That realization is real Truth, thus also helping me to expand thought on this week’s powerful Bible lesson topic, Truth. Thank you father-mother God, Evan, and all SV thinkers.

  10. Oh Evan, thank you so very much for this so very timely and important metaphysical and healing message. It can be very much applied to the erroneous thinking “oh, I am so forgetful”. That is not true as God is my consciousness and therefore not a brain, as Evan makes so clear! And I am awfully and deeply grateful for this great fact in Christian Science!
    I love the passage in Science and Health by Mary Baker Eddy on page 214: “Neither age nor accident can interfere with the senses of Soul, and there are no other real senses. It is evident that the body as matter has no sensation of its own, and there is no oblivion for Soul and its faculties.”
    That is so comforting and wonderful! Thanks again, dear Evan and yes, it is really a keeper to take these truths to heart – what a truely wonderful lesson today! And what a sweet and loving Foto – thanks for it!
    And am grateful for all your comments dear SpiritView friends! 🙂

  11. Dear Evan
    Your message today speaks to me with absolute certainty and assurance .It
    can be proved beyond doubt .
    That’s what I love about each message. The ingredients can be utilized and proved.
    Jesus proved what he taught, We,too, can be useful citizens when we live the truths.

  12. I have never paid too much attention to aging but those around me do and all the endless commercials for medicine for memory and everything else. I spend a lot of time with the TV on mute while I wait for something news worthy.
    So I find it time and again to remember the one Mind does not age or diminish and tune out the suggestions around me.

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