When I thought I lost my wife

December 6, 2013 | 126 comments

One evening, a couple of months ago, my wife complained of suddenly not feeling well before we went to bed. We prayed together, and the issue settled down. It seemed like no big deal. I fell asleep.

An hour later, I was wakened by barely audible pleas for help from the bathroom. The tone of her voice caused panic to sweep over me as I sprinted into help. When I found her, all strength was draining from her body and she was rapidly losing consciousness. I immediately spoke the truth out loud to keep her conscious and she was listening, but the onslaught of trouble was extremely aggressive.

Within moments, she appeared gone, a blank empty stare in her eyes, her body propped up by me to keep her from falling to the floor. At first, I couldn’t believe what was happening. “No!” I yelled out loud. “You are not leaving me!” I put my hand to her chest, to her neck. There was nothing to feel.

Worst-case scenarios swept through my thinking rapid-fire. A loud inaudible voice from the medical community commanded, “This is when you call 911.” In a split second, the drama of taking such a step took full stage in my mental view. If I took time to call, I reasoned, I would have to put her on the cold tile floor. There was no way I was going to leave her in the urgency of the moment. By the time I got to a phone and waited for an ambulance to arrive, it could be too late. She needed help instantly. I understood the value of having the 911 option, but for me, at that moment, I felt the urgency of the situation required me to immediately, instantly, vehemently, and with 100% concentration, get focused on bringing my wife out of the mesmerism and heal her. There was not one second to squander.

I cleared my thought of distraction and turned to Christ with wide eyes and open ears, all the while holding my wife, motionless, in my arms. What did I need to see that would help? What enemy was at work in the background of thought trying to take my wife? …malicious animal magnetism… Malicious animal magnetism is a term used in Christian Science to signify the darkest, most evil, elements of the carnal mind that would want to destroy the good in our lives. It appears to be mindless, with no sensible reason, and often no warning. Terrorist attacks on innocent men, women and children in marketplaces, or schools, or theaters, are public examples of malicious animal magnetism at work. Terminal disease coming out of nowhere in people’s bodies is another example.

What I was seeing in my wife was a form. It is not logical, and often appears inexplicable. But when it happens, it can be dealt with and neutralized with the help of Christ.

I spoke spiritual truth out loud, forcefully, and with all the spiritual authority I could muster. I knew Kathy could hear me, even if she didn’t look like it. Jesus told his followers that they had power to cast out demons. I exercised this power the best I knew. I specifically counter-attacked any claims of malicious animal magnetism that came to my attention, and told them they had no place, power or presence in our home and over Kathy. I appealed to God’s allness, power and presence, declaring there was no other.

I was finding gradual peace within, but there was no response from Kathy. I felt like I was in the metaphysical battle of my life. Several minutes passed as I kept reaching out for more understanding of what truth needed to be seen.

I stopped a moment. I looked up, symbolically, to God. I was feeling a bit tense inside and worked up. Kathy was leaning in my arms, still motionless. Christ spoke to me and said, “Evan, everything you’ve just said is true. Now trust it.” My mental gears were whirring. I did trust it. I knew it was true, I affirmed. I knew Kathy was okay. I knew God was her life, alert, awake and present as ever. I knew evil had no power and could not take her life from her. I knew she was okay. She was okay. Right now! This moment!

I could accept all these truths without reservation, I knew. And I did, with total trust. The tension and residue of fear drained. Every last iota of strain and worry disappeared. I temporarily forgot about the physical scene before me, and was at whole-hearted peace with the truth.

Moments later, my thought came back to the physical situation, Kathy in my arms. There was no change. But it was different now. I wasn’t afraid. I knew she had no choice but to respond.

Moments later, her wrist twitched. I kept up a very active, forceful and verbal dialogue of spiritual truth, constantly encouraging Kathy to keep with it, to feel and know what was true, and come back. I was pointed and direct. Bit by bit, she came back. I did not relax my treatment or take anything for granted.

More progress was needed. I got her to bed. Still more progress was needed, as other aggressive symptoms tried to dominate. Each one was summarily dealt with and reversed. Finally, an hour later, we were cuddled together in bed. She put her arm around me and in a bare whisper said, “Thank you honey,” and then she fell into a deep sleep.

With those precious words, that I will never forget, I knew we were home free. A pent-up surge of emotions erupted from within that caught me by surprise. I could not muster words. My mouth was stuck, unsure what could possibly be said that equaled the blessing of the moment. And the monumental gratitude I felt burst out of my eyes in a torrent of tears. The battle had been won. Truth had triumphed! And I was humbly grateful for everything Christian Science had taught me to do in that time of need.

God is Life.


126 thoughts on “When I thought I lost my wife”

  1. This is a wonderful demonstration to read and I know we are not supposed to be impressed by error any more than good but to be grounded in wholeness completely, it is worth knowing and seeing God in action through your holding to the truth. So many of us follow this blog and although you do healing work for others all the time, it is good to see you able to apply it in extremis. I echo Brian above, thank you for sharing this.

  2. Evan, my husband and I were extremely touched by this. My first thought was, “This is so vintage Mrs. Eddy.” Lately I’ve been reading We Knew Mary Baker Eddy, Vol. 2 and other recollections of her. Your experience brought back to thought her own experiences and her urgings to her students. She, too, handled situations such as this by tuning in to God so thoroughly that she would lose sight of the physical scene. Once that happened, the evidence of life became apparent. If her students had a difficult case, she would remind them Jesus had already handled that claim and left the example for us to follow, and he promised we could go and do likewise. Thank you for your steadfastness. All of your sharing is truly an outpouring of love.

  3. Thankyou for sharing this with us Evan…what a wonderful experience and gives proof that in an extreme circumstance we CAN trust in God.

  4. Oh Evan, I was touched by your story too ! You brought me into tears ! 😉
    Thanks for sharing with us such an intense testemonial.
    It provides us more courage and strenght to keep on our spiritual studies !

  5. A perfect illustration of today’s Daily Thought from this week’s Bible Lesson, God the Only Cause & Creator: Physical causation was put aside from first to last by this original man, Jesus.
    Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy

  6. Evan thank you for sharing this with us a very powerful healing, all we have to do is see things how they really are. Safe in Gods arms

  7. Thank you for this inspiring message. Once again it proves God is our Life and this proof helps all of us in time of great need. It also brought tears to my eyes.

  8. Thank you, Evan for sharing this healing and showing through your words how important it is to be always vehemently alert to Truth and giving it the power it has over m.a.m. I hope you and Kathy will write this up for the sentinel/journal too!

    And thanks to Kathy for letting this be shared.

    Love you both!

  9. Deeply touched by your willingness to share this with your readers. It is intensely personal, yet universal in its application. I hope you will submit it to one of the periodicals for publication so others around the world can be as inspired and moved as I have. Thank you, and love.

  10. Thank you for sharing this very inspiring experience. It is a sacred demonstration of our dear Father-Mother Life as all power and all presence. Your great courage in challenging this Goliath and successfully slaying it makes my heart sing in gratitude.

  11. How very precious, Evan! Thank you for sharing this proof of Gods power and love. And thanks to Kathy. I know she was listening and following as well. God cannot be messed with nor can anything mess with Her ideas! You proved the law of this and nothing can reverse it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing this. Much love to you both!!

  12. It is hard to put into words my many thoughts about reading this fabulous testimony. Oh Evan and Kathy, this is so, so precious! I’m reminded of Eddy’s statement that Evil is not supreme; good is not helpless; nor are the so-called laws of matter primary and the law of Spirit secondary. This example certainly was proof of that! Thank you, thank you!

  13. Evan, this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. So powerful and utterly full of exemplary love and devotion to healing and your wife. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  14. How you prayed through this experience seems to me a perfect practical application of citation 17 in this week’s lesson. 423:8-12 “The Christian Scientist, understanding scientifically that all is Mind, commences with mental causation, the truth of being, to destroy the error. This corrective is an alterative, reaching to every part of the human system.” When I read this, I was reminded of your words, “What did I need to see that would help? What enemy was at work in the background of thought trying to take my wife? malicious animal magnetism…not logical–inexplicable–neutralized with the help of Christ. It has no place, power, presence. It’s true now trust it! This is true for all no matter what animal magnetism is trying to present. We must trust it! Thank you Evan. Thank you Kathy.

  15. Tears of gratitude fill my eyes with the triumph of God, Good over false belief. Thank you, Evan and Kathy, for this clear demonstration of persistent affirmation of and complete confidence in Truth that always brings victory. God is indeed total good and loving each and every one.

  16. Evan, bless you and Kathy for sharing this Christ-healing! The radiant picture of Truth’s victory shining in your faces and eyes put a big smile on my face even before I read the details. Truly inspiring and encouraging. This demonstration is a clear example of you both moving forward more deeply in Truth, Life and Love of God. Beautiful illustration of fast forwarding out of the Adam dream and seeing it destroyed in some measure by trusting more solidly in spiritual reality. Thanks for including us all with you in this irreversible unfoldment, where there is no “retrograde step” no retarded blessing. The angels of Love’s presence certainly encompass our Way.

  17. Evan, what a powerful and moving example of love and devotion both to God and to your wife. That decision to trust God instead of seeking human help is so courageous on your part. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” You proved this. You didn’t leave God, He didn’t leave you and Kathy didn’t leave. It took courage and devotion to all of us to share this. Bless you and thank you

  18. Thanks for sharing that. It is so helpful. I have been in that spot and your strong faith and understanding are an inspiration to me. When you choose the medical route, the problem is undetected and not healed and you may have to face it all over again later.

  19. Ditto, ditto, ditto everything others have already said in thanks to you for sharing this wonderful victory. I especially thank you for over-tenacityfying error. You have strengthened my courage to stand up to m.a.m. Thank you.

  20. Evan, thank you. Evil can’t reach you through Kathy, and can’t reach Kathy through anything. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

  21. The tears that are coming down our faces are because, when Truth
    is expressed, we FEEL it. Your sharing this experience, in this way, Evan, is
    so totally full of Truth, Life, Love…and we all know/feel it is absolutely factual, honest,
    pure. Mrs. Eddy would be so extremely pleased with this demonstration
    of Christian Science healing, this proof of God’s total love for His ideas. And that’s US! We are NOT mortals! Not only can we prove this, we … have to!

    Love you, Evan,


  22. Ivimy Gwalter sates this Truth in her article “The Activity of the Christ.” She says:”Physical sense is rank mesmerism. The physical senses are diametrically opposed to spiritual truth> They do not acknowledged the allness of Mind, and consequently they do not comprehend the subjective nature of being.” And again:” Throughout his minstry Jesus demonstrated the coexistence of God and man. His assurance of the immortality of the Christ included his his assurance of the preexistence of the Christ.” YOu have successfully demonstrated this Truth that Jesus understood Life and being to be above and beyond all the finite sense of existence.””The Christ is the presence of the power of God and the powoer of the presence of God.” —Merri

  23. thanks for this gift of giving evan,truly what christmas is really about.as jesus said”IF YE LOVE ME KEEP MY COMANDMENTS” you certainly have done that

  24. Evan and Kathy,
    God’s precious love and power is so humbling in your demonstration of His Allness and constant presence. My husband and I thank you for sharing this very personal powerful healing.

  25. Such Love permeated this healing. As with the others, I am so grateful you shared this proof of Life with us. And thank you for not giving any details of the situation, other than a need to deal with m.a.m.

  26. Many thanks, Evan and Kathy for sharing your powerful testimony!!

    Your experience emboldens us to step up and demonstrate the principles you shared in your Webinar, “God is an Ever Present Help” and “Christ is Always with You.”

    Wow, Wow!! I echo that Wonder and Praise

  27. Personal sense might have kept you from sharing this healing. But personal sense is always wrong. Whatever blesses one blesses all. That is the universal nature of Truth.
    On behalf of all mankind, thank you for sharing. It strengthens and purifies thought.

  28. God bless you both for your selfless sharing. My heart is full of words reflected in all the previous comments. Much love, Patty

  29. I am reminded of an article titled, The Eternal Now:….”that we are living in God’s eternal now, wherein no delaying element of time can ever enter, where no stone walls crumble, but where all is as perfect and harmonious and complete as in that primal hour when Mind (God) spoke, “and it was so.”” (Louise Knight Wheatley Cook)

    …that you awaken from a dream and clearly knew and stated the TRUTHS that you so beautifully continually live…and declaring these…you Patiently waited on GOD…Trusting !

    Thank you Evan for this beautiful demonstration of God’s constant love!
    Indeed, GOD IS LIFE!

  30. A deep and heart-felt thank you for your sincere sharing of this beautiful example of the allness of God, His goodness and power, permanent and ever-lasting.

  31. Dearest Evan and Kathy,

    Thank you so very much for sharing your demonstration of Life. Bob and I were right there with you, feeling God’s Power at each moment.

    Lots of Love from two fans! xoxo

  32. Yes, it was a WOW before I ever finished reading it! And it continues to be a WOW! Really, Evan, your willingness to share such an intimate experience reminds me of the ability of Nelson Mandela to forgive and more forward toward a right goal. Thank you both so very much for sharing this.

  33. I am so happy for you and your wife ! And so much thankful for all we learn in Christian Science, which enables us to have the Christ very present immediately in the right moment.
    Much love from Europe!

  34. Thank you for sharing this marvelous demonstration. It reminds me once again that daily practice of the musical scales prepares us to play the concerto when called upon. Much love to both of you.

  35. Evan and Kathy,
    I have for a long, long time been trying to understand more about how God’s Love, Truth, and perfect creation interacts with human experience… “Human and Divine Coincidence”…. This experience of yours sure boosted my courage to keep striving, and perfectly fitted another piece into what has seemed like a puzzle. Thank you for sharing the experience and for sharing how your prayers took form.

    1. You are welcome! I too learn from other people’s experience. I’m glad to hear this experience is helping you. Smiles…

  36. Dear Evan; What a wonderful inspiring healing of C/S understanding. In this time of immense need for this religion to be more known and accepted, your testimony is more than ample of the time and worth to study C/S. Prayer still works and it is still alive and well as it was when discovered by Mary Baker Eddy in 1866. The human feeling of Love is ever there no matter if one is 25 years old or 77 years old which I TOBIAS A. WEISSMAN is. In another aspect of myself, I have been listening to a TV talk show which brought out the dark side of humanity and just a couple of days ago felt the urge to stop watching it for it brought out the untrue side of man. Also, on the World Wide Web, just last week, I asked to be disconnected to a news bureau that brought out such horrible news that frightened me. I realized that our newspaper really brought out the true idea of man, and now I read your blog of how you healed your wife.

  37. Dear Evan,

    Such a great example for us. I will hold this testimony close to my heart and refer to it often. Thank you for your trust in God and His power and presence. I am most grateful to you for sharing this important demonstration of God’s care for us and His love.

  38. I feel like I am walking on holy ground. Thank you for sharing this and letting others know of God’s nearness and precious love in any situation. What joy.

  39. Thank you so very much for this blog article, Evan. What a profound, intimate story to relate to all of us. I could feel the power of your prayer in your retelling of this healing. I also felt that it was incredibly instructive to anyone wanting to learn of the process of spiritual healing, — or to be reminded of the power of spiritual healing, and turning fully to God in every situation that confronts us.

    When you related the burst of emotion that came through you, tears just came to my eyes too. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this clear, incisive lesson in healing, in trusting God, and staying with it through to victorious conclusion. What a shining and inspiring example! So very powerful. And told with such a love for your fellow man (and dear wife!). Thank you.

  40. With tears of gladness, as I read this tender healing, I am grateful to you both for sharing.
    ‘Heaven’ includes ‘bliss’ and we are already there. Thank You
    Sally K E

  41. I too am moved to tears of gratitude. Thank you for sharing this glorious proof that even death cannot win when the battle is given to the Lord, as you did. I will never forget that you were not pulled off course by that very aggressive command, “Call 911!” But you resisted, and then the angels were louder than the lie, and you saw through that animal magnetic pull to go ahead and give materia medica the drama veil it uses to cover up the Life and peace that are really always present. You proved it – and you gave us such a Christmas gift – your demonstration that absolutely “No power can withstand divine Love.” (SH 224:31) And you wrote it so beautifully too! HUGS!

  42. “No evidence before the material senses can close my eyes to the scientific proof that God, good, is supreme.” Mis Wr p. 277 by Mary Baker Eddy You courageously lived this statement, Evan! Thank you for sharing such a touching and intimate account of healing. I held my breath nearly til the end!

    I had an amazing experience once with a patient who seemed to have passed on in my arms. Yes, our thought (spiritual consciousness) needs to get back into and steadfastly remain in the Kingdom of Heaven. In our situation, my eyes were shut, deeply pondering the Scientific Statement of Being with a clarity I’d never before realized. She eventually came back.

    God is good, –incredible, unstoppable good. Praise, praise, praise His wondrous name! What a glorious gift you and Kathy received, and have shared with us all!! “The Christ is here, all dreams of error breaking, unloosing bonds of all captivity.” Hymn 412

    Much love and gratitude!!

    1. I'm reminded of "The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash, when he sings, "The father hen will call his chickens home." We too easily tend to dismiss and reframe the feminine side of God.

  43. Dear Evan and Kathy, Thank you so much for your humility, your love and your courage! How blessed is our world to have people like you living in it!
    Your testimony of this awsome healing is a beacon on our way. My husband and I would like to thank you from the bottom of our heart for letting your light shine so brightly!
    Thank you, thank you so much!

  44. Agree, Julia, and so well put that how Evan told this experience is so instructive. It shows there are no formulas, but that God leads us when we just get in gear and stop being impressed or afraid, but trust and listen. God does take us all the way. Thank you for the example and fortitude.

  45. So much of the world wants to convince us that trusting in God is naive, ignorant, foolish, or even dangerous. Thank you, Evan, for sharing your experience which PROVES that there’s nothing safer or more loving and wise than to lean on God for complete salvation. God is good. Christ is the way. Much gratitude to Mary Baker Eddy for her discovery.

  46. Wow, Evan, I am in awe. Thank God Kathy had you and that we have you to share your wisdom. I am very grateful to you both for sharing this experience which was for the glory of God.

  47. Reading your testimony, dear Evan, was absolutely breathtaking. I teared over at the end — how could I not. Your demonstration of absolute trust in God was overflowing with love for God and love for man (in this case, your dear wife). I’m reminded of when Mary Baker Eddy prayed out loud over one of her household workers, Calvin Frye, who had passed on, and she brought him back. She was insistent in her declarations of truth, and told him not to leave her. You were insistent in your declarations of truth, and told Kathy, “You are not leaving me.” Persistence in declaring the truth, understanding the truth, trusting the truth, is the radical standard of Christian Science, which is healing today, as you have proved so outstandingly, just as in the time it was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy. Your precious testimony deserves to be shared with the world. Thank you for your courage, dear Evan, in successfully facing down the great enemy, the last enemy that will be destroyed. You and Kathy have taken a big chunk out of Goliath’s armor, and mankind is blessed. Great gratitude to you both.

  48. Dear Evan, I am moved to tears… what a holy experience… and it continues as it helps again to be able fo follow. Especially this part ” Jesus told his followers that they had power to cast out demons. I exercised this power the best I knew. I specifically counter-attacked any claims of malicious animal magnetism that came to my attention, and told them they had no place, power or presence in our home and Kathy. I appealed to God’s allness, power and presence, declaring there was no other” answered my prayers, too, how I am to pray to be of help to cast out demons… It helped to compare and understand what I need to do more carefully… what a blessing, thank you.

  49. Thank you, Gloria O, for emailing me with the link to this testimony – and for your comments above. And thank you from the bottom of my heart, Evan, for sharing this experience. From the beginning I thought, with the same panic as your initial reaction, What if this happened to my husband – who as you is an active worker in God’s Vineyard. I realized I needed to be a participant in your testimony, not just a reader of it. So as I’d read each sentence or phrase, I would close my eyes and expound on it – take ideas coming from God and affirm them as if I were facing the same aggressive claims. I would reduce to nothing the errors that would pull thought away from Truth. In other words, I gave my own treatment, taking its general form from you, but knowing that whatever challenge faces us, divine Love will give the needed form to its treatment. In addition to the beyond-words gratitude I feel to you, Evan, I must say I love so many of the comments others have shared. I especially like this little gem from Mary S: “Daily practice of the musical scales prepares us to play the concerto when called upon.” God bless everyone who is practicing those musical scales so diligently every day! What beautiful, powerful, spontaneous concerti result!

  50. POWERFUL! At-one-ment with God needs this conviction, needs to be practiced every day. “Listening” to your deep truths, deeply believed, gives us the example that we need to connect to God powerfully, not in muttered repetition. Yes, we need to practice the scales daily, hourly, to be ready for the symphony experience. Your powerful example will live with me forever. With the greatest appreciation.

  51. Thank you Evan and Kathy for your love and loyalty to God, the Divine Science and true Life.
    To defend and fight for the Truth that you both know, right now in the human scenario and though bless millions of people around the world, with this demonstration of Life.

    As others said, we do ask you to please submit this to publication in the CS periodicals so that it will be spread around the globe with the translation and everything!

    with much love!

  52. Wow! Thank you so much Evan for sharing this wondrous healing. I just had to add my words to so many already here. It already is blessing so many and I know it will continue to as more of us share. Thank you so much for your continued dedicated work for all.

  53. Dear Evan and Kathy, How beautiful! This is what fighting the good fight is all about. This is what understanding and demonstrating our true First Aide is all about! And Evan, to have shared this with words that the whole world can read is still more of fighting the good fight! You both have contributed much of what we all need to see and hear about how Christian Science keeps the torch of Christ Jesus’s mission alive and purposeful. My heart is full of love, and I’m knowing you feel it, as all the above replies equally indicate.

  54. Alleluia! The Lord God omnipotent reigneth!

    Let there be no question that these are the glory days of Christian Science…. throughout all time and in every place
    Thank-you Evan and Kathy
    Thank you all, for each sharing gratitude and insight.

  55. The word gratitude seems so small right now, but I feel so much gratitude to you and to Kathy for sharing this wonderful proof of the power and presence of God and His Laws. What a precious gift you have shared with the world! Thank you so very much. Love to you both.

  56. Dear Evan. I loved your courage and persistence in facing up to animal magnetism – firstly in properly identifying the foe, and then in refusing to give in to it. Your vivid realizations outshone the fog. Thank you for your testimony, which is such an encouragement for the rest of us to never give up when faced by such dramatic circumstances. Praise God!

  57. Thank you so much for letting us in on this experience. I have learned a lot from your treatment. God bless you both.

  58. Thank you, Evan, for sharing this intimate experience and the moments of Life as all! Likes others, tears streamed my cheeks in joy for you and Kathy. This is love really reflected in Love!

  59. Evan,
    What a beautiful testimony to faith at the moment first aid is needed. Thank you for sharing how animal magnetism can act as a terrorist coming out of no where. How important it is to have that faith to stay on track with GOD and just be a witness to his omnipotent power.
    What a delightful post to share on facebook, twitter and google+. Thank you for this demonstration of how Divine Love answers every human need.

  60. What a wonderful healing. Our recent yearly meeting demonstrates the Christ which gave us the strength to follow through with the Christ Truth which you have demonstrated.

    Divine Love conquers all in God’s Kingdom.

    Thanks for keeping our family together!

  61. And Life is reflected in Life!
    Thank you, Evan and Kathy, for sharing this in such a profound way.
    No, you do not need to experience this again. However, this situation has helped both of you to grow in ways that are indescribable to others. Should another experience on this level come along to be handled, you will begin at a higher plane of thought and continue remarkable healing and growth. I know that it seems impossible to have a higher level of thinking, but that is all that can happen.

    With much gratitude and joy in your well-being,

  62. Wonderful demonstration. Have you considered sharing it as a Sentinel or Journal article? I hope you do. Marvelous. God is good.

  63. Wow! Wow! Wow!
    I have been waiting to read a testimony like this !

    This article came into my inbox last Saturday – i saw it last Sunday.
    When I saw the title i couldnt wait for it to open. Do you know I couldnt open the
    article until this morning 9th (Aussie time). I tried to open your other articles just to check if there was something wrong with the site but- no- I had no trouble accessing them.
    Only this particular article! I have tried so many times during the day to access it but couldnt. It would take me to the part- where it says “read the whole story ” then it would exit. this happened a number times. Now, I understand why M.A.M. up to no good -preventing me from reading something that I have been waiting for!

    Thank you so very much for sharing this very powerful, inspiring, encouraging and very personal testimony. Thank you for sharing what God is giving you . Truly God is good,
    God IS life. Bless you and Kathy Evan. Your blog inspires me and many a times have kept me going.

  64. Evan, my heart swells with gratitude for your testimony!
    I remember my CS teacher telling me not to ever give in to death. He said that God does not benefit from the death of he who can still praise Him. and that should be a clue to realize that, “No, is not the time to give in, it never is”

  65. Thank your for sharing this intimate moment that is such an inspiration to many of us. This was emailed to me, and I have sent this link on for several other people. At a time of year when so much wants to clutter the landscape with thoughts of what Christmas is not, I love reminders that Christmas is a celebration of Jesus who proved that life is eternal.

  66. Evan – Thank you so very much for sharing. I’m so grateful for the privilege of reading this post along with all the others. Thank you for being true to God…

  67. I too was faced with a near death experience when armed men forced their way into me and my husbands home. I can certainly relate to this near death experience and shout for joy that the truth witnessed and expressed in our thinking is like the flaming sword cutting asunder the ill effects of any kind presenting itself before us. THE CHRIST TRUTH BEING THE ONLY POWER WE EVER WILL NEED.

  68. “What cannot God do?” I love this. God is ALL. Period. That is soooooo much better than 911. Thank you for sharing.

  69. Thank you so much for this blog, Evan – it is such a clear proof of the power of the Christ and the dominion given to man to denounce all animal magnetism, and sharing your demonstration is a testimony that will stay with all who read it.

  70. I just received your post forwarded to me from a church friend. I am writing this with tears of joy flowing down my face. I can’t wait to get home from work and share this with my wife. Thank you! Now I have figure out how to clean up my face here at work. Thanks again!

  71. Paul says in Corinthians that the last enemy to be destroyed is death. The Bible also teaches that God is Life. In Science and Health (p429) we find,”This Life must be brought to light by the understanding that there is no death…We must begin, however, with the simpler demoinstrations of control…”

    i find in this testimony encouragement and inspiration that, although we are grateful for each one of them, the time has come to no longer be content with only “the simpler demonstrations of control”, but to bring to light the full glory of Christian Science for this age in the destruction of all mortal mind’s false claims. Thank you so much.

    I wonder, too, what Kathy’s experience of this healing was like? Could you share that with us please, Kathy?

  72. Oh, Evan, thank you for sharing this powerful demonstration. What started as “Faith as a grain of mustard seed” (faith seemed small against the darkness and fear of the moment) turned into the tree of life.

  73. A few weeks ago, I was at a lecture where Tom McElroy shared a thought that had come to him – that he was the Executive Reflector of God, or as I abbreviated, he was the ERG.
    Later I googled ERG as I thought an erg was defined as a unit of energy. It is, but I also found that it was an acronym for ‘Emergency Response Guidebook.” Thank you God for our Emergency Response Guidebooks…

  74. Dear Evan, thanks for reminding us that we have to deal with malicious animal magnetism that seems to come from no where. Mrs Eddy somewhere said that she had to deal with it and now it was our turn or else we would lose the movement – and your determined effort certainly proved that evil has no power. Thanks for sharing this terrifying experience and its wonderful outcome.

  75. I was so touched by the conquering of fear that at first gripped you and for your instant realization that God was indeed Kathy’s life! Fear has been the “bugaboo” in most of my challenges. It takes me “work” and awhile to feel the release of that but when it comes it comes as TRUST. then the challenge is met, error gone! Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful proof of God’s Love for his reflection.

  76. What a GLORIOUS, TRIUMPHANT demonstration of Truth’s all-presence, all- power — and all-love. Thank you so much for sharing such a private experience. !t will give courage and strength to all who read it to — in any apparently dire situation — totally and fearlessly trust in GOD, who, as you so aptly proved, is our LIFE. You conquered the most malicious animal magnetism suggestion there is — that of the belief of death. And right up there with that belief, perhaps even the only thing ever that we must totally overcome in any situation opposing itself to God or Life — is the suggestion of fear, for when that is no longer real to us, whatever would claim to oppose God disappears, or to quote Mrs. Eddy: “When fear disappears, the foundation of disease is gone.” S&H 368:31-32. Thank you from my heart for sharing your healing experience. I am sending it on to everyone I know.

  77. Thank you Evan, for the helpful details of your prayer. It has reinforced for me that no healing occurs till we get beyond the material picture to the spiritual reality, and then choose which to hang on to. Your persistent trust gave a wonderful example of the outcomes available.

  78. DEAR Evan and Kathy: Although I have snail-mail written to you, I realize, after reading all the above, how all-encompassing, all including is your sharing of that NDE. I am so grateful, so humbled, so buoyant, so uplifted, not only from re-reading your experience over and over, but, by all the gratitude expressed above. I do not think that words are adequate to express the tremendous learning I have picked up , the support, understanding, gratitude I
    feel —not only from your dear, intimate description of healing of our/your Kathy, but the outpouring of Love and understanding from all those listed above. My gratitude knows no bounds tonight. What a LIFT from dear ones from all over the world. I am humbled to read all. My gratitude puts me on my knees—-THANK YOU, GOD.

  79. I have been through with my own husband who is not a Christian Scientist exactly what happened to you. I found him unconsciousness on the bathroom floor in the middle of the night when I heard a thud…almost exactly as you described it, we prayed vigorously and I found the need to shout the Truth out loud to destroy the great fear and bring calm. There was a complete healing without medical assistance. It was a breathtaking moment followed by tears of gratitude when my husband finally came to and there was more strong prayer through the night. But I love that this message is absolutely truth, that God is my (our) Life !
    Nothing (no thing) can restrict, impede or thwart what is divinely true and that which is not cannot do anything to that which is !

  80. Thank you so much Evan and Kathy for sharing this to us. It just proves that the Christ is here NOW ! and forever! ; that the Christ did not belong to only the past years.
    This so inspiring! Christian Science is a demonstrable Science!

    Thank you to all for your comments shared.

  81. Dear Evan,
    “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. Truly, you have been – and continue to be – a transparency for Christ.
    Your experience is powerful and inspiring. Thank you so much !

  82. With heartfelt gratitude and tears in my eyes, can’t thank you enough for sharing this wonderful proof of God’s Love, omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence.

  83. Dear Evan and Kathy

    Bless your hearts! Thank you for sharing this Christmas blessing with us. We stand with you in our gratitude and joy!!! Well done, good and faithful servants! Much, much love to you both.

  84. Dear Evan and Kathy,

    Not only am I filled with gratitude for your sharing this beautiful experience testifying to the fact that God is, indeed, our very Life! This experience of yours is the ROCK thrown into the pond of Truth, and one has only to read all the above to see how those rings are rippling
    through consciousness in our world……………Mortal mind would appear to be shouting
    death from every direction, and yet your quiet, tenacious, declarations of Truth’s forever LIFE
    stand as living witnesses to the invisible, immutable, divine Laws of Eternal Life. Not one report of death anywhere can ever touch, let alone destroy, these invincible LAWS OF LIFE.

    Bless you both for all these ripples going out into the world, and God’s blessings to all the above who have seen, heard, and gleaned!

    What a Christmas gift unspeakable!

    With love, gratitude, and much promise,

  85. Beautiful demonstration.

    Love is the healer an there was so much love acknowledged right there when you needed it most.

    Keep up all your good work for the Christian Science movement which includes ALL mankind.

    Truth, Wisdom, Love and Sincerity, to ALL mankind.

    Rob Scott
    Chicago, IL

  86. Evan – I am without adequate words to express my appreciation for the two of you sharing this so personal and precious healing experience. As others have spoken, it gives one such a useful walk through and beyond the so important recognition of any seeming intrusive contrivances of AM. And beyond the mortal emotion and fears, — to banish acceptance of any seeming counter-power that would assail Christian Science and negate firm, working, Christly understanding.

    Your humble account of making the transition to total trust of Truth’s unassailable spiritual reality — wholly separate from the human scenario — is a memorable building block. The inclusion of the manner in which divine Love’s presence was recognized between you two really makes your account an extraordinary, sweet Christmas gift, not just to our Association, but to the whole world. What an instructive life memory you have given us all! With love, Barb

  87. Dear Evan,

    Thank you profusely for sharing how you radically relied on God to overcome animal magnetism of that magnitude and to prove the statement in our beloved textbook Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “At all times and under all circumstances, overcome evil with good. Know thyself, and God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over evil.” (SH 571:15-18) What a victory, indeed!!

  88. Dear Evan and Cathy, thank you for sharing this wonderful healing. This is what Christian Science is about and what Jesus indicated in greater works shall you do.
    Several years ago you and our class gave a great deal of prayer and devotion which brought me back from an unconscious state when material beliefs had written me off. this participation of one Mind was shared by a member of our class last summer and joy and tears were expressed by me.
    Your account leads us in conquering our Truths and will be cherished. God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for victory over evil as noted by Sharon.

  89. Yes, wow, wow, wow! Thank you so much Evan and Kathy for sharing your “miracle” which Mrs. Eddy defines in Science and Health as “That which is divinely natural but must be learned humanly;” I’ve always loved the idea that these momentous experiences we encounter that seem so miraculous are just “divinely natural”…the way God intended, totally the norm not the exception!

    Enjoyed all the comments too. I am so grateful this blog was still accessable even over a year later! I somehow missed it before but know that nothing is ever lost that is needful. (=

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