Never give up

August 24, 2017 | 15 comments

“Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.”

~ Apostle Paul, Romans 12:12, NLT

If you ever feel stuck, stymied, stalled, stopped or restricted by a major challenge you face, and it feels tempting to give up and quit, refuse to give in! There is always something you can do that helps.

Be patient, and keep on praying. There is a solution. God knows it, the one Mind reveals it to you, and you have spiritual sense to discern it.

Patience often brings the greatest reward.

Here’s another translation of the above quote:

“Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder.”

~ The Message

15 thoughts on “Never give up”

  1. “Wait patiently for Divine Love to move upon the waters of mortal mind and form the perfect concept. Patience must have her perfect work.” Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy
    Its difficult to be patient when you are going through hard times. One feels “Now enough is enough. Can’t take it any more.” But we need to pause, be very silent and question to self..”Doesn’t the all knowing Mind know about what I am passing through?” “Will the all Loving God leave me helpless?” We need to patiently wait and see the glory of God unfold in our life.
    Our leader, Mrs. Eddy did not give up on God all those years when she did not have a house of her own. She waited with so much grace and patience and continued with her noble works of healing. Though she was very prayerful, she never complained of ill health in her childhood. She trusted her mother who said “Mary God is able to heal you.”
    Mrs. Eddy prayed patiently when she came face to face with death. She asked for her Bible and went through the many healings done by Christ Jesus and saved herself from death.
    She patiently persisted with her discovery of Christian Science though in her times women did not get their due respect and status in society.
    If we are patient and don’t give up…We will receive the best reward from God..
    With God there is always a victory. So lets continue being patient because victory is very close ..closer than we think.
    Thanks so much Evan for encouraging us to be patient in times of trouble and when faced with challenges.

  2. This advice really gave me cause to think about why I can get impatient, and I realized I often get job duties and responsibilities mixed up: I have my role and responsibilities but they really flow from the bigger picture and I am often on a need-to-know basis as the plan comes together. Much as I want to see it finished now – that’s not my job. I am perfectly capable of understanding and carrying out my part so no worries about getting dumped or fired, but this is my Dad’s company and he wants the best for all of his “family”. It helps me sometimes to just take a deep breath and remind myself I can trust my Dad but this part is his job!

    1. Thank you Patty, for your reply, as you helped me really see more clearly, what is the real truth that is going on all around me. And thank you Evan for your Message today too. I’m ready for the today’s lesson and will be enjoying it too!

  3. Patience is definitely necessary. Be strong and vigilant. Mortal mind (the human mind) cannot stand the test of time, and has to give into the prayerful Truths one is working out in thought over time in regards to whatever problem or health condition one if praying about. Divine Mind is eternal, and stands forever at your side. He/She utters ideas and concepts in thoughts to you a you are sincerely working out whatever is facing you. You are Divine Loves, beloved child. He/She is on you side. Rooting you on. Working out things in thought/ prayer via Christian Science type mental work is a great way to uplift thought. Step by step you can overcome whatever is in your way. Giving up, nothing is solved. The problem is there. You can run away form a problem or use alternate human means to handle it, but those solutions are usually not permanent. But if you need to take that route in your life its up to you to decide that. Sometimes we need to take a break in our battles. The situation may re-manifest it self somewhere else, in your life, as you didn’t really solve it completely at the time. Maybe? Anyways….you can look at any problem this way and how it can be overcome via Christian Science type prayerful mental work…..the analogy of swinging a sledge hammer at a big rock comes to mind. Sometimes, you can swing and get the right hit at the right place and the rock can shatter immediately. This can happen in prayer, you get the right Truth or inspiration and revelation and the problem vanishes or lifts or whatever. But usually it seems like it takes a few (or a bunch , or a lot) of good spiritual hits over time, with consistent effort, to break down the error that is bothering us. As we work it out, the still small voice of Truth is always talking to you and uttering ideas (in CS ideas from God, are the definition of what an Angel really is). Working out a problem in thought, praying, reasoning it through, we get ideas, and revelations along the way and know that the problem is being reduced just a bit more. Then one day we should be rewarded with the final success. Anways…take care all 🙂

  4. thank you thank you. I do not remember the exact words right now but I am reminded of the Bible phrase of something like: wherever I go whether hell or heaven, deep in the earth, there you are, my God, divine love. I have had many times where my husband or someone else in my family is going through something and I cannot speak in how I understand it. But I know God is, whether they know it or not and keep praying.

  5. This must be something that needs be at the forefront of thought right now, as I was immediately reminded of a testimony I just read in the new (Sept. 4) Sentinel, where persistence in prayer for two or three years (!)–including consistently giving herself a daily Christian Science treatment with the expectancy of healing–was credited for a healing of glaucoma.

  6. Thank you, Evan and all SVfans!! I came to the same conclusions this week. A long going situation – and every time I think its resolved, another impediment crops up to be handled.
    I thought – I guess its just not the right time. But then this morning, slowly like the sun coming up, I realized – I’m reflecting God and His activity – He’s in charge and the outcome can only be perfect, harmonious, and bless all. DUH!! I let it go and feel only good will be the result.
    Thanks for the reminder!!! (sometimes I need a lot of those!)

  7. Yes, patience is necessary. But don’t let it turn into just ‘waiting’. The December, 2016 issue of the CS Journal has an excellent article, The Immediacy of Christ-healing. “Immediacy is always an attribute of the presence of God”. Right away I am trying to make my thought “God, infinite power, presence, and perfection are here right now, ACTIVELY here right now. We are not mortal man, we are God’s perfect man, NOW. This may take practice. KNOW with understanding, that God, Divine Love, knows us as his/her perfect being.
    The article following is by Evan, “Love that dissolves dividing lines – excellent.

  8. Sometimes when I feel stuck, one thing I think about is the good my prayers will do for the world while I’m awaiting my answer.

  9. Humility is
    Viewing the
    Power and Glory
    of God

    Love is
    finding this

    Beauty is
    Its manifestation
    thru creative
    works of goodness

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