In the files of Sandra Day O-Connor, the first woman supreme court justice, was this note she wrote to herself:
“Don’t let fate take over. You can influence your destiny.”
“First: Sandra Day O’Connor,” by Evan Thomas
One’s destiny from a spiritual point of view, is always oneness with God. Spiritual man and Spirit-God is the ultimate reality of all things, and everyone is destined to learn and experience this fact.
However, in the human experience, it can seem at times that something other than God is controlling our destiny.
In O’Connor’s case, being a woman in a man’s world could have caused her to accept many limitations on her career trajectory. But she rejected them knowing that she was as capable as a man. And she proved it. She demonstrated over the “fate” of a woman that sexism, discrimination, and chauvinism could have outlined for her.
We can apply the same rule in our lives. We should never let any type of mortal mind fate take over. Predictions of illness, lack, depression, and conflict are examples of mortal mind outlining fate. We are not helpless in the face of these evils. They can be rejected and replaced with an understanding of abundant health, supply, joy and harmony coming from God.
Our fate is never evil. It is good. Accept the best for yourself, and prosper.
What a helpful reminder not to accept a sense of future outcome, Fate and destiny are mortal measurements of time and tend to be a resignation to negative expectancy. Fate could be deemed “False Acceptance Takes Everything”, True acceptance is the acknowledgment of present good, We have everything we need now, – as Evan states “abundant health, supply, joy and harmony coming from God” right now and always.
God has already planned and fulfilled our lives in His Truth and Love. I AM THAT I AM is the perfect completeness of all life now, every moment filled with the infinite goodness of God’s love, each of us reflecting and uniquely fulfilling God’s expression of Him /Herself. Let go. let God.
A WONderful reply
Thank you, Evan!!
Many years ago, a Christian Science Practitioner shared this idea with me, “Animal Magnetism cannot act through prophecy to bring itself about!” I found that really helpful and still try to grasp it’s fuller meaning. Today’s post has expanded it for me. Thank you Evan, as always, what you shared is very helpful and thought and prayer provoking.
Thank you for sharing “Animal Magnetism cannot act through prophecy to bring itself about!” I have been working on the belief of a false prophecy being part of my experience and this is very helpful.
Right all! Can you imagine Fate kicking God around? Then it can’t touch us. We can rejoice in God’s governing hand, a present and future of inescapable good.
“False fears are foes, Truth tatters those, when understood.” MBE
Yes, God, good, is the only power! He is All-in-all.
Thanks. God, good, is the only power. He is All-in-all and we are subject to Him alone.
A friend of mine found out after she married a man she had felt “fate” had lead her to and was so joyous to have “found” him. That on the wedding trip when she felt she had made a misjudgement she stayed in the marriage many years figuring “fate” put them together and who was she to judge! Then she found CS and she was led out of that situation and had a more fulfilling and joyous life!!
It takes time to reject the world of limitations that we all were fed. But what is earthly time but yet another trip around the sun? All is present and I am gobsmacked at how magnificent it truly is.
Wonderful, Nadine!
What a help this “don’t let fate take over.” is for me. Tomorrow I leave early on for a business date in northern Calif—from Nevada. It means driving over the Sierra Mt. passes heavy with snow on big highways. As I read the uplifting article from Evan and the wonderful comments from SV followers I realized I had spent an inordinate amount of time tracking highway conditions, checking for chain control–and “worry.” What an uplift to read the above from all. Gone is the concern, the “what ifs” and they are replaced with absolute knowing that only God is control tomorrow. “God has already planned and controlled our lives.” “Fear thou not for I am with thee.” Now instead of constantly checking out the computer, TV weather updates, I am immersing myself in our lesson on Reality. What a change of thought this whole article and comments have given me. So much gratitude to all from a grateful reader.
Awesome example, and have a fantastic trip!
Thank you! That’s also an issue I’m personally passionate about. I firmly believe that anyone can do anything that they set their mind to.
For most of my life, I’ve been told that I can’t or shouldn’t myself.
Like right now, I’m aspiring to go into CS Nursing after I save up for another year, year and a half. I KNOW that my mother (who I’m still currently living with for financial reasons) doesn’t want me to do it (even if she won’t admit it directly as usual). The clerk (the one who seemed to have a problem with me in general) at the church I’d been going to up until almost three weeks ago now was dubious about it as well but I’m not letting that stop me, either. And at least she’s wise enough to know that she can’t stop me. 🙂
I KNOW when I’m called somewhere and since attending the Comfort’s Art workshop last November, I know that CS Nursing is it.
Hi Lacy, if you have the deep wish to learn CS Nursing, that wish is from God, and God will lead you to accomplish it. I also had that strong wish decades ago, and I made it. But while I was still learning and I said I want to apply for listing in the Journal and Herald, the nurses leader told me, that I am not yet ready (mentally) to do that. An article from the German Herald helped me to free me of that human judgment. I read that there is no immaturity for God`s children, not even for babies. That hit the nail for me. It freed me to apply for listing, and two years later I was listed, I was happy.
My inspirational thought regarding to Evan`s wonderful clear SpiritView of today is, that there is no human fate, but rather our fate is in God, with whom all things are possible in Spirit and Love.
Evan, I am specially grateful for the paragraph before last of your today`s SpiritView. It is so clearing my thought and very comforting, thank you so much !